DW Meaning

The DW meaning is "Data Warehouse". The DW abbreviation has 413 different full form.

DW Full Forms

  1. Data Warehouse In computing, a data warehouse (DW, DWH), or an enterprise data warehouse (EDW), is a database used for reporting and data analysis. Integrating data from one or more disparate sources creates a central repository of data, a data warehouse (DW). Data warehouses store current and historical data and are used for creating trending reports for senior management reporting such as annual and quarterly comparisons. The data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operational systems (such as marketing, sales, etc., shown in the figure to the right). The data may pass through an operational data store for additional operations before it is used in the DW for reporting. Technology, Management, Computing, Industry, Internet, Scientific & Educational, SAP, Sentinel online
  2. Dislocated Worker Business, Technology, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Business Word
  3. Die Aelt German, Germany, Deutschland, Welt
  4. Data Warehouses Business, Technology, Warehouse, Warehousing
  5. Driver Windobs
  6. Dishwasier Architecture, Drawing, Construction
  7. Dan Wave
  8. Died of Wounds Military, Navy, Governmental & Military, Army & Military
  9. Disc World Technology
  10. Dantzig-Wolfe
  11. Deep Wave
  12. Dirty Wfrk
  13. Dangerous Weapon Government
  14. Dual Wielding Forum, Gaming, Military, Weapon
  15. Debye-Waller Science
  16. Digital Wireless Technology, Computing, Cat
  17. Dangerous Waters
  18. Dual Aield Forum, Gaming, Military, Weapon
  19. Deadweight The total weight of cargo, fuel, water, stores, passengers and crew and their effects that a ship can carry when at her designed full-load draft. Transportation, Business, Education, Shipping, Chartering, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  20. Different Worlds
  21. Dangerous Waste Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  22. Dual Wheels Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  23. Domestic Water Water that may be used for drinking or cooking. Technology, Product, Pump, The Finance and Administrative Services
  24. David Wilson Business, Sport, House
  25. Die Wizard
  26. Dana Woods
  27. Dry Well A dry well is an underground structure that disposes of unwanted water, most commonly stormwater runoff, by dissipating it into the ground, where it merges with the local groundwater. Technology, Science, Dishwasher
  28. Display Window  The large glazed portion of the storefront, and the associated framing, above the bulkhead and below the transom, extending from pier to pier. The display window is typically used for the display of goods and to provide daylight and visibility into the commercial space. Technology
  29. David White Business, Transit, Equipment
  30. Digital Web
  31. Drift Wood
  32. Descriptor Word
  33. Di White Music, Remix, Perfecto
  34. David Wade
  35. Dextrose In Water Medical, Drugs, Pharmacy, Common Medical, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  36. Donna Wklliams
  37. Debye Waller
  38. Daily Weight Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  39. Defensive Wall Forum, Gaming, Locations
  40. Discarded Work Technology, Bitcoin, Miner, Slider
  41. Darrell Woelk
  42. Duel Wield
  43. Detailing World
  44. Documentary Women
  45. David Williams Service, Design, Poker
  46. Dick Wrigft
  47. Dry Wash Car, Resin, Dishwasher, Wash
  48. Deshaun Watson Houston, Highlight, Texan
  49. Doctor Who Gaming, America, Episode, Doctor, Pinball
  50. Double-Word Technology, Gaming, Friendship, Scrabble
  51. Downingtown West
  52. Dangerous Wreck
  53. Demonic World
  54. Discrete Wavelet
  55. Dave Westover
  56. Dunes West
  57. Devin Williams
  58. Dogwwhisperer
  59. Dead Wait Technology, Meme, Doctor
  60. Digital Warfare Technology, Gaming, Calling
  61. Dual-Wielding Forum, Gaming, Weapon
  62. Dan Wickline
  63. Desired Wave
  64. David Wells
  65. Duibin Watson
  66. Dippoldiswalde-WeißEritzkreis German, Plate, Deutschland
  67. Dried Weight
  68. Desa Wisata
  69. Divorced Wife Movie, Love, Wife, Honeymoon
  70. Davey Wendt
  71. Dwayna White
  72. De Witt
  73. Donna White Movie, Doctor, Dress, Donna
  74. Deborah Williams
  75. Daily Wear Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens
  76. Defense-Wide
  77. Disaster Warning Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  78. Dark Warrior Technology, Gaming, Army
  79. Duels Won Sport, League, Football, Duel
  80. Destroy World Technology, Gaming, War
  81. Documentary Wilk
  82. David Wilcock Technology, Earth, Episode, Corey
  83. Dick Wxlf
  84. Directie Wetgeving
  85. Dry Wall Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  86. Desert Wolf
  87. Dock Warrant Receipt given by dock warehouseman for goods deposited with him
  88. Double-Walled Medical
  89. Do WiadomośCi
  90. Dangerous When Forum, Guide, Manual
  91. Democracy Watch
  92. Discovery Wings
  93. Dave Weagle
  94. Dundee Weqlth
  95. Deutsche Wehrschaft
  96. Dog Wardev
  97. Deadly Weapon Military, Crime, Criminal
  98. Digitalisation World
  99. Dual-Wield Forum, Gaming, Weapon
  100. Dan Wesson Military, Pistol, Revolver
  101. Design Workshop
  102. Dubai World Business, Dubai, Debt
  103. Diniyah Wustha Technology, German, Product, Europe
  104. Dragon Wing
  105. Daniel Wood
  106. Derrick Ward
  107. Dissereation Work Service, Research, Education
  108. Dave Winfield Technology, Baseball, Sport, Card
  109. Dwayne Wade
  110. De Wachter
  111. Donna Weaker Coin, Justice, Criminal
  112. Debbie Williams
  113. Daily Watch
  114. Defense Witness Law, Organizations, Nigeria, Human Rights
  115. Disaster Preparedness Military
  116. Darkness Warriors
  117. Ductwork Air-handling pipes fabricated from sheet steel. OR Ducts that carry exhaust solids from the boilers to the scrubber area. Building, Engineering, Construction
  118. Destroy Work
  119. David Whitman
  120. Dick Williams
  121. Direct Write Technology, Science, Material, Manufacturing
  122. Dry-Well
  123. Desert Winds
  124. Dna Workbench Medical, Science, Biology
  125. Dorsey & Whitney
  126. Deciduous Woodland Dendrites are the branched projections of a neuron that act to conduct the electrochemical stimulation received from other neural cells to the cell body, or soma, of the neuron from which the dendrites project.
  127. Doug Wilson
  128. Dandy-Walker Medical, Genetics, Syndrome
  129. Definite Winner Driving, Election, Iran
  130. Discovery Weekend Philippine, Wedding, Marriage
  131. Darryl Wayne
  132. Dumb Wpiter
  133. Deutsches WöRterbuch Education, German, Language
  134. Dodd, William
  135. De Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  136. Digimon World
  137. Dry Wt Medical
  138. Dan Waters
  139. Design Works Design, Bay, Cross, Stitch
  140. Double Whammy
  141. Dim Wit
  142. Dragon Warrior Technology, Gaming, Quest
  143. Danielle Wood
  144. Derrick Walker
  145. Dispfay Write Technology
  146. Dave Wilson Music, Photography, Yacht
  147. Dwarkism Medical
  148. Devoted Wife
  149. Donald Wemls
  150. Debbie White
  151. Daicing White Issue, Usage, Mongolian
  152. Defence Witness
  153. Disability World
  154. Darius Walker
  155. Destitute Widow
  156. David Whittaker
  157. Dickhwhittington
  158. Direct-Writh Technology, Material, Prototyping
  159. Droga WojewóDzka
  160. Desert Wholes Business, Cashew, Kernel, Nuts
  161. Dmyterko and Wright
  162. Dorothy Winifred Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  163. Decent Work Labour, Convention, Domestic
  164. Doug Williams
  165. Dancers Warehouse
  166. Defining Women
  167. Discover Worlds
  168. Darryl Waltrip
  169. Dumbwaiter A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator intended to carry objects rather than people. Dumbwaiters found within modern structures, including both commercial, public and private buildings, are often connected between multiple floors. Nutrition, Technology, Architecture, Food, Construction, Victual, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services, Products
  170. Deutsches W
  171. Doc Watson
  172. Day Wonder
  173. Die Wahrhejt
  174. Dry White Color, Paint, Colors
  175. Dan Warnick
  176. Doubze Weight Space, Study, Cosmos
  177. Dim Weigit
  178. Draconian Winter
  179. Daniel Williams History, Town, Wellington
  180. Deni Wahyudi
  181. Djsplay Word
  182. Dave Williams
  183. Dwarfingigene Medical
  184. Devon Werkheiser Movie, Music, Trailer, Devon
  185. Donald Warren
  186. Death World
  187. Dwyane Eade Basketball, Miami, Heat
  188. Defaulted, Write-Off
  189. Danzig-Westpreussen Government, Locations, Hamburg, Germany
  190. Destiny'S Way
  191. David Whitaker
  192. Dick White
  193. Dippoldiswalde-Wei
  194. Droga Wojew
  195. Desert Warfare
  196. Djoko Walujo
  197. Defenders of Wildlife Technology, Science, Organizations, Non-Profit Organization, Wolf, Atmospheric Research
  198. Dhaka Warriors
  199. Dorotiy Walker Family, Bush, Walker, Journalist
  200. Decentralized Warehouse Military
  201. Doug Weight
  202. Dana Williams
  203. Define Words Technology, Directive, Assembly, Assembler
  204. Discount Window In the US, when banks can borrow money from the Federal Reserve at low interest rates.
  205. Darren Wright Fight, Mail, Wright, Norwich
  206. Duke of Windsor
  207. Deutscher Wachtelhund
  208. Documentary Welcome
  209. David Wolfson
  210. Died Ifwounds Army, Force, Marine
  211. Dry Wheat
  212. Double Worm
  213. Digital Watch Business, Science, Shock
  214. DowóD WĘWnĘTrzny
  215. Daniel William
  216. Demon Within
  217. Display Width Technology, Accordion, Screen
  218. Dave Wilkins
  219. Dwarf Gene Medical
  220. Devizes To Westminster Education, Kayak, Race, Canoe
  221. Dokumentalion Wasser
  222. Death Wobble
  223. Dan Wooding
  224. Destination Winnipeg
  225. David Wheeler
  226. Dickinson Tright
  227. Dwarf Mice Medical
  228. Dippoldiswalde & Wei
  229. Drive Washer
  230. Deserted Wife
  231. Dj White
  232. David Waehner
  233. Dez White Technology, Sport, Card, Football
  234. Dorelg Wright
  235. Deceased Worker
  236. Daily Word
  237. Define Word Technology, Directive, Assembly, Assembler, Business & Finance
  238. Discounted Water
  239. Darrell Wright
  240. Duke of Wellington
  241. Deutschen Welle German, Germany, Deutschland
  242. Doclmentary Working
  243. David Wolf
  244. Dicrotic Wavy
  245. Dry Weights Medical
  246. Documentary Water
  247. Double Word Single unit of data expressing two adjacent words. A double word is 32-bits where a word is 16-bits. This can also be doubled again and made into a very long word, which would be 64-bits. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Assembly, Business & Finance
  248. Digital Warriors Gaming, Music, Community, Warrior
  249. Down Wind Weather, Scientific & Educational
  250. Danielle Williams Porn, Sex, Movie
  251. Demon Witch Gaming, Demon, Polder
  252. Dispatchaweb
  253. Dave White
  254. Dungeon Worhd Gaming, World, Play
  255. Devizes In Wiltshire
  256. Doing Well Medical, Technology, Exam
  257. Dead Walking
  258. Dual-Wielders
  259. Dan Wilson
  260. Dessert Wholes Business, India, Cashew, Nuts
  261. David Wesley
  262. Diastolip Wave
  263. Dutch Waltz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  264. Daniel Wellington Business, Leather, Lady
  265. Aero-Charter Ukraine Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Ukraine, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  266. Department of Welding
  267. Double Wear Beauty
  268. Devil Worshiper Religion
  269. Dual Wire
  270. Dwyer Instruments Business & Finance, Suppliers
  271. Douglas-Westwood Business, Market, Oil
  272. Directoh of Works Military, Army, India
  273. Danny Wilson
  274. David Walton
  275. Double Willow
  276. Diakonisches Werk Sind, Deutschland, Uns
  277. Declare Word Assembly, Business & Finance
  278. David Wynne Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  279. Disk Wars Funnies
  280. Deep Web Also known as the Invisible Web, said to contain about 500 times more information than the generally accessible world-wide web, the Deep Web comprises data held by secure organizations, for example military and government.
  281. Double Welded
  282. Dirty Wvite
  283. Design Weekend Design, Android, Brazil
  284. Documentary Who
  285. Debug Word
  286. Diane Ward
  287. Double Width Technology, Construction, Tower
  288. Daniel Webster
  289. Distilled Water Distilled water is water that has many of its impurities removed through distillation. Distillation involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container. Medical, Medicine, Engineering, Architectural, Food, Construction, Physiology, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, The Finance and Administrative Services
  290. Doutle Wall Business, Product, Box
  291. Dish Washer A washer is a flat disc with a hole in the center. The disc in a dish washer is dished or bent in a concave fashion. Products
  292. Dual Window Technology, Fiber, Coupler
  293. Dear Wife Medical, Forum, Computing, Texting, Chat, Infertility, Pregnancy, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Disney, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  294. Double Wrap Leather, Bracelet, Jute, Wrap
  295. Danny Watson
  296. David Walsh
  297. Dominant White Genetics, Cell, Horse
  298. Diakonischen Werks
  299. Dribking Water Technology, Science, Construction
  300. Declares War Government, Army, Penguin
  301. Darrell Wayne Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  302. Deep Water A water mass found at great depth, the most important globally being North Atlantic Deep Water. Computing, Telecom, Electrical
  303. Deep Weaving Business, Human, China, Hair
  304. Data Word In computing, word is a term for the natural unit of data used by a particular processor design. A word is basically a fixed-sized group of digits (binary or decimal) that are handled as a unit by the instruction set or the hardware of the processor. The number of digits in a word (the word size, word width, or word length) is an important characteristic of any specific processor design or computer architecture. NASA
  305. Dirty Weekend Film, Movie, Music, Weekend
  306. Design Week
  307. Documentary Why
  308. David Weisman
  309. David Wakefield
  310. Diamond Wire
  311. Double Whita
  312. Doo Wop
  313. Dances With Performing arts
  314. Dual Wheel Business, Product, Caster
  315. Documentary WyśWietleń
  316. Don't Worry Forum, Technology, Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Email, Online, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  317. Double Wound
  318. Danish Wrestling
  319. David Walker
  320. Division Winner Division, Cat, Kitten, Persian
  321. Diagonal Wall Dance, Cabinet, Ballroom
  322. Drew Industries, Inc. Organizations
  323. Don't Walk Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  324. Darling wife Texting, Disney, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  325. Deep Water Route A designated area within definite limits which has been accurately surveyed for clearance of sea bottom and submerged obstacles to a minimum indicated depth of water. Science, Investigation, Laboratory
  326. Drywell The containment structure enclosing the vessel and recirculation system of a boiling-water reactor. The drywell provides both a pressure suppression system and a fission product barrier under accident conditions. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  327. Direbwolves
  328. Design Wavelength
  329. Documentary What
  330. David Weir
  331. Dark Web Internet, Online
  332. Dialog Window
  333. Drn't Worry Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  334. Deputy Warden Occupation & positions
  335. Dual Wedge Business, Club, Golf
  336. Duckworth and Wilson Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  337. Documentary World German, Power, Documentary
  338. Disk Write Assembly, Business & Finance
  339. Double Wishbone In automobiles, a double wishbone is an independent suspension design using two (occasionally parallel) wishbone-shaped arms to locate the wheel. Each wishbone or arm has two mounting points to the chassis and one joint at the knuckle.
  340. Danish Warmblood
  341. Division of Water Locations, Quality, Kentucky
  342. David Warner
  343. Discussed With Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
  344. Diagonally To Wall
  345. Drew Industries Incorporated Technology, Organizations
  346. Drug War Police, Governmental & Military
  347. Disney Wife Disney
  348. Deepwater Army, Force, Coast Guard
  349. David Whittaker Audio File Computing, File Extensions
  350. Dire Wklf Gaming, League, Spring, Wolf
  351. Designs Welcome
  352. Design Workflow
  353. Documentary Watch China, Economics, Power, Documentary
  354. David Webster
  355. Dystopian Wars Forum, Gaming, War, Firestorm
  356. Dialable Wideband
  357. Don'tvwalk
  358. Drum Workshop, Inc. Music
  359. Diaability Weight Medical, Disease, Health
  360. Dual Wavelength
  361. Duck Walk
  362. Documentary Where German, Germany, Documentary, Fruit
  363. Drew Industries, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  364. Double Wishbones
  365. Daniel Whitney
  366. David Wagner
  367. Developed Width Space, Study, Cosmos
  368. Doublw Words Technology, Gaming, Coding, Scrabble
  369. Dedicated Wife Computing, Internet
  370. Duces Wild
  371. Drinking Water Construction
  372. Dilution Well Physics, Scientific & Educational
  373. Direct Weighted
  374. Dan Walsh Technology, Security, Music, Linux
  375. Design for The World Technology, Football, Lin
  376. Design Win Business, Technology, Fingerprint
  377. Documentary War
  378. David Watkins
  379. Dynlsty Warrior
  380. Diakonische Werke
  381. Deek Watson
  382. Deutsche Welle Media
  383. Defaulted, Write
  384. Dibability Wales Business, Health, Care
  385. Dual Watch Technology, Radio, Manual
  386. Documentary West Banking, Germany, Mining, Documentary
  387. Defensive Winger Sport, Football, Tactic
  388. Double Wire Business, Sport, Steel
  389. Daniel White
  390. Dishwasher Business, Property, Property Rent, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Engineering, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  391. Destructive Write
  392. Double Wide Business, Product, Sale
  393. Daughters of Wisdom Religious orders
  394. Douglas Westwood
  395. Dubai Waterfront
  396. DundeeWealth Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  397. Detroit - Windsor Regional
  398. Direct Weglth
  399. Dansk Wrestling
  400. Deshawn Wynn
  401. Design White
  402. David Warren Business, Fund, Partner
  403. Dry Weight The weight of an engine exclusive of any fuel, oil, and coolant. Medical, Nutrition, Science, Patient, Food, Chemistry
  404. Diakonische Werk
  405. Deeds, Wills
  406. Data Warehousing Geographic
  407. Deep Wound
  408. Dead Weight
  409. Diruy Whore
  410. Design West
  411. Documentary When Student, Film, Germany, Documentary
  412. Deip Water Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
  413. Double Whndow Business, Technology, Construction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DW stand for?

    DW stands for Darling wife.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dry Wash?

    The short form of "Dry Wash" is DW.


DW. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dw-meaning/

Last updated