DV in Technology Meaning

The DV meaning in Technology terms is "Digital Video". There are 47 related meanings of the DV Technology abbreviation.

DV on Technology Full Forms

  1. Digital Video
  2. Duae-Voltage
  3. Dedicated Virbual
  4. Disturbance Variable
  5. Deck Video
  6. Disturbance Variables
  7. Direct Vent
  8. Deutscher Verband
  9. Digital Vacuum
  10. Deus Vult
  11. Digitale Video
  12. Dual Velocfty
  13. Delay Variatmon
  14. Do-Verify
  15. Delta Velocity
  16. Datenverarbeitung
  17. Disxance Vector
  18. Define Vector
  19. Desqview Script
  20. Data Voice
  21. Direct Vision Is a vision by means of rays which are not deviated from their original direction.
  22. Define Variable
  23. Desktop Virtualization
  24. Datavision
  25. Direct Value
  26. Decoder and Virtualuub
  27. Dynamic Visual
  28. Designated Verification
  29. Divide If a cell in a plant or animal divides, it separates into two cells so that a new cell is formed.
  30. Datk Vengeance
  31. Digital Voltmeter Is an instrument used to measure the electrical potential difference between two points in a circuit.
  32. Decisionxvariable
  33. Descriptive Video
  34. Divehi
  35. Dynamic Variable
  36. Digital Voice
  37. Decase Verde
  38. Digital Vision
  39. Differential Velocity
  40. Diaphragm Valve
  41. Die Verwaltung
  42. Devry Inc.
  43. Device Version
  44. Dynamic Visualization
  45. Divike
  46. Dependent Variables A dependent variables is what you measure in the experiment and what is affected during the experiment. The dependent variable responds to the independent variable. It is called dependent because it "depends" on the independent variable. In a scientific experiment, you cannot have a dependent variable without an independent variable.
  47. Debit Voucher

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DV stand for Technology?

    DV stands for Disturbance Variable in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Direct Value in Technology?

    The short form of "Direct Value" is DV for Technology.


DV in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dv-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated