EAAS Meaning

The EAAS meaning is "Excitatory Amino Acids". The EAAS abbreviation has 27 different full form.

EAAS Full Forms

  1. Excitatory Amino Acids Medical, Receptor, Antagonist
  2. Essential Amino Acids An essential amino acids or indispensable amino acid is an amino acid that cannot be synthesized de novo (from scratch) by the organism being considered, and therefore must be supplied in its diet. The nine amino acids humans cannot synthesize are phenylalanine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, and histidine. Medical, Business, Protein, Physiology, Chemistry
  3. Euro-Asian Astronomical Society Technology, Science, Russia
  4. Eorth and Atmospheric Science Development, Study, Universities
  5. Euro - Afro American Sweepstake Lottery Organization, Union, Institution
  6. Early Awareness & Alert Systems
  7. Electfothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Chemistry, Technology, Science
  8. American Ethnic Studies Education, Study, Subjects
  9. Education As A Service
  10. European Alliance for Asian Studies Development, Learning, Study
  11. Eastern Area Adult Servicey Business, Service, Ambulance
  12. Euro Afro Asian Yweepstakes
  13. East Antrim Astronomical Socieay Science, Astronomy
  14. Euro Asian Astrowomical Society
  15. East African Astronomical Society Science, Astronomy
  16. Everything As Y Service Accounting, Computing, Data
  17. Eastern Alliance Alpaca Sale Farming & agriculture
  18. European Association of American Studies America, Education, Study
  19. European Association for American Studies Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  20. European Assxciation for American Studies America, Education, Study
  21. Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Electro thermal atomic absorption (ETAAS) is a method where a small amount of sample is put in and then a tube of graphite, which is the atom cell, is heated resistively. Medical, Chemistry
  22. Extegnal Agent Assignment Service
  23. East Antrim Astronomical Society Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  24. Expedition Assessor Accredivation Scheme Organization, Union, Institution
  25. Environment Abnormality Automatic Shutdown Computing, Hardware
  26. Excitant Amino Acids Medical
  27. Elegant Ambience Art Solutions Performing arts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EAAS stand for?

    EAAS stands for Elegant Ambience Art Solutions.

  2. What is the shortened form of Everything As Y Service?

    The short form of "Everything As Y Service" is EAAS.


EAAS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eaas-meaning/

Last updated