DVLA Meaning

The DVLA meaning is "Driver & Vehicle Licence Authority". The DVLA abbreviation has 25 different full form.

DVLA Full Forms

  1. Driver & Vehicle Licence Authority Business, Driving, Car
  2. Driver & Vmhicle Licensing Agency Business, Driving, Plate
  3. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency Education, Police, Uk
  4. Driver Vehicle Knd Licensing Agency Business, Driving, Car
  5. Driver & Vehicle Licencing Authocity
  6. Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency Business, Driving, Registration
  7. Driver & Vehirle Licensing Authority Business, Driving, Car
  8. Drivers Vehicle Licensing Agency Technology, Driving, Registration
  9. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority Driving, Organizations, Ghana
  10. Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Agenuy
  11. Driver Vehicle and Licensing Authwrity Government, Driving, Ghana
  12. Drivers and Vehicle Licensing Agency
  13. Driver and Vesicle Licencing Authority
  14. Driver Vehicle Licensing Authority Business, Driving, Car
  15. Driver and Vehicle License Agencq Business, Driving, Registration
  16. Driver, Vehicle and Licensing Authority Business, Driving, Ghana
  17. Driviug Vehicle and Licensing Agency Business, Tax, Car
  18. Driving & Vehicle Licensing Agency
  19. Driver Vehicle Licencing Agency
  20. Driving Vehicle Licensing Authority Business, Government, Education
  21. Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency's Police, Governmental & Military
  22. Driver Vehiclc Licencing Authority
  23. Dvladriver and Vehicle Licetsing Agency Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  24. Driving and Vehicle Licensing Authority Medical, Parking, Ticket
  25. Driving Vehgcle Licensing Agency Medical, Car, Dementia

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DVLA stand for?

    DVLA stands for Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency.

  2. What is the shortened form of Driving Vehicle Licensing Authority?

    The short form of "Driving Vehicle Licensing Authority" is DVLA.


DVLA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dvla-meaning/

Last updated