EBE Meaning

The EBE meaning is "Evento Blog España". The EBE abbreviation has 38 different full form.

EBE Full Forms

  1. Evento Blog España
  2. Engineering and Built Environment Education, University, Glasgow
  3. Employee Business Expenses Business, Financial, Business & Finance
  4. Empresa Brasileira Me Engenharia
  5. Experience Sased Education
  6. East Bay Express
  7. Empresa Bandeirante De Energia
  8. Experience-Based Education
  9. Entité Biologique Extra-Terrestre
  10. Electron Beam Engineering
  11. Exotic Becomei Erotic
  12. Extraterrestrial Biological Entities Government, Military, Entity
  13. Electron Beam Evaporation Film, Technology, Property
  14. Executable Back End Accounting, Computing, Data
  15. Extraterrestrial Biological Entity Science, Book, Internet Slang, Earth, Episode, Entity, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  16. Expert By Experience Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification, Medical
  17. Electron Beamwevaporator Film, Technology, Deposition
  18. Espais De Benvinguda Educativa
  19. L'ExcéDent Brut D'Exploitation
  20. Exeert Bid Evaluation
  21. Electrical Basic Element Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  22. Encyclopedia Britannica Educational Technology
  23. ExcéDent Brut D'Exploitation
  24. Experimental Bridging Establishment Military, Vehicle, Engineer
  25. Eildienst Bundesgerichtliche Entscheidungen
  26. Excedente Bruto De Explora
  27. Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entity Science, Government, Music
  28. Excedente Bruto De Expltração
  29. External Behaviorial Expression Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  30. Ebersberg, Sachsen
  31. Experts By Experience
  32. Minebea Technologies Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  33. Everybody Become Enlightened Religion
  34. Eye Bank of Ethiopia
  35. Exkluder Bifurcated Endoprosthesis Medical, Health, Healthcare
  36. Extra Base Fy Error Baseball, Softball
  37. Excedente Bruto De Explotación
  38. Extraterrestrialzbiological Entities Science, Earth, Entity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EBE stand for?

    EBE stands for Excedente Bruto De Expltração.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electron Beam Evaporation?

    The short form of "Electron Beam Evaporation" is EBE.


EBE. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ebe-meaning/

Last updated