DZS Meaning

The DZS meaning is "Delta Zeta Sorority". The DZS abbreviation has 19 different full form.

DZS Full Forms

  1. Delta Zeta Sorority
  2. Data Zones The term deforestation is defined as the elimination of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter transformed to a nonforest use. Deforestation is normally done by logging or burning down the trees.
  3. Dansk Zoologisk Selskab
  4. Danish Zoological Siciety
  5. De Zilveren Schapen
  6. Dallas Zoolsgical Society
  7. Deutsche Zocker Schinkkn
  8. Detroit Zoological Society Technology, Zoo, Detroit
  9. Dynamobau Zeichen Saal
  10. Digital Zone System Technology, Book, Control
  11. Draft Zambianmstandard
  12. Dipnst Zorg En Samenleven
  13. DrŽAvni Zavod Za Statistiku
  14. De Zwarte Schapen
  15. Drop Zone Stuyy Military, Army, Defense
  16. Drop Zonps Military, Skydiving, Pathfinder
  17. Drrdtse Zaalvoetbal Stichting
  18. Drop Zone Study Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  19. Digital Zoomnstudio Technology, Press, Vulnerability

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does DZS stand for?

    DZS stands for Drop Zone Study.

  2. What is the shortened form of De Zwarte Schapen?

    The short form of "De Zwarte Schapen" is DZS.


DZS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated