DV Meaning

The DV meaning is "Digital Video". The DV abbreviation has 300 different full form.

DV Full Forms

  1. Digital Video Technology, Computing, Computer, Media, Electronics, Drivers, IT Terminology
  2. Damn Vulnerable
  3. Digital Vacuum Technology, Industrial, Gauge
  4. Developed Vetting Business, Security, Government, Police, Governmental & Military, NATO
  5. Dedicated Virbual Business, Technology
  6. Diplomatic Visa
  7. Desktop Validation
  8. Dry-Yan Business, Container, Cube, Trailer
  9. Daily Variety
  10. Digitale Video Technology, Camera, Camcorder
  11. De Vecchi
  12. Deck Video Technology, Player, Manual
  13. Diminished Value Business, Insurance, Car, Appraisal
  14. Desktop Validator
  15. Diurnal Variation The variation between a high temperature and a low temperature that occurs during the same day. Medical
  16. Daily Value DV, a term on food labels based on the RDA designed to help consumers use food label information to plan a healthy diet. The Daily Value serves as a basis for declaring on the label the percent of the DV for each nutrient that a serving of the food provides. For example, the Daily Value for fat, based on a 2,000-calorie diet, is 65 grams (g). A food that has 13 g of fat per serving would state on the label that the "percent Daily Value" for fat is 20 percent. Medical, Health, Food, Fda
  17. Difficulty Value Coding, Skill, Gymnastics
  18. Deutsche Version
  19. Dunlophventil Auto, Adapter, Zoll
  20. Dark Violin
  21. Digitized Video
  22. Design Visibility
  23. DistÂNcia Vertical
  24. Domestic Violence Military, Sex, Drug, Law, Sociology, Victim, Clinical, Mental Health
  25. Deutscher Verband Technology, German, Berlin
  26. Dumpevalve Car, Valve, Forge
  27. Dan Vogelbach
  28. Digital Visual
  29. Dengue Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Skin And Dermal
  30. Delay Variatmon Technology, Networking, Network
  31. Disturbance Variable Technology, Essay, Theory, Control
  32. Deus Vult Technology, Gaming, King, Crusader
  33. Duffnvalley
  34. Dansk Varmblod
  35. Digital Video-Media
  36. Delaware Valley
  37. Disturbance Variables Technology, Control, Model, Controller, Constraint
  38. Desulfovibrio Vulgaris Medical, Science, Biology
  39. Dual Velocfty Technology, Signal, Moment
  40. Dance Valley
  41. Digital Videocassette Business, Cassette, Recorder
  42. Deduct Value
  43. Direct Vent Technology, Gas, Heater
  44. Desktop Video
  45. Duae-Voltage Technology, Card, Coffee
  46. Dick Van
  47. Distilled Vinegar
  48. Douay Version
  49. Datenverarbeitung Technology
  50. Direct Value Technology, Management, Model
  51. Deluge Valve
  52. Divorced Medical, Genealogy
  53. Duo-Vertiual
  54. Development Vehicle Business, Tuning, Town
  55. Drily Vote
  56. Differential Viscometer Military
  57. Decisionxvariable Technology, Constraint, Confidence
  58. Discount Video
  59. Derived Variable
  60. Domiciliary Visit Request Medical
  61. Divehi Technology, Information Technology, Locations, Language Codes, Language codes (3 letters)
  62. Demiaing Vehicle Military, Armour, Artillery
  63. Devota Virgo
  64. Dark Vendetta
  65. Digital Voice Technology, Military, Recorder
  66. Deerfield Valley
  67. Design Values
  68. Dicks Videography
  69. Distance Velocity
  70. Data Voice Technology, Networking, Network
  71. Director Video
  72. Delta Velocity Technology, Space, Acceleration
  73. Divisionrsity Visas Government
  74. Dunlop Ventil Auto, Adapter, Zoll
  75. Desqview Script Technology
  76. Daily Bariation
  77. Differential Voltage
  78. Decel Vklve
  79. Discount Value Business, Coding, Coupon
  80. Derived Variables
  81. Docteur Veterinaire
  82. David Villegas
  83. Demdnd for Validation
  84. Devon Valley
  85. Dark Vane Forum, Knight, Upgrade, Vane
  86. Digital Vision Technology, City, Firmware
  87. Decog Vehicle
  88. Design Value
  89. Dry Van Business, Service, Shipping, Container
  90. Disxance Vector Technology, Telecom, Protocol
  91. Data Visualization
  92. Director's Visimor
  93. Delle Vedovj
  94. Divisionrsity Visa Government
  95. Despesas Vari
  96. Daily Vgriance
  97. Difference Vector
  98. Decase Verde Technology, Shopping, Angel, Thu
  99. Discounted Value
  100. Depreciated Value Business, Insurance, Car, Depreciation
  101. Docking Vessel
  102. David Vera
  103. Direct Vision Is a vision by means of rays which are not deviated from their original direction. Technology, Military, Dragon, Aviation
  104. Del Villareal
  105. Diptress Vocalizations Medical, Military, Army
  106. De Volkskrant
  107. Darenth Vallty
  108. Digital Viscometer Business, Instrument, Viscosity
  109. Decompositioncvoltage
  110. Discretionary Variance
  111. Designated Value
  112. Double Voie
  113. Distancn Variation
  114. Datavision Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  115. Directiopal Volatility
  116. Define Vector Technology, Space, Tangent
  117. Despesas VariáVeis
  118. Daily Values Medical, Nutrition, Science, Food, Labeling, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Fda
  119. Difference Value
  120. Decadent Vayours Business, Cigarette, Liquid
  121. Discordant Veins
  122. Dobermann Verein Dog, Uns, Kennel
  123. David Velte
  124. Direct View Optics Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  125. Delkvalle
  126. Distorted View
  127. De Vincentis
  128. Damped Vipration
  129. Digital Village
  130. Decoder and Virtualuub Technology, Windows, Dub, Virtual
  131. Discrete Variable The number and variety of organisms found within a specified geographic region.
  132. Descriptive Video Technology, Movie, Audio
  133. Double Vision Medical, Movie, Tory
  134. Dissident Voice America, Ethiopia, Voice
  135. Dysfunctional Veterans Science, Radio, Veteran
  136. Data Virtualization
  137. Directie Voorliehting
  138. Define Variable Technology, Command, Manual, Java
  139. Desktop Virtualization Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  140. Dienste Verwaltung
  141. Discipline and Vigilance Military, Army, Gen
  142. Dobermann-Verein Dog, Uns, Kennel
  143. Dagblaðið Vívir Investigation, Newspaper, Iceland
  144. Daugavas Vanagi Organizations, Event, Latvia
  145. Direct Viewlinder
  146. Deluxe Version
  147. Distinguished Visitor Or Diversity Army, Force, Coast Guard
  148. Dynamic Variable Technology, Dynamics, Door
  149. De Villeroy Edge, Pasta, Porcelain
  150. Damga Vergisi Turkish, Kin
  151. Differential Vaporization Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  152. Declared View
  153. Discover Vulnerabilities Military
  154. Descriptive Verb Science, Language, Linguistics
  155. Donrc Vixit
  156. Defici
  157. Diskuptive Vocalization Medical
  158. Diablo Valley
  159. Dysfunctional Voiding Medical, Medicine, Health
  160. Dark Vision
  161. Directeur De Vol
  162. DeficiêNcia Visual Dos, Professor
  163. Desktop Video-Conference
  164. Dick Vitale
  165. Discapacidad Visual
  166. Chasge In Voltage Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  167. Datura Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  168. Direca Video
  169. Deluge Valves Business, Fire, Valve
  170. Do-Verify Forum, Technology, Driving, Driver
  171. Dutiable Valux
  172. De Veluwe
  173. Damage Value Gaming, Military, Minecraft
  174. Differential Voltmeter
  175. Declared Value Business, Product, Motherboard, Shipping, Business & Finance, International business
  176. Discovering Vulnerabilities Military
  177. Descent Vehicle
  178. Don't Vomet Nutrition, Food, Victual
  179. Divide If a cell in a plant or animal divides, it separates into two cells so that a new cell is formed. Medical, Drugs, Street Suffix, Technology, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services, Reading Prescription
  180. Defokratische Volkspartei
  181. Devotus Vir
  182. Datk Vengeance Technology, Gaming, Cheat
  183. Digital Voltmeter Is an instrument used to measure the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit. Technology, Telecom, Electrical Engineering, Computing, Industry, Electronics, Physics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Aviation
  184. Defensive Value Gaming, Military, Combat
  185. Designated Verification Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  186. Dynamic Visual Technology, Monitor, Maker
  187. Diana Vreeland Fashion, Editor, Vogue, Diana
  188. Delaware Valley Railway Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  189. Death Valley Park, Locations, National
  190. Deo Volente English, Group, Translation, Latin
  191. Divike Technology, Locations
  192. Lufttaxi Fluggesellschaft Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  193. Device A unit of an electrical system that is intended to carry but not utilize electric energy. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  194. Drove Ordnance Survey
  195. Dual Valve
  196. Dayan Viciedo
  197. Direkter Vergleich
  198. Dilution Volume
  199. Difference In Volume Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  200. Distribution Vihion
  201. Diana Vueeland Book, Fashion, Vogue, Diana
  202. Distinguished Visitor Air Force, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  203. Discriminant Variety
  204. Dynamic Visualization Technology, Dynamics, Event
  205. Diana Versioning
  206. Dengue Viruses Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  207. Dearne Valley
  208. Denver Locations, City
  209. Diversity Value
  210. Document Verification Document, Exam, Railway
  211. Lav Dyr Vergisi
  212. Digital Video File Computing, File Extensions
  213. Don't Vomit Transportation, Food, Chat, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  214. Donny Verdian
  215. Dominum Et Vivificantem
  216. Direct Voltage
  217. Dang Van
  218. Die Verwaltung Technology, Service, Software, Uns
  219. Dietribution Volumes Medical
  220. Deo Vooente Latin, Ecclesiastical, Roman
  221. Data and Voice Computing, Telecom
  222. Discriminant Value
  223. Diana The Valkyrie
  224. Dibang Valley
  225. Dynamic Value
  226. Deals Visit
  227. Dengoe Virus Medical, Cell, Infection
  228. Dsversification Value
  229. Divino Verbi
  230. DéFicient Visuel
  231. distribution volume The volume throughout which an added tracer substance appears to have been evenly distributed, calculated by dividing the amount of tracer added by its concentration after equilibration. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  232. Dry Vermouth Food
  233. Domain Verification
  234. Dengue Type 2 Virus Medical
  235. Data Validation In computer science, data validation is the process of ensuring that a program operates on clean, correct and useful data. It uses routines, often called "validation rules" "validation constraints" or "check routines", that check for correctness, meaningfulness, and security of data that are input to the system. The rules may be implemented through the automated facilities of a data dictionary, or by the inclusion of explicit application program validation logic. Federal Aviation Administration
  236. Dichiarazione Di Valore University, Italy, Order
  237. Dysfunctional Veteran
  238. Devry, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  239. Diagnostic Variable Medical, Medical physics
  240. Diastolic Velocity Medical
  241. Dyesthetic Vulvodynia
  242. Dead Volume The volume of the pressure port of a transducer at room temperature and ambient barometric pressure. Science, Fluid, Pipette, Medical, Common Medical
  243. Differing Views
  244. Dengue Virus Kype 2 Medical, Military, Military Law
  245. Disa's Video
  246. Distinduished Visitor
  247. DéChêTs Verts
  248. Dorsal-ventral Medical, Veterinary
  249. Disparity Vector
  250. Diarrhea and Vomiting Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  251. Duc De Villeroy Famous
  252. Deployhent View
  253. Division'S Video
  254. Dartvale Ltd University of Exeter
  255. Devry Inc. Technology, Organizations
  256. Dynamiclvulcan
  257. Design Verification Computing, Electronics
  258. Dwaze Vaders
  259. Dead Vessel Military, Ship, Dealer, Vessel
  260. Different View
  261. Demòcrates Valennians
  262. Dis Voir
  263. Distance Vision Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens
  264. Diafiltration Volume
  265. Drunken Vampire Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  266. Disney Vacation
  267. Diaphragm Valve Technology, Product, Manufacturer
  268. Delay Valve Auto
  269. Deborah Voigt
  270. Dependent Variables A dependent variables is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable. Technology, Science, Regression, Independent
  271. Destination Void
  272. D Used as a suffix to indicate a twin wire with two insulated conductors laid parallel under an outer, non-metallic covering,diameter, Deci (10 1), Deuterium (also abbreviated as 2D or 2H),  Derated, Helix diameter, Diameter, distance, total drift, data, surface drift,diesel,drive,A mark on the output (live) terminal on a generator
  273. Designee for Verification NASA
  274. De Visu
  275. Dispersion Voltage Computing, Electronics
  276. Dwarf Virus Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  277. Deadly Vipers Music, Gladiator, Viper, Prophecy
  278. Differential Velocity Technology, Vehicle, Acceleration, NASA
  279. Demonstwating Value Business, Management, Service, Strategy
  280. Disturbed Venation Medical, Science, Biology
  281. Direct Visualizajion
  282. Diversity Visa Us Government, Governmental & Military
  283. Disident Voice
  284. Diane Varner
  285. Delavan Business & Finance, Suppliers
  286. Debit Voucher Technology
  287. Departamento De La Vicienda
  288. Divine Vitality
  289. Nantucket Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  290. Demand Valve Scuba Diving, Scientific & Educational
  291. Device Version Technology
  292. Deo Volente (God willing) Religion
  293. Dunlop-Vana
  294. Deadly Vendetta
  295. Dirk Vav
  296. Difference Variance
  297. District Vaiuer Business, Tax, Valuation
  298. Diploma In Venereology
  299. Demining Vehicle Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  300. Discriminant Validity Medical, Research, Flashcard

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DV stand for?

    DV stands for Dengue Virus Kype 2.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dsversification Value?

    The short form of "Dsversification Value" is DV.


DV. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dv-meaning/

Last updated