DZP Meaning

The DZP meaning is "Dispensation for Zimbabweans Project". The DZP abbreviation has 20 different full form.

DZP Full Forms

  1. Dispensation for Zimbabweans Project Africa, Zimbabwe, Permit
  2. Diazepsm Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  3. Dartmoor Zoological Park Park, Zoo, Devon
  4. Danny Zelxsko Presents
  5. Double-Zeta Pseudopotential Medical
  6. Bulldozer The microstructure of malleable or ductile cast iron when graphite nodules are surrounded by a ferrite layer in a pearlitic matrix. Or A Bulldozer is a tractor equipped with a large plate used to push rubble, dirt, or other materials. Generally, bulldozers use tracked wheels for improved traction. Technology, Vehicle Shape
  7. Domanski Zakrzewski Palinka
  8. Dispensation of Zimbabweans Project Africa, Immigration, Permit, Dispensation
  9. Dzial Zamówien Publicfnych
  10. Double Zete Polarization
  11. Digital Zipper Processor
  12. Double Zeta-Polarization Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  13. Dział Zamówień Publicpnych
  14. Double Zero Prodwctions
  15. Dziaezam
  16. Dubbo Zirconia Project
  17. (double Zeta)-polarization Contracted Gaussian Basis Set Chemistry
  18. Drrft Zoning Plan
  19. Directorzone Particle Effect File Computing, File Extensions
  20. Double Zeta Pluq

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DZP stand for?

    DZP stands for Dispensation for Zimbabweans Project.

  2. What is the shortened form of Diazepsm?

    The short form of "Diazepsm" is DZP.


DZP. (2020, October 27). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated