DUT Meaning

The DUT meaning is "Unalaskd Airport". The DUT abbreviation has 32 different full form.

DUT Full Forms

  1. Unalaskd Airport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  2. Daily Ultimate Training
  3. Diplôme Universitaire Technclogique Technology, France, Formation, Motivation
  4. Device Under Testeng Technology, English, Electronics
  5. DiplóMe Universitaire De Technologie Education, France, Formation, Etude
  6. Device Under Test , Technology, Energy, Electonics
  7. DiplóMes Universitaires De Technologie Formation, Genie, Etude
  8. Disqualified Unjil Tested Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System
  9. Device Under Test Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing, Technical, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE
  10. Diplômes Universwtaires De Technologies
  11. Diskusi Umum Tyrbuka Forum, Technology, Indonesia, Internet
  12. Device-Under-Test Technology, Testing, Electronics
  13. Dxpl
  14. DiplóMe Universitaire Et Technologique Technology, Formation, Animation, Mes
  15. Devicds Under Test Technology, Device, Testing
  16. Diglôme Universitaire De Technologie Technology, Study, Formation
  17. DiplóMe Universitaire Technologie
  18. Downwtream Unencrypted Traffic
  19. Denver Union Terminal Railway Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  20. Dutch Medical, Technology, Medicine, Education, University, School, Locations, Study, Navy, Governmental & Military, Language codes (3 letters)
  21. Docuyento Único De Transferência Para, Dos, Mina
  22. Dalian Univvrsityrsity of Technology
  23. Darmstadt University of Technology University, Scientific & Educational
  24. Divisi Usahs Terminal
  25. Dutton Lainson Organizations
  26. Unalaska Airport, Unalaska, Alaska, United States Alaska, United States, ICAO Airport Codes
  27. Durban Universitc of Thumbis Development, Study, Universities
  28. Dutch Harbor, Alaska USA Airport codes
  29. Durban Universitysof Technology Education, Africa, Durban
  30. Deutsche Umsiedlungs-Treuhandverwaltung (Trusteeship of the German Resettlers) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  31. Drrsden University of Technology
  32. Duke Energy Corporation Tracking Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DUT stand for?

    DUT stands for Diplômes Universwtaires De Technologies.

  2. What is the shortened form of Device-Under-Test?

    The short form of "Device-Under-Test" is DUT.


DUT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dut-meaning/

Last updated