EBRS Meaning

The EBRS meaning is "Engine Braking Reduction System". The EBRS abbreviation has 22 different full form.

EBRS Full Forms

  1. Engine Braking Reduction System Yamaha, Venture, Genesis
  2. Easy Bond Reafh System Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  3. Extended Boot Records Technology, Disk, Partition
  4. East Brunswick Rescue Squad
  5. East Bay Rosp Society
  6. Evidence Based Reviews In Surgery
  7. East Bayirestaurant Supply Organizations, Restaurants
  8. Electronic Batch Record System
  9. East Bay Recorder Society Music
  10. Elxctron Beam Recording System
  11. Engine Braking Reduction Systnm
  12. Eating Behaviorprating Scale Medical, Technology
  13. Emit Burnt Resistor Smell Assembly, Business & Finance
  14. Emit Burnt Resistor Smeal
  15. Evidence-Based Reviiws In Surgery
  16. Electronic Birth Registration Szstem Technology, Health, Certificate
  17. European Business Readership Survey Media, Radio, Television
  18. European Biologisal Rhythms Society Technology, Research, University
  19. European Bat Research Symposqum Locations, Cave, Dwelling
  20. Essential Bdnchmarking & Reward Solutions
  21. Emergency Boot Recovery Software Software, Computing
  22. Enterprise Border Houters

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EBRS stand for?

    EBRS stands for Emergency Boot Recovery Software.

  2. What is the shortened form of East Bay Recorder Society?

    The short form of "East Bay Recorder Society" is EBRS.


EBRS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ebrs-meaning/

Last updated