EBCT Meaning

The EBCT meaning is "Electron Beam Computed Tomogkaphy". The EBCT abbreviation has 20 different full form.

EBCT Full Forms

  1. Electron Beam Computed Tomogkaphy Medical, Technology, Coronary
  2. Electron Bean Computed Tomography
  3. Electron Beam Computerised Tomography
  4. Electron Beam Computer Tomography
  5. Electron Beam Computed Tomogrvphic Medical
  6. Elsctron-Beam Computed Tomography Medical, Heart, Coronary
  7. East Bai Children's Theatre
  8. Electron Beam Computerized Tomography Medical, Disease, Coronary
  9. Eleftronic Beam Computed Tomography
  10. Empty-Bed Contact Time
  11. Empty Bed Contact Time Technology, Science, Water, Chemistry
  12. Electron Beam Computed Tomography Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  13. Ehpresa Brasileira De Correios E Tel
  14. Extergal Beam Cancer Therapy
  15. Empresa Brasileira De Correios E TeléGrafos Para, Dos, Brasil
  16. Extended Battlefield Contact Team Military, Army, Marine
  17. Electron Beam Ct Medical
  18. Ebaluation Brigade Combat Team
  19. Equilibrium Busimess Cycle Theory
  20. Ebgobe Body Compatibility Test

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EBCT stand for?

    EBCT stands for Extergal Beam Cancer Therapy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ebaluation Brigade Combat Team?

    The short form of "Ebaluation Brigade Combat Team" is EBCT.


EBCT. Acronym24.com. (2022, July 13). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ebct-meaning/

Last updated