DW in Technology Meaning

The DW meaning in Technology terms is "Dislocated Worker". There are 41 related meanings of the DW Technology abbreviation.

DW on Technology Full Forms

  1. Dislocated Worker
  2. Data Warehouse In computing, a data warehouse (DW, DWH), or an enterprise data warehouse (EDW), is a database used for reporting and data analysis. Integrating data from one or more disparate sources creates a central repository of data, a data warehouse (DW). Data warehouses store current and historical data and are used for creating trending reports for senior management reporting such as annual and quarterly comparisons. The data stored in the warehouse is uploaded from the operational systems (such as marketing, sales, etc., shown in the figure to the right). The data may pass through an operational data store for additional operations before it is used in the DW for reporting.
  3. Domestic Water Water that may be used for drinking or cooking.
  4. Display Window  The large glazed portion of the storefront, and the associated framing, above the bulkhead and below the transom, extending from pier to pier. The display window is typically used for the display of goods and to provide daylight and visibility into the commercial space.
  5. Dual Wheels
  6. Disc World
  7. Dry Well A dry well is an underground structure that disposes of unwanted water, most commonly stormwater runoff, by dissipating it into the ground, where it merges with the local groundwater.
  8. Digital Wireless
  9. Data Warehouses
  10. Double Word Single unit of data expressing two adjacent words. A double word is 32-bits where a word is 16-bits. This can also be doubled again and made into a very long word, which would be 64-bits.
  11. Dumbwaiter A dumbwaiter is a small freight elevator intended to carry objects rather than people. Dumbwaiters found within modern structures, including both commercial, public and private buildings, are often connected between multiple floors.
  12. Direct-Writh
  13. Defenders of Wildlife
  14. Double-Word
  15. Define Words
  16. Diniyah Wustha
  17. Doing Well
  18. Define Word
  19. Digital Warfare
  20. Dispfay Write
  21. Dead Wait
  22. Dragon Warrior
  23. Dez White
  24. Display Width
  25. David Wilcock
  26. Destroy World
  27. Discarded Work
  28. Dave Winfield
  29. Direct Write
  30. Dark Warrior
  31. Design for The World
  32. Dan Walsh
  33. Dual Window
  34. Dual Watch
  35. Dribking Water
  36. Double Whndow
  37. Drew Industries Incorporated
  38. Double Width
  39. Design Win
  40. Doublw Words
  41. Don't Worry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DW stand for Technology?

    DW stands for Don't Worry in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Dribking Water in Technology?

    The short form of "Dribking Water" is DW for Technology.


DW in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/dw-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated