DVRC Meaning

The DVRC meaning is "Delaware Valley Raptor Center". The DVRC abbreviation has 16 different full form.

DVRC Full Forms

  1. Delaware Valley Raptor Center
  2. Delaware Valley Reef Club
  3. Delaware Valley Relocation Council
  4. Doheny Vision Research Center
  5. Dating Violence Resource Center
  6. Diablo Valley Radio Controllers
  7. Des Voeux Road Central
  8. Delaware Valley Ragchew Club
  9. Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis
  10. Domestic Violence Resource Center Service, Community, Violence
  11. Dynamically Variable Resistance Crumple
  12. Domestic Violence Resource Centre Medical, Service, Organizations
  13. Dynamically Variable Resistance Crush
  14. Durham Villages Regeneration Company
  15. Duhok Veterinary Research Center
  16. Dudley Virtual Resource Centre

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DVRC stand for?

    DVRC stands for Des Voeux Road Central.

  2. What is the shortened form of Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis?

    The short form of "Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis" is DVRC.


DVRC. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated