DTR Meaning
The DTR meaning is "Deep Tendon Reflex". The DTR abbreviation has 152 different full form.
DTR Full Forms
- Deep Tendon Reflex In medical science, Deep Tendon Reflex (DTR) is a reflex that is elicited by the sudden stretching of a muscle group. It is a type of involuntary reflex that tests the function of the nervous system. Medical, Healthcare, Jobs, Technology, Nursing, Physical Therapy, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Defense Transportation Regulation Transportation, Military, Logistics
- Deep Tendon Reflexes Deep Tendon Reflexes (DTRs) are a type of reflex that tests the function of the nervous system. These reflexes are involuntary muscle contractions that occur in response to a sudden stretch or tap on a specific tendon. DTRs are important for maintaining posture, balance, and coordination, and are controlled by the nervous system. During a DTR test, a healthcare provider will use a reflex hammer to tap the tendon just below the muscle belly. The reflex response is graded on a scale of 0 to 4, with 0 indicating no reflex response and 4 indicating a very brisk reflex response. The most commonly tested DTRs are the knee-jerk reflex and the ankle reflex. Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Reflex, Fda
- Detail Transiction Report
- Discrepancy Tracking Report
- Data Type Registrieo
- Duty Type Rating
- Diffusion Transfer Reversal Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Define The Relationship Internet Slang, Group, Chat, Dating, Love, Birthday, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Defemse Travel Regulation
- Dezelopment Test Report Science
- Down The Road Business, Car, Rip
- Departamento De Transportes RodoviáRios
- Digital Television Recorder Technology, Satellite, Box
- Dansk Taxi Rad
- Dudhwa Tiger Reserve Park, Locations, National
- Draft Etsi Technical Report Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Detailed Trynsaction Report
- Disclosure and Transparency Rule Business, Company, Financial
- Data Type Registry
- Duty Tr Report
- Differential Transmitted Reference
- Diurnal Temperature Range Science, Climate, Locations, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Defense Trade Regulations Science, Military
- Developmental Test Report
- Down The River
- Denver Trail Runners
- Digital Television Receiver
- Danish Twin Registry
- Duct Tape Repairmen
- Daughter A female offspring. A female adopted child. A product of radioactive decay. A cell resulting from cell division. Medical, Medicine, Health, Genealogy, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Dpc Test Report Space, Study, Cosmos
- Detailed Test Report
- Dinas Tata Ruang Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Pot
- Data Trending Recorder
- Duta Tambang Rekaydsa Technology, Energy, Indonesia, Ton
- Diet Technician, Registered Education, Technician, Dietetic
- Digital Tape Recorder Technology, Recording, Voyager, Military, Governmental & Military
- Defense To Reppyment Business, Student, Loan
- Development and Test Relource Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
- Down The Rail
- Dave The Resurrector
- Defining The Relatioxship Internet Slang, Dating, Talk
- Digital Telemetering Register Technology
- Dance Therapy Registered
- Dual Twister Ramp
- Down To Run
- Destroy The Ring
- Digitone Receiver Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Data Transmit Rtady Technology, Port, Interface, Serial
- Duramaxftokai Rubber
- Diet Technician Registered Nutrition, Education, Dietitian
- Data Transmission Rate Technology, Science, Communication
- Defense Threat Reduction
- Developmental Test Round
- Download To Rent Technology, Service, Demand
- Dave The Rave Forum, Music, Talk, Rave
- Defjnse Travel Region
- Digital Technologn Report
- Dance Therapist, Registered
- Down To Rock
- Department of Tourism and Recreation
- Digital Trunked Radio Technology, Communication, Motorola
- Data Transmivsion Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Dqndee Tunnel Research
- Data Terminal Ready Data Terminal Ready is a control signal in RS-232 serial communications, transmitted from a data terminal such as a computer, to a data circuit-terminating device for example a modem, to indicate that the terminal is ready for communications and the modem may initiate a communications channel. Technology, Computing, Computer, Information Technology, Telecom, IT Terminology, Federal Aviation Administration
- Defense Terrestriaf Reactor Science
- Detroit Techno Rejords
- Division of Technical Resources Science
- Dates Wo Remember
- Defense Travel Regions Military
- Digital Tape Recorders Technology, Spacecraft, Voyager
- Daily Tax Report
- Down To Read
- Department of Transport and The Regions
- Digital Transient Recorder
- Data Transformation Runtime
- Dulles Toll Road Transportation, Technology, Virginia
- Dmtermine The Relationship Dating, Friendship, Relationship, Love
- Discrete Tone Relation Technology, Telecom
- Dat Danish Air Transport Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Diffusion Transfer
- Daily Task Report
- Defense Transpnrtation Regulations Technology, Service, Military
- Down To Rage
- Departamento De Transformación De La Realidad
- Digital Transformer Ratiometer
- Dark Torreador Red
- Dudwa Tiger Reserve
- Development and Test Resource Atmospheric Research
- Dual Tension Restorer Medical, Device, Restoration, Foreskin
- Drop Tube Reactor Porn, Tool, Tube, Motorola
- Ddys To Remember
- Departmental Telecommunications Representative
- Direct To Rust Funnies
- Dieteticwtechnician, Registered Education, Technician, Dietitian
- Defence Technology Review
- Direct-To-Tape Recordings Music, Recording, Organ
- Datronic Data Recording Computing, File Extensions
- Dokumentacja Techniczno-Ruchowa Jest, Jak, Nap
- Drop Test Report Army, War, War Force
- Davis Tube Recovery Business, Projection, Iron, Magnetite
- Departamento De Tecnologia Rural
- Double Treble Crochet
- Diesel Truck Resource Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Dedicated Token-Ring
- Digital Transformation In Russia Business, Russia, Moscow
- Decatur Island, Washington USA Airport codes
- Document Transmission Record
- Drive Thru Records
- Delivery Truck Ramp
- double triple Crochet
- Develop Thermoplastic Resint
- Dedijated Token Ring Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Digital Target Report
- Down-Time Ratio Computing, Telecom
- Diural Temperature Range
- Drift Tek Racing Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Death To Religion Religion
- Dietetic Technician, Registered In medical science, a Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR) is a healthcare professional who is trained in the science of nutrition and works under the supervision of a registered dietitian (RD) to provide nutrition care and education to individuals and groups. DTRs work in a variety of settings, such as hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and community organizations. They help to develop and implement nutrition care plans for patients and clients, and assist in monitoring and evaluating their progress. Medical, Nursing, Awards & medals, Occupation & positions
- Dual Travel Ratio Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Development Test Request Technology
- Debtors Turnover Ratio Business, Management, Financial
- Diamond Tactical Reticle
- Design Time Repository Computing, SAP
- Disposable Tape Reel
- Dietetic Thchnician Registration
- Dreams To Reality Gaming, Music, Dream
- Define a Relationship
- Data Telemetering Register
- Do Tini Reset Assembly, Business & Finance
- Dual Transfer Rate Technology, Device, Memory, Serial
- Development Technical Review
- Diath To The Regime
- Detour A temporary route for traffic around a closed portion of a road. Medical
- Dual Technique Resin Products
- Dietetic Technicians Rebistered Business, Education
- Drayage Truck Registry Technology, Service, Port
- Defence Training Rationalisation Business, Military, Group
- Disclusion Time Reduction Disclusion Time Reduction (DTR) is a dental term that refers to a technique used to adjust a patient's bite. It involves identifying and eliminating any premature contacts between the teeth when the jaw is in motion. This is important because premature contacts can cause discomfort, damage to the teeth, and can interfere with normal chewing and speaking. Medical, Patient, Pain
- Detention Request Fda
- Dance Therapist Registered In medical science, a Dance Therapist Registered (DTR) is a healthcare professional who uses movement and dance to promote physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Dance therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses movement and dance as a way to help individuals improve their physical, emotional, and cognitive health. Medical, Health, Therapy
- Daily Trade Returns Accounting, Business & Finance
- Dual-Tension Restorer
- Development Throughfradio
- Dead To Rights
- Detorubicin Medical
- Defining the Relationship
- Dietetic Technicians, Registered Education, Technician, Dietitian
- Draft Technical Report Technology, Engineering, Telecom, Scientific & Educational
- Decence Training Review Business, Military, Force
- Discharge-Tube Recifier
- Physiology, Deep Tendon Reflexes. (). National Library of Medicine.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does DTR stand for?
DTR stands for Direct To Rust.
What is the shortened form of Disclosure and Transparency Rule?
The short form of "Disclosure and Transparency Rule" is DTR.
DTR. Acronym24.com. (2023, May 3). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dtr-meaning/
Last updated