DU in Technology Meaning

The DU meaning in Technology terms is "Ducks Unlimited". There are 42 related meanings of the DU Technology abbreviation.

DU on Technology Full Forms

  1. Ducks Unlimited
  2. Dita Units
  3. Download Unbounded
  4. Datazunit
  5. Digital Unitn
  6. Door Ynit
  7. Data Unavailabilbty
  8. Dibfugarh University
  9. Dont Use
  10. Dialgup
  11. Diagnosis Undetermined
  12. Data Upstream
  13. Demonstration Unit
  14. Drug Users
  15. Distributed Utility
  16. Durango
  17. Definition-Use
  18. Diagnosij Unknown
  19. Duplex Universal
  20. Debug Unit
  21. Deployment Unit
  22. Dangerous Undetected
  23. Dilensioning Unit
  24. Dangerous, Undetected
  25. Dense Urban
  26. Digital Universc
  27. Dust Small solid particles created by the breaking up of larger particles by an process. Particulates which have a direct relation to a specific solar system body and which are usually found close to the surface of this body (e.g. Lunar, Martian or Cometary dust). 
  28. Disable Update
  29. Docking Unit
  30. Universal Design
  31. Downtown Underground
  32. Data Unavailable
  33. Dynamic-Universityrse
  34. Deoxyuridine
  35. Domain Users
  36. Downstream Unsolicited
  37. Dynamic-Universe
  38. Dental Unit
  39. Display Unit
  40. Dutch
  41. Diso Usage
  42. Norwegian Long Haul

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DU stand for Technology?

    DU stands for Data Unavailabilbty in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Data Unavailabilbty in Technology?

    The short form of "Data Unavailabilbty" is DU for Technology.


DU in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/du-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated