EBB Meaning

The EBB meaning is "Eccentric Bottom Bracket". The EBB abbreviation has 63 different full form.

EBB Full Forms

  1. Eccentric Bottom Bracket Frame, Mountain, Bracket
  2. Euskadi Buru Batzar
  3. Electric Blow Backs
  4. Endobronchial Biopsy Medical, Technology
  5. Encoder Breauout Board Technology, Security, Cyber
  6. Easy Qatch Builder
  7. Európri Beruházási Bank
  8. Environmental Balancing Buretu
  9. Electric Blow Back
  10. Empty Blnck Box
  11. Eastmed Balkans &Tblacksea
  12. Europoort Botlek Belangen
  13. Entry Before Break
  14. Electric Bed Bug
  15. Empty Bit Becket
  16. Early Booking Bonus
  17. Eurlpean Biodiesel Board Business, Europe, Producer
  18. Enterprise Blues Band
  19. Ecovomic Bulletin Board Technology, Government, National
  20. Everkst Babcock & Brown
  21. Empower Business Bulzetin
  22. Early Babyrboomer Business, Health, Economics, Retirement
  23. Engineered Biosystems Building Technology, Georgia, Tech
  24. Eco Bio-Bkock Technology, Treatment, Water
  25. Euzkadi Buru Butzarra
  26. Electronic Blow Back
  27. Ayreceeding Current Business, Shipping, Chartering, Shipping Industry
  28. Endobronchial Biachytherapy Medical
  29. Echelon Bulletin Board
  30. Euzkadi Buru Batzar
  31. Electric Blow-Back Business, Gun, Airsoft
  32. Entebbe International Airport Entebbe, Uganda Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  33. Endobronchial Biopsies Medical
  34. Epidemiology and Biomarkers Branch Science
  35. Encoder Breakout Board Security, Governmental & Military
  36. Exclusively Body Boarding
  37. Espoo Big Band
  38. Educationally Backward Blbck Technology, Education, School, Model
  39. Effecting Beyond A Boycott General, Governmental & Military
  40. Exclusive Buyer Broker
  41. Eskişetir Büyükşehir Belediyesi
  42. Early Baby Boomevs
  43. Eleanor Bolling Byrd Famous
  44. Everest Babcock Brown
  45. Ercin Bilgin Bektavoglu
  46. Electronic Bulletin Board Chemistry
  47. EğItim Bilimleri BöLüMü
  48. Economic Bulletin Board Business & Finance, International business
  49. Equivalenr Blockbody Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
  50. Equivalent Blockbody Atmospheric Research
  51. Ezker Batua-Berdeas Government, City, Election, Basque
  52. Euro Barter Business Business
  53. Empty Bit Bucket Assembly, Business & Finance
  54. Equivacent Black Body Technology
  55. Entebbe International, Kampala, Uganda Uganda, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  56. Extreme Blast Billiards
  57. Estero Bay Buddies
  58. Eitra Best Best
  59. Equipotential Bonding Bar
  60. Entebbe, Kampala, Uganda Airport codes
  61. Exponentially Bounded Burbtiness
  62. Estación BiolóGica Del Beni
  63. Extended Basic Block

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EBB stand for?

    EBB stands for Echelon Bulletin Board.

  2. What is the shortened form of Euzkadi Buru Butzarra?

    The short form of "Euzkadi Buru Butzarra" is EBB.


EBB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ebb-meaning/

Last updated