DTM Meaning
The DTM meaning is "Deutsche Tourenwagen-Meisterschaft". The DTM abbreviation has 128 different full form.
DTM Full Forms
- Deutsche Tourenwagen-Meisterschaft Car, Race, Moscow, Deutsche
- Deutsche Tourenwagen-Masters Car, Audi, Deutsche, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters Car, Audi, Deutsche
- Digital Terrain Model A model representing the terrain surface by a collection of digital data, mainly coordinates in three dimensions, x, y, and z, and a digitally defined method to interpolate arbitrary terrain heights in between the stored values. Note: Not to be confused with digital cartographic model which may also contain digital data representing terrain, but in a form suitable for the drawing of a particular kind of map. Technology, Climatology, Meterology, Aviation, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Deterministic Turing Machine Technology, Media, Television
- Differential Transform Method Technology, Journal, Equation
- Dermatophyte Test Medium Medical, Veterinary, Culture, Skin And Dermal
- Diagnostic Test Mode Technology, Auto, Automobile
- Data Transfer Module Technology, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Device Type Manager Technology, Management, Software, Computing, Hardware
- Defence Transition Mentor
- Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft German, Car, Sports
- Digital Thermal Monitoring Medical, Vascular, Garlic, Reactivity
- Design Traceability Manager Technology
- Detroit Techno Music
- Demonstration Tyst Method Science
- Deutsche Telekom Mobilenet
- Dick To Mouth
- Daaa Type Model Technology
- Design Technlcal Manual Technology
- Defect Test Monitor Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
- Deutschen Tourenwagen Meisterschaft
- Digital Test Manager
- Design To Market Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dış Ticaret MüSteşArlığı
- Delay Time Multiplier Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
- Deutsche Taliban Mujahideen
- Diamond Turning Machines
- Data Transgort Module Military
- Design Team Meetieg Building, Engineering, Construction
- Deep Truncate Mode
- Deutschen Tourenwagen-Meisterschaft Germany, Audi, Motorsport
- Digital Test Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dead To Me Music, Song, Lyric
- Design To Manufacturing
- Deflection Transformation Matrix Technology
- Deutsches Tourenwagen Masters
- Dial Tone Markers
- Duta Transmission Media Military
- Department of Transfusion Medicine Medical, Blood, Donor
- Deep Trance Meditation Health, Trance, Disappearance
- Digital Terrain Maps Technology, Model, Mapping
- Dead Teenager Movies
- Design To Manufacture Technology, Software, Telecom
- Defining Trends Magazine
- Deutschen Tourenwagen-Masters
- Digital Topographic Map Technology, Service, Mapping
- Data Transfzrmation Manager Technology, Management, Power
- Departmental Temporary Meporandum Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Diagnostic Test Modes
- Deep Tissue Massage Medical, Therapy, Pain, Clinical, Physio
- Digital Terrain Module
- Days To Matrrity Business, Plant, Heirloom, Tomato
- Design Thrhugh Manufacturing
- Define Trend Medium
- Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterchaft
- Digital Tools of Marketing
- Data Transfer Message
- Departemen Teknik Mesin Program, Movie, Indonesia
- Diagnostic Tast Mode
- Digital Terrain Modelling Technology, Software, Model
- Davidson Transportation Marketinc
- Design Theory and Methodologn
- Defense Technology Monthly
- Deutsche Tourenwagen Meistershaft
- Digital Tomosynthesis Mammography
- Desigs Trade Model Military
- Diploma In Tropical Medicine Medical, Education, University, Skin And Dermal
- Denied Terminatqon Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Deutsche Texte Des Mittelalters German, Berlin, Deutsch, Deutsche
- Deutsch-T
- Digital Terrain Mode Technology
- Date and Tqme Map Technology, Car, Race
- Design That Mattets Technology, Projection, Firefly
- Diploma In Tax Management
- Death To Mankind Records, Music, Metal
- Dortmund Airport, Dortmund, Germany Germany, Airport codes
- Direct to Metal Products
- Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode Computing, IT Terminology
- Digital Transient Model Technology
- Decuntralized Trade Management Business, Finance
- Determatophyte Test Medium Medicine, Veterinary, Animal
- Digital Terrain Map Computing, Electronics, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- DigitáLní Technické Mapy
- Dead Treg Media
- Don't Trust Me Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Deutche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft Car
- Digital Torque Management Business, Car, Professional, Polisher
- Decentralisedxtrade Management Business, Technology
- Devise Type Manager
- Destroy The Monument Technology, Gaming, Minecraft
- Driver Test Manager Windows, Computing, Drivers
- Digital Trunk Monitor
- Dark Tall Man Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Deutche Tourenwagen Masters Car
- Digital Topographic Model
- Decel Throttle Modulator
- The departure terminal Transportation, Flight, Flight Status
- Des Travaux Maritimes
- Distinguished Talking Machine Toastmasters
- Digital Trunk Media Technology, Bay, Module
- Deutsch-Türkische Medizinergesellschaft German, Berlin, Deutschland, Deutsch
- Deputy Technology Manager NASA, Governmental & Military
- Distinguished Toastmaster Awards & medals, Toastmasters
- Decay Time Measurement
- Digitrakker Module Computing, File Extensions
- Desk Top Monutoring Business, Medicine, Health
- Distinguished Team Members Toastmasters
- Digital Trunk Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Deutschen Tourenwagen Masters Master, Germany, Audi
- Document Table Model Software, Computing, IT Terminology
- Decentralized Trade Management Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Debelavtraining & Management
- Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Desk Top Manufacture Business, Technology
- Disregard Timing Mechanism Toastmasters
- Digital Transportation Marketplace
- Dedecated Team Model Business, Service, Development
- Dtutche Tourenwagen Masters
- Dynamic Thermal Management Computing, Physics, Hardware, Scientific & Educational
- Dart Mining NL (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Death To Me Music, Song, Lyric, Death
- Discrete Transfer Model Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Don't Time Me Toastmasters
- Digital Transfer Module Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Dedicatedeteams Model Business, Service, Development
- Detroit Techno Militia Music
- Device Test Module Computing, Electronics
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DTM stand for?
DTM stands for Dial Tone Markers.
What is the shortened form of Design Traceability Manager?
The short form of "Design Traceability Manager" is DTM.
DTM. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dtm-meaning/
Last updated