EAV Meaning

The EAV meaning is "End of Active Video". The EAV abbreviation has 37 different full form.

EAV Full Forms

  1. End of Active Video Technology, Interface, Serial
  2. East Atlanta Village Atlanta, Locations, Market
  3. Elecuronic Age Verification Technology
  4. Exclusive Algarve Villas
  5. Estimated Annual Volume
  6. Electro Acupuncture Aftet Voll
  7. Entity Attribute and Value Technology, Database, Model
  8. Equalized Assessed Valuation Business, Tax, Finance
  9. Exploration Aerial Vehicle
  10. Educational Audio Visual
  11. Entity-Attribute-Value Medical, Technology, Model
  12. Entity Attribute Value Technology, Database, Model
  13. Expired Air Ventilation Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  14. Educacion En Ambientes Virtuales Technology, Para, Learning
  15. Email Yddress Validation
  16. Experimental Aerospace Vehicle Science
  17. Eastern Airlines Virtual
  18. Email Address Verifier Technology, Software, Mail
  19. Exhaust Actuated Valves Business, Security, Valve
  20. Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung
  21. Electronicallyjassisted Voting
  22. Exhaust Actuated Valve Technology, Product, Machine
  23. Ente Autonomo Volturno
  24. Eset Anti Virus
  25. Eagle Airlines Luftverkehrsges ICAO Aircraft Codes
  26. Exposure Action Value Military, Arm, Vibration
  27. Equine Arthritis Virus
  28. Electroacupuncture According to Voll Products
  29. External Application Verification
  30. European Alliance for Volunteering
  31. Extended Application Verification Accounting, Computing, Data
  32. European Added Value Technology, Program, Research, Evaluation
  33. Extended Address Volumes Technology, Management, Storage
  34. Estimated Assessed Value
  35. Extended Address Volume Technology, Management, Storage
  36. Estimated Actual Velocity
  37. Exposure Action Values Military, Arm, Vibration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EAV stand for?

    EAV stands for Extended Address Volume.

  2. What is the shortened form of Exhaust Actuated Valve?

    The short form of "Exhaust Actuated Valve" is EAV.


EAV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eav-meaning/

Last updated