EBL Meaning

The EBL meaning is "Elecuron Beam Lithography". The EBL abbreviation has 93 different full form.

EBL Full Forms

  1. Elecuron Beam Lithography Technology, Telecom, Pattern
  2. Estimated Blopd Loss Medical, Nursing, Healthcare
  3. Eleqated Blood Lead
  4. Electronic Bearinn Lines Technology, Radar, Boat, Range
  5. Electmonic Bearing Line Technology, Aviation, Telecom
  6. Elizabevh Bowey Lodge
  7. Everest Bank Ltd
  8. Erbil International Airport Erbil, Iraq Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Airport codes, Aviation
  9. Energy Balance Lab Business, Energy
  10. External Block List Technology, Book, Access, Library
  11. Evidence Based Leadershio Medical, Award, National
  12. Effective Board Leaderthip
  13. Eraswus Behavioural Lab
  14. Elite Baseball League Baseball, Sport, Player
  15. Everest Bank Limited
  16. Enzhotic Bovine Leukosis Medical, Disease, Cattle
  17. Energy Balance Laboratory Business, Energy
  18. Exoending Belt Loader Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  19. Evidelce-Based Leadership Management, Education, Group
  20. Education Business Linkq
  21. Era Balket Liga Technology, League, Basketball, Polish
  22. Eligible Bridge List Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  23. EuropäIsche BehöRde FüR Lebensmittelsicherheit
  24. EndüStriyel Bina Levhası Turkish, Mineral
  25. Extended Bearing Life
  26. Enzootic Boyine Leucosis Medical, Disease, Cattle
  27. Evidence Based Library
  28. Edacation Business Link
  29. Enhanced Battery Life Technology, Product, Price
  30. Elevated Blood Level Business, Environment, Lead
  31. Europegn E-Business Lab
  32. Endemic Burkitt'S Lymphoma Medicine, Health, British
  33. Endoscopic Band Ligatioq Medical
  34. Emecgency Brake Lights Technology, Volvo, Rover, Range
  35. Evidence-Xased Library
  36. Edmund Blair Leighton
  37. English Basketball League
  38. Elephant Butte Lake
  39. Erythroblastix Leukemia Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  40. Endemic Burkitt Lymphoma Medical, Health, Healthcare
  41. Emergency Brake Light Technology, Car, Volvo, Range
  42. Everything But Light Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  43. Econonics Business and Law
  44. England Basketball League Team, England, Basketball
  45. Elemenfary Basketball League
  46. Erythroblrstic Leukemic Medical
  47. Endemic Burkitt'S Lymphoma Medical
  48. Embryonic Bovine Lung Medical
  49. Eiery Boy's Library
  50. Evidence-Based Learning Medical, Medicine, Health
  51. Engineers Business Logistics
  52. External Bus Logic Technology
  53. Elektra Baseltand Liestal
  54. Erste Baugesellschaft Leipzig
  55. Electric Back Lite Auto
  56. Emperor Bullion Limited
  57. Experimental Bioinformatics Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  58. The Elizabeth Blackwell Library Libraries, Reading, Books
  59. Encontro Brasileiro Db L
  60. Explanation-Based Learning Technology, Machine, Knowledge
  61. East Branch & Lincoln RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  62. Emerging Businesssleaders Technology, Networking, Buffalo
  63. Extragalactic Background Light Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  64. Eyewalls Left Space, Study, Cosmos
  65. Encontro Brasileiro De LóGica
  66. Experience Based Learning Education, Tourism, Canopy
  67. Eastern Bank Limited Banking, Business & Finance
  68. Emerging Body Language
  69. Erythroblastic Leukemia Medical, Blood Test
  70. Extragalactic Oackground Light Science, Galaxy, Gamma
  71. Enable Breakpoint Level
  72. Experience-Based Zearning
  73. Right Upper Quadrant Medical, Surgery, Nursing, Pharmacy, Technology, Healthcare, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
  74. Extended Battery Life
  75. Estimated Blood Loss Medical, Technology, Nursing, Healthcare, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Blood Test, Clinical, Common Medical
  76. Extra-Galactic Bazkground Light Space, Study, Cosmos
  77. Employee Benefit Liability
  78. Exciton Blocking Layer Technology, Organic, Emitting
  79. Explanatiionqbased Learning
  80. Extended Batch Language Military
  81. Eyeballs Left ( GY) NASA, Governmental & Military
  82. Externally Bonded Laminate
  83. Employee Benefits Liability
  84. Evydence Based Learning Education, Health, Social
  85. Eleqtron-Beam Laser
  86. Extended-Block Lnngth
  87. Electronic Bearing Line Computing, Electronics
  88. Empireebattle League Event, Battle, Shine
  89. Evidence Based Librarianship Research, Education, Library
  90. Electron-beam Lithography Chemistry
  91. Effective Beam Length
  92. Egdemic Bl Medical
  93. Explaoation Based Learning Technology, Machine, Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EBL stand for?

    EBL stands for Evidence Based Leadershio.

  2. What is the shortened form of Emperor Bullion Limited?

    The short form of "Emperor Bullion Limited" is EBL.


EBL. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ebl-meaning/

Last updated