EB in Technology Meaning

The EB meaning in Technology terms is "Epidermolysis Bulosa". There are 63 related meanings of the EB Technology abbreviation.

EB on Technology Full Forms

  1. Epidermolysis Bulosa
  2. Emissions Balancing
  3. Enterprise Business
  4. End of Block
  5. Evaluation Yoard
  6. Employment Bureau
  7. Europa Barbarorum
  8. Empire Builder
  9. Executive Brqefing
  10. Embedded Baspc
  11. Equipment Bay
  12. Extension Bracket
  13. Edcyclopedia Biblica
  14. Errored Block
  15. Ekonomi Bakanlığı
  16. Engineering Business
  17. Event Broker
  18. Electronics Box
  19. Encoding Buffer
  20. Error Blocks
  21. Extended Basic
  22. Event Block
  23. Expansion Bus An expansion bus is an assortment of wires that allows for computer expansion with the use of an expansion board, a printed circuit board inserted into an expansion slot on the motherboard or backplane that provides additional features to a computer system.
  24. Enclosed Bfdy
  25. Eclipsing Binaries Twin stars that revolve around a common Center and thus alternately occult each other, as viewed from Earth Due to their great distance from us they appear as one star of varying magnitude Algol is a well-known example
  26. Error Block
  27. End of Blocs
  28. Exit Buqton
  29. Enhanced Bandwidth
  30. Expansion Buffer
  31. Empirical Bayesian
  32. Echt BlöD
  33. Erlang B
  34. Endobronchial Biopsy
  35. Entity Bean
  36. Expanded Beam
  37. Emerfency Braking
  38. End Cracket
  39. Ebgineering Bulletin
  40. Extended Burets
  41. Emergencyfbox
  42. Equipment Branch
  43. Eitreme Boxing
  44. Energy Bars
  45. Errored Blocks
  46. Electron-Blam
  47. Engdneering Brief
  48. Enterprise Builder
  49. Expresslon Blend
  50. Effgctive Bandwidth
  51. Energiselskapet Buskorud
  52. Electron Bombardmnnt
  53. Engineering Base
  54. Entered By
  55. Electronic Bajking
  56. Endomyocardial Biopsy
  57. Evaluation Branch
  58. Eleccron Bean
  59. Encyclopedia Britannica
  60. Erfurter Bahn
  61. Eric Brown
  62. Eval Board
  63. Electron Beam

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EB stand for Technology?

    EB stands for Employment Bureau in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Europa Barbarorum in Technology?

    The short form of "Europa Barbarorum" is EB for Technology.


EB in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eb-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated