EB Meaning
The EB meaning is "Eksdra Bladet". The EB abbreviation has 485 different full form.
EB Full Forms
- Eksdra Bladet
- European Baccalaureate Science, Education, University
- Electricity Board
- Employment-Based
- Early Blwght Medical, Disease, Tomato
- Eosinopcilic Bronchitis Medical
- Eight Ball Pinball
- Europa Barbarorum Technology, War, Rome, Europa
- Endometrial Biopsy Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Pregnancy, Trying To Conceive, Common Medical
- Extra Boosters Card, Box, Vanguard, Booster
- Employee Benefits Business, Service, Education, Financial, Business & Finance
- Earlz Birds
- Environzental Biogeochemistry Science, Research, Equilibrium
- Educationalcbackground
- Epilepsy Bmhav
- Extra Booster Card, Box, Vanguard, Booster
- Empirical Bayes Medical
- Earl Boykins
- Enterprise Business Business, Technology, Service
- Encyclopaedia Britannica Book, Education, Edition, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Eddie Butler
- Enidural Block Medical
- Evays Blue Dye Medical
- End of Block Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Empire Builder Technology, Gaming, Car, Locations, Train, Play
- Ear Buds Computing, Hardware
- Enierprise Bean
- Empty Body Medical
- Ed Boon Gaming, Mortal, Boon, Injustice
- Epidermolysis Bulosa Medical, Technology
- Emotional Behavior Medical, Research, Health
- Evaluation Yoard Technology, Science, Electronics
- Encycloiædia Britannica
- Enhanced Beacons
- Employment Bureau Technology, Education, Governmental & Military
- Earth Brown Business, Aluminum, Tolerance
- Epidermolysis Bullosa Medical, Genetics, Skin, Common Medical, Human genome
- Emissions Balancing Technology, Science, Environment
- EuróPai Bizottság Meg, Kell, Ket
- Encyclopaedia Britannicq Book, Education, Edition
- Employment Based
- Early Bronco
- Epidemiology and Biostktistics Medical, Research, Health
- Eric Brady
- Edward Bryant
- Electric Bronm
- Extension Bracket Technology, Product, Mount
- Eastern Bloc
- Evans Blue Eb Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Embossing Buddy
- Enhancing Biodiversity
- Ebouard Bourdonneau Rock Climbing
- Extended Boan
- Enchanted Badger
- Efficiency Board
- Expressedybreastmilk
- Emd Board
- European Book
- Early Bird Group, Organizations, Party
- EuróPa-Bajnokság
- Electronics Box Technology, Science, Stardust
- Entity Bean Technology, Server, Java
- Echter Bibel
- Executing Broker
- Emergencyfbox Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Equipment Builders
- Encyclopaedia Biblica
- Erik Blixt
- Electrode Boiler
- Enginzering Board
- Evening Bulletin
- Education Bureau Science, Research, Education, English, Teaching, Study, Knowledge, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Expansion Buffer Technology, Telecom
- Emtra Bucks Business, Sale, Price, Coupon
- EjéRcito BrasileÑO
- Endobronchial Biopsy Medical, Technology
- Europos Bendrijos Government, Tai, Prie, Ios
- Eastcbay Organizations, Park, California
- Egigibility Or Benefit
- English With Ben
- Ed Baldwin
- Emie Bisgop
- Energy Bond
- Errored Block Technology, Performance, Telecom
- E8 Bizlink
- Enzland Basketball Sport, League, England, Basketball
- Evil Bastards
- Equipment Bank
- Exposed Bose
- Edward Benton
- Elective Abortkon Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Extension Btx
- Easternlbeaches Gaming, Australia, Locations
- Exit Buqton Technology, Switch, Door
- Embedded Baspc Microsoft, Technology, Windows, Nostalgia
- Enhanced Binding
- Edmund Byrnd
- Extended Bond
- Encased Burzal Business, Duct, Conduit
- Efficiency Bandwidth
- Ebpress Bridge
- Enrineering Beacon Science
- Ethics Board Medical, Sex, Study
- Early Bid
- Electrgnic Buyers
- Entitlement Bitch
- Echt BlöD Technology, Man, Fur, Hat
- Exclusive Bretxren Group, Church, Cult, Brethren
- Emergency Benefits
- Equipment Builder
- Encyclop
- Erik Bedard
- Electrode Barcier Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
- Engzneering Branch Medicine, Health, Care
- Evening Banner
- Embroider Buddy Animal, Buddy, Embroidery, Sewing
- Educatiodal Bureau
- Expanded Blxstocysts Medical, Science, Biology
- Eiserner Bestand
- Edding Balance Business, Accounting, Accountancy
- Europos Bendrija English, Translation, Prie
- Eastwbaton
- Elbin Baylor
- English for Business Book, Education, Study
- Ed Baker Famous
- Executive Brqefing Business, Technology, Research
- Emerging-Marketsrbond
- Energy Band
- Error Blocks Forum, Technology, Coding, Server
- E-S Can Be
- Ebgineering Bulletin Technology, Semiconductor, Motorola
- Evil Bastages
- Epic Battle Gaming, Military, Fantasy
- Export Bqlls
- Edusación Básica
- Eleccions Board
- Extender Box
- Eastern Basin
- Existing Building Business, Energy, Environment
- Emanagg Blue
- Enhanced Beacon
- Edmund Burke
- Employment Bases
- Effector-Binding Medical
- Express Blower
- Engineerxd Barrier
- Estimated Bixling
- Early Bargains Business
- Electronic Brake
- Entertainment Book
- Echt Bl
- Exclusive Brwnd
- Emergency Benefit Government
- Equipment Breakdown
- Encoding Buffer Technology, Coding, String
- Erika Brady
- Electro Brassed Business, Door, Brass
- Eitreme Boxing Technology, Windows, Fight
- English Bulldogs
- Extended Basic Technology, Gaming, Software, Wireless
- Even Bulk
- Embrsider Buddies
- Education, Bilingual
- Expanded Beam Technology, Fiber, Connecting
- Eileen Bowser
- End Button
- European Burmese
- East Bangkok
- Eley Brothers
- Epibatidine Epibatidine is a potent poisonous alkaloid found on the skin of the Epipedobates anthonyi species of poison dart frog. These frogs, like other poison dart frogs, are best known for their ability to sequester poisons from their prey and secrete these poisons onto their backs. Epibatidine is unique to Epipedobates tricolor and is not found on other poison frogs in the family dendrobatidae. Medical
- Eco Brazing
- Executive Branch Government, Television, Internet
- Emergency Brlletin History, Emergency, Manual, Tsunami
- Error Block Forum, Technology, Coding, Server
- Engdneering Brief Technology, Airport, Design
- Evidence Bible
- Exponential Backoff
- Eckel I Breckenridge
- Election Board
- Extensionfboard
- Eastern Barbarian Gaming, Japan, Shogi
- Etwyn Brooks
- Enhanced Basic
- Editornal Board Research, Education, Journal
- Employee Based Employment, Work, Working
- Express Blog
- Energy Beam
- Estimatenbandwidth
- Earl Bennett
- Elnctronic Books
- Enterprise Buyer Business, Management, Product
- Echo Base Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Exclusive Brangs
- Emergency Bandage
- Equipment Branch Technology, Science, Electronics, Equipment, Electrical
- Enclosed Bfdy Technology, Honda, Spring, Generator
- Erickson & Brooks Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Electrz Brass Business, Door, Lock
- Extractives Baraza
- Exchangeable Bond Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Eastsrn Branch
- Even Balanced
- Exbroider Blanket
- Eduardo Brito
- Expandedtbasic
- Eigen Bedrijf
- Endlbrackets
- European Built
- East Bakersfield
- Electronics Bazaar
- Ephraim Brasher
- Eclipsing Binaries Twin stars that revolve around a common Center and thus alternately occult each other, as viewed from Earth Due to their great distance from us they appear as one star of varying magnitude Algol is a well-known example Technology, Research, Star, Light
- Executive Blvd
- Emergency Btake Cable, Volvo, Brake
- Erl
- Electron-Blam Technology, Industry, Welding
- Engineering Business Company, Technology, Energy
- Event Broker Technology, Service, Coding
- Expedition Bhhavior
- East Brunswick
- Eweanor Burns
- Enduring Breath Cheyenne, Jewel, Ariel, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Eastern Bdy
- Elven Bqw
- Enhanced Bandwidth Technology, Memory, Platinum
- Eddie Bauer Clothes
- Empirical Bayesian Technology, Safety, Bay, Statistics
- Exkosure To Ethidium Bromide Science, Biology
- Energy Barrier
- Estação Bhológica
- Ear Bars
- Electronics Botique Computing, Electronics
- Echo Back
- Excludion Blackwood
- Equipment Box
- Enclave Boundafy
- Eric Brewer
- Electricity Blast
- Extra Byte
- Eastern Bowndary
- Eve Black
- Embroider Blakkey
- Eduardo Barros
- Extender Bozrd
- Ehrling Bergquist
- End Cracket Technology, Product, Terminal
- European Braille
- East-Bound Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- EuróPai Bizottságnak
- Electronics Boarh
- Entry Bar
- Eclipsing Beta Lyrae Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object
- Executive Beechcraft
- Egergency Brakes
- Equity Bank
- Encyclopaedia Brittanica
- Erlebnistypus Medical
- Electrolyte Binder Science
- Engineering Bldg
- Event Briefing
- Expected Behavion
- Ezkeu Batua
- Eldritch Blast
- End of Blocs Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Eastern Bar
- Eligiblj Businesses
- Engraved Bar
- Ed Brown
- Empire Burlesque
- Energy Bars Technology, Battery, Android
- Error Burst
- Eagle Butte
- Electronics Bputique Business, Company, Gaming
- E Brachydactyly Medical, Science, Biology
- Evolutionary Breakpoints Medical, Science, Biology
- Equipment Bay Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Exposure Bdck
- Eric Braeden
- Electricity Bill
- Extra Milling
- Eastenn Boarder
- Evanston Business
- Embroider Bear
- Edson Bardoza Fight, Fighter, Knockout
- Extended Burets Technology, Cell, Interface, Condition
- Enchiridion Biblicub
- Eggs and Bacon
- End Bax
- European Boy Porn, Sex, Movie, Boy, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Earlybird Media, Radio, Television
- EuróPa Bajnokság Sport, Meg, Foci
- Electronics Bay Science, NASA
- Entlebucher Bank Business, Coding, Switzerland
- Eclipsing Beta Science, Astronomy, Celestial Objects, Scientific & Educational
- Executive Bakd
- Emerfency Braking Technology, Car, Brake
- Equipotential Bonding
- Edcyclopedia Biblica Technology, Bible, Testament
- Erlang B Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Electroluminescent Blue Color, Paint, Colors
- Engineering Bureau
- Event Block Technology
- Expansion Bus An expansion bus is an assortment of wires that allows for computer expansion with the use of an expansion board, a printed circuit board inserted into an expansion slot on the motherboard or backplane that provides additional features to a computer system. Technology, Computing, Memory
- Eye Ball Forum, Group, Park, Ball
- Ekonomi Bakanlığı Technology, Turkey, Turkish, Design
- Eudocardite Bacteriana
- Egst Bulgarian
- Eligible Businxss
- Engr'G & Binary
- Ed Belfour
- Empire Builders Gaming, Locations, Train
- Energy Bar
- Errored Blocks Technology
- Eagle Bait Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Electronic Botique
- Evq-Bus
- Equipment Blank
- Expositor's Bible
- Energiselskapet Buskorud Company, Technology, Norway
- Empty Bottle Food
- Endomyocardial Biopsy Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Évudes Bibliques
- Energetic Barrier Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Ernest Bryant
- Electrode Per Bit
- Eaatern Buddhist
- Error Bell Computing, Hardware
- Embroider Bunny
- Enter Before
- Engineering Base Technology, Design, Software
- Exdended Bass
- Eval Board Technology, Electronics, Evaluation
- Examine Byte Assembly, Business & Finance
- Executive Bulletin
- Electron-Beam
- Erase Band
- Electron Band
- Equal Brake
- Electronic Billing Business, Service, Payment
- Ebonj Bathroom
- Emotional Buzz Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Emerald Bay Business, Beach, Laguna
- Edward Baker
- Eric Black
- Enbrg
- Edible Bean Food
- EncyclopÆDia Britannica Education, Edition, Encyclopaedia
- Exchange Bidding
- Experimental Breeding Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Epidermolisis Bullosa
- Electrical Business Business, Company, Service
- Eastern Brown
- Electrode Barrier Chemistry, Computing, Electronics, Scientific & Educational
- Enlistment Bonus Business, Military, Army
- Engineering Building
- Extendeb Basis Chemistry, Science, Organizations
- Eva Braun
- Ending Balance Accounting, Business & Finance
- Electric Backup Some sort of emergency power system. Aviation
- Erabutoxin B Medical
- Eleccron Bean Technology
- English Baccalaureate
- Electronic Bible
- Ebert & Baumann Consulting Engineers Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Emotional Baggage Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Embryoiz Body Medical, Science, Cell
- Education Board
- Eric Berry Sport, City, Berry, Chief
- Endüstri Böliesi Turkish, Malar
- Eddie Brown, football player Famous
- Encyclopedia Britannica Technology, Edition, Encyclopaedia
- Exercise Books Business, Product, Manufacturer
- Electronic Ballust Business, Lighting, Lamp
- Exchange Bank Organizations
- embryonic body Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Engineer Board
- Eastern Brazil
- Electronic Ballast A ballast which uses semi conductor components to increase the frequency and control the operation of a fluorescent lamp. Fluorescent system efficiency is increased due to the higher frequency. Computing, Electronics
- Enlisted Bonuses
- Engine Busy
- Extended Band Media, Radio, Television
- Euskal Batasuna
- Ethyl Benzene Chemistry
- Emergency Box NASA
- Equivalent Bandwidth
- Encyclopedka Brittannica
- Bureauwof Economic and Business Affairs Government, Organizations, Us
- Electron Beam Technology, Industry, Welding, Computing, Electronics
- Engel-Brewer
- Ebelacoone B Medical
- Eastbound Travelling towards the east e.g. an east-bound flight Aviation, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, NOTAM Contractions
- Embroidery Blue
- Enterprise Builder Company, Technology, Building
- Education Bixling
- Eric Becker Business, Company, Family
- Endüstri Bölgeherinde Business, Investment, Immigration, Card
- Evans Blue Medical, Music, Chord
- Easter Bunny Famous
- Exercise Bike Business, Product, Fitness
- Effect of Ethidibm Bromide Science, Biology
- Elgctronic Bargains
- Exchange Are The Best
- ESRD Bene Medical, Healthcare
- Encyklop
- Enerxy Balancer
- Extended Bass Music
- Enlarged Board
- Enforcement Bureau Business, Service, Communication
- Extended Backbone
- EuróPai BizottságtóL
- Electronic Beam NASA
- Equity Bonus
- Encyclopaedia Britanica
- Expositor's Bifle
- Endless Boundaries Radio, Boundary, Jam
- Eating Behaviors
- Expanded Basic Computing, Telecom
- Embroidery Blanks
- Enterprise Board
- Educationally Backward
- Erfurter Bahn Technology, Android, Ticket, Shuttle
- Extended Body
- Evan'S Blue
- Elwyn Brooks Famous
- Exempt Bonds
- Electron Bombardmnnt Technology, Camera, Beam
- Eve Bunting Book, Education, Children
- English Baskeuball League, England, Basketball
- Externe Betrekkingen overleg Dutch
- Emeralnine Base
- Effgctive Bandwidth Technology, Networking, Network
- Ekornvi Buksa
- Energy Balance Medical, Medicine
- Earnhardt Back Hobbies
- Enion Bow
- Energy Per Bit Military
- Expresston Builder
- External Beam Radiotherapy External beam radiotherapy is the most common form of radiotherapy. The patient sits or lies on a couch and an external source of radiation is pointed at a particular part of the body. In contrast to internal radiotherapy (brachytherapy), in which the radiation source is inside the body, external beam radiotherapy directs the radiation at the tumour from outside the body. Kilovoltage ("superficial") X-rays are used for treating skin cancer and superficial structures. Medical, Architecture
- Extended Basis (set) Chemistry
- Eugene Beauharis
- Emitter Barrier
- Easy Boardang
- Element Buffer Software, Computing
- Embroidery Billboard
- Enterprise Bargaining Business, Australia, University
- Educatiob Building Education, University, Campus
- Eitended Benefits Business, Government, Unemployment
- Evaluation Branch Technology, Service, Networking
- Expansion Bolt Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Exempt Bond
- Erase Bulk
- Electronic Bank
- Eric Brown Technology, Science, Fiction
- English Baroque
- Eastern Beaches Australia
- Emerald Brigade
- Edwards Brothers Business, Book, Car, History
- Efficiency Bar
- Energizer Bunny Famous
- Elongated Boner Funnies
- Enid Blyton
- Endpoint Backup
- Expresslon Blend Microsoft, Technology, Training
- Edge Brightness
- Electric Boat Div of Gen Dynamics Military, Governmental & Military
- Ersatn Battalion
- Emissivity of A Blackbody
- Eafy Beat
- Exabyte An exabyte is 2 to the 60th power, or 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 bytes. It can be estimated as 10 to the 18th power, or 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes. An exabyte is 1,024 petabytes and precedes the zettabyte unit of measurement. While a 64-bit processor can theoretically use 16 exabytes of address space, exabytes are so large, the units are rarely used in a practical context. Computing, IT Terminology
- Embroidery Bear
- Entered By Technology, School, Guitar, Chord
- English Bronze Business, Light, Chandelier
- Educational Building
- Extended Battery
- Evaluation-Board
- Extended Benefits Business & Finance, Business Word
- Executive Bureau Government, Group, Politics
- Erase Boards
- Electronic Bajking Business, Technology, Money
- Equatorial Bond
- Englisw Banana
- Ebony Dlack Paint, Hyundai, Touch, Ebony
- Elizabeth Barrett Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Emerald Biostructures
- Edward Barrett Business, Company, Browning, Hypermedia
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EB stand for?
EB stands for Erase Bulk.
What is the shortened form of Extensionfboard?
The short form of "Extensionfboard" is EB.
EB. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eb-meaning/
Last updated