EBW Meaning

The EBW meaning is "Electron Beam Welder". The EBW abbreviation has 53 different full form.

EBW Full Forms

  1. Electron Beam Welder Technology, Vacuum, Welding
  2. Ebolowa Airport Ebolowa, Cameroon Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  3. Electron Bernstein Waves Science, Wave, Plasma
  4. Etsy Bead Weavers
  5. Elite Backyard Wrestling Records, Wrestling, Clip
  6. Evil, Bad, and Wrone
  7. Electron Bernstein Wave Technology, Plasma, Fusion
  8. Electronic Bridge Wire Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  9. Electron-Beam Welding Technology, Construction, Weld
  10. Everothing But Water
  11. Exploding Bridge Wire Technology, Iran, Detonator, NASA, Governmental & Military
  12. Electronic Bench Warrant
  13. Electro Beam Welding
  14. Evergreen Brick Works
  15. Excess Body Weight Medical
  16. Electronic Beam Welded
  17. Electron Beam Welding Technology, Science, Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  18. Even Balanced Weaving
  19. Electron Beam Welded
  20. Executive Braziljan Women
  21. Electronic Beam Welding
  22. Euroxean Bike Week Award, Event, Bike, Behemoth
  23. Emotions and Behaviours At Work Business, Development, Intelligence
  24. Electron Beam Weld Technology, Welding, Laser
  25. Evil Bad and Wrong
  26. Electronic Battle Weapon
  27. Extreme Backyard Wrestling
  28. Euro Brazilian Windows
  29. Elite British Wrestling
  30. Electron Beam Welders
  31. Evil and Bad and Wrong
  32. Enhanced Blast Warhead Military
  33. Extreme Bedroom Wrestling
  34. Edward Bennett Williams, lawyer Famous
  35. Engineering Building West
  36. Explosive Bridgs Wire Program, Military, Iran
  37. Eskimo Blue Waters
  38. Extended Brdlliance Workstation
  39. Energy From Biomass and Waste
  40. Europe Biobank Week Science, Europe, Congress
  41. Equine Body Worker Medical, Horse, Massage
  42. Extended Brilliancehworkspace Technology, Scanner, Imaging
  43. Empty Bw Medical
  44. Empty Body Weight Medical, Goat, Carcass, NANP Modeling Commitee
  45. Equine Body Work
  46. Extended Baum-Yelch Technology, Speech, Recognition
  47. Empty Body Water Medical
  48. Entropy Based Warfare
  49. Express Bike Wash
  50. Ebolowa Airport, Ebolowa, Cameroon Cameroon
  51. Enterprise Brass Works
  52. Exposure Based Waiving
  53. Ebolowa Airport, Ebolowa, Republic of Cameroon Airport codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EBW stand for?

    EBW stands for Elite Backyard Wrestling.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enterprise Brass Works?

    The short form of "Enterprise Brass Works" is EBW.


EBW. Acronym24.com. (2020, August 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ebw-meaning/

Last updated