E in Governmental & Military Meaning

The E meaning in Governmental & Military terms is "Encryption". There are 27 related meanings of the E Governmental & Military abbreviation.

E on Governmental & Military Full Forms

  1. Encryption Encryption is the coding or scrambling of information so that it can only be decoded and read by someone who has the correct decoding key. Encryption is used in secure Web sites as well as other mediums of data transfer. If a third party were to intercept the information you sent via an encrypted connection, they would not be able to read it.
  2. Employee An individual who is hired and paid by another person, company, organisation, etc., to perform a job or service.
  3. Experience
  4. Exchange In a retail scenario, shipping a replacement item to a customer who has returned items. A set of one or more non-concurrent related sequences passing between a pair of Fibre Channel ports. An exchange encapsulates a "conversation" such as a small computer system interface (SCSI) task or an Internet Protocol (IP) exchange. Exchanges can be bidirectional and can be short--lived or long-lived. A process that provides value-added services for distribution, access, and use of master data.
  5. Enemy A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. A thing that harms or weakens something else.
  6. Electrolytic In chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a method of using a direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Electrolysis is commercially highly important as a stage in the separation of elements from naturally occurring sources such as ores using an electrolytic cell.
  7. Electric
  8. Ecstasy A state of rapture and trancelike elation. A street name for 3-4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), best known on the street as "Ecstacy." An illicit drug, considered a recreational or party drug. It acts as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. Ecstasy achieves its high by preventing the brain from reabsorbing the chemical serotonin, thereby prolonging its effects in the body. Ecstasy also appears to impair the thought process. German researchers studied 28 ecstasy users and found they performed significantly worse on tests of memory, learning, and general intelligence than nondrug users and than pot smokers.
  9. Endangered
  10. Electra
  11. Electrode The device through which current is conducted thru to the arc or base metal during the process of welding. A carbon (graphite) rod that carries electricity to melt the scrap in an EAF. Compressed graphite or carbon cylinder or rod used to conduct electric current in electric arc furnaces, arc lamps, carbon arc welding, etc. A conductor through which a current enters or leaves an eletrolytic cell, arc furnace, vacuum tube, gas discharge tube or other non-metallic conductor.
  12. Echo Reflected sound Travels at same speed, whatever its wave length In radar. The radio energy returned to the aerial as a result or reflection or scattering from an object. The representation of. On a radar display False echo, one whose position on the display does not indicate the correct range and/or bearing of the target.
  13. Electrolysis The separation of a chemical compound into its components by passing an electric current through it. Electric current passing through an electrolyte which produces chemical changes in it. The production of chemical changes by passage of current through an electrolyte. Changing the chemical structure of a compound using electrical energy. The use of electrical energy to carry out a chemical reaction. OR Electrolysis is the breakdown of a substance by electricity.
  14. Electrolytes Ionic compounds dissolved in water. Their proper balance is essential to life.
  15. Electron A subatomic particle having a mass of 0.00054858 amu and a charge of 1-.
  16. Explore
  17. Experiment An experiment is an orderly procedure carried out with the goal of verifying, refuting, or establishing the validity of a hypothesis. A question set run through a Watson pipeline based on configuration and training models. The configuration and training models are varied over time in an attempt to improve question answering accuracy. When question sets are modified, new experiments must be created.
  18. prefix meaning electronic
  19. Ersatz- (Reserve-)
  20. Exploration A general term covering the search for oil and gas.
  21. East That cardinal point of horizon lying in direction of sunrise, and in which the prime vertical cuts equinoctial.
  22. Edward
  23. Engineering Branch
  24. ElectroMotive
  25. Engines
  26. Extension Extension: Voluntary arrangements to restructure a firm's debt, under which the payment date is postponed.
  27. Eye The forward end of the spacs below the upper decks of a ship which lies next abaft the stem, where the sides approach very near to each other. The hawse pipes are usually run down through the eyes of a ship. Loop cf eye splice, particularly one in stays and shrouds. The cumulunimbus cloud which is dense and dark surrounding the typhoon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does E stand for Governmental & Military?

    E stands for Exchange in Governmental & Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electric in Governmental & Military?

    The short form of "Electric" is E for Governmental & Military.


E in Governmental & Military. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/e-meaning-in-governmental-military/

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