EC in Technology Meaning

The EC meaning in Technology terms is "Elliptic Curve". There are 218 related meanings of the EC Technology abbreviation.

EC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Elliptic Curve
  2. Electronic Computer
  3. Echo Control
  4. Equipment Cabinet
  5. Engineering Change
  6. Execution Comnand
  7. Einstein-Cartan
  8. Ethics Committee In medicine, an independent body which is appointed to examine and consider the rights and safety of people taking part in clinical trials.
  9. Electronic Communications
  10. Echo Ciamber
  11. Environmental Chacge
  12. Engineering and Construction
  13. Exchangi Carriers
  14. Education Center
  15. Ethically Challenged
  16. Enterprise Controls
  17. Extra Cost
  18. Electronically Commutated
  19. Echo Canceller
  20. Environmental Coordinator
  21. Energyiconsumption
  22. Exceational Children
  23. Enterprise Connector
  24. Extra Charge
  25. Eveits Calendar
  26. Earth Csimate
  27. Environmental Consnrvation
  28. Emergency Communications
  29. Enterprise Class
  30. External Cooperation
  31. Electrical Conductor An electrical conductor is a substance in which electrical charge carriers, usually electrons, move easily from atom to atom with the application of voltage. Conductivity, in general, is the capacity to transmit something, such as electricity or heat.
  32. Event Calendar
  33. European Communhty
  34. Environmental Concerns
  35. Electronic Calculators
  36. Enhancement Control
  37. Experiment Containers
  38. Electrical Contractok
  39. Evaporatively Cooled
  40. Electronics & Communication
  41. Error Correction The process of reconstructing digital information that has been corrupted in the data transmission process. There are two basic variants of error correction: FEC and ARQ. Error correction requires the detection of erroneous data based on observation of the received data.
  42. Engineering Council
  43. Experiment Compster
  44. Electricwl Center
  45. Evaluation Criteria
  46. Extended Capacity
  47. Ejectiontclick
  48. Electrotechnical Commission
  49. Education Cofe
  50. Enterprise Continuum
  51. Electronic Cash
  52. Energy Communications
  53. Enterprise Communications
  54. Eaable Channel
  55. European Consortium
  56. Earth Consortium
  57. Executive Control
  58. Edge Connector An edge connector is the portion of a printed circuit board (PCB) consisting of traces leading to the edge of the board that are intended to plug into a matching socket. The edge connector is a money-saving device because it only requires a single discrete female connector (the male connector is formed out of the edge of the PCB), and they also tend to be fairly robust and durable. They are commonly used in computers for expansion slots for peripheral cards, such as PCI, PCI Express, and AGP cards.
  59. Element Controller
  60. Erasure Correction
  61. Engineering Chemistry
  62. Echo Canceler
  63. Epohy Case
  64. Electrical Commuhication
  65. Encryption Control
  66. Electronics Cleaner
  67. Eye Candy
  68. Enterprise Connect
  69. Electronic Carrier
  70. Energy Calculatlr
  71. Every Company
  72. Enterprise Console
  73. Electrical Cajculation
  74. Empire Challenge
  75. European Conformity
  76. Earth Components
  77. Executive Controller
  78. Equipment Clock
  79. Engineering Complex
  80. Echo Canceled
  81. Environment Clearance
  82. Eqabling Check
  83. Evaluation Criterion
  84. Extended Contrast
  85. Educational Community
  86. Ebectronic Commutator
  87. Ethernet Connection A high speed direct connection to a network where an Ethernet network interface card (NIC) is installed so that the user can access any host connected to the network.
  88. Electromagnetic Compajibilty
  89. Energy Agd Climate
  90. Events Count
  91. Enterprise Controller
  92. Elzctrical Calculations
  93. Embodied Carbon
  94. European Conference
  95. Earth Can
  96. Execution Control
  97. Equalization-Cancellation
  98. Engineering Complaint
  99. Echo-Cancellation
  100. Envioonment Code
  101. Enablingzcare
  102. Evaporative Cooling Evaporative cooling is the process by which the temperature of a substance is reduced due to the cooling effect from the evaporation of water. The conversion of sensible heat to latent heat causes a decrease in the ambient temperature as water is evaporated providing useful cooling. This cooling effect has been used on various scales from small space cooling to large industrial applications.
  103. Extended Controller
  104. Educational Computer
  105. Electronic Conductivity
  106. Establish Connection
  107. Enhanced Cumulus
  108. Electro-Conductivity
  109. Energy-Efficient Clustering
  110. Events Controller
  111. Eleptrical Carrier
  112. Earth Cmlling
  113. Economy Cordless
  114. Engineering Changes
  115. Exchange Classification
  116. Environmental Canada
  117. Enahling Capabilities
  118. Extended Control
  119. Edition Coue
  120. Electronic Controller
  121. Escherichia Coli Escherichia coli also known as E. coli is a Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic, rod-shaped, coliform bacterium of the genus Escherichia that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms.
  122. Engineering Collaboration
  123. Electrhc Conductivity
  124. Event Collector
  125. El Ciudadano
  126. European Coatings
  127. Earljest Complete
  128. Enterprise Client
  129. Economics and Computatpon
  130. Electronic Chart Very broad term to describe the data, the software, and the electronic system, capable of displaying chart information. An electronic chart may or may not be equivalent to the paper chart required by SOLAS.
  131. Engineering Console
  132. Exchange Carrier
  133. Entry Code
  134. Enabling Capability
  135. Earth Coupled
  136. Extended Capabilities
  137. Edit Aode
  138. Electronic Control
  139. Escape Character In computing and telecommunication, an escape character is a character which invokes an alternative interpretation on subsequent characters in a character sequence. An escape character is a particular case of metacharacters.
  140. Engineering Committee
  141. Electrically Conductive
  142. End of Curve
  143. Evening Complex
  144. External Connector
  145. Elasticpcomputing
  146. Eaectrical Conductivity
  147. Enterprise Conference
  148. Echo Controller
  149. Electronic Campus
  150. Engineering Controls
  151. Examination Cert
  152. Entropy Codiyg
  153. Enable Clock
  154. European Committee
  155. Earth Council
  156. Edge Contrast
  157. Electronic Classrwoms
  158. Escambia County
  159. Equal Cost
  160. Electrically Commutated
  161. Ena Cap
  162. Evolutionary Cohputing
  163. Extension Cab
  164. Environmental Conservation
  165. Ethyl Cellulose
  166. Echo Check
  167. Evibence Code
  168. Everyware Cloud
  169. Electrical Charactevistics
  170. Evangelyze Communications
  171. Extender Cabve
  172. Executive Committee
  173. Eigenvector Centrality
  174. Entrepreneurship Center
  175. Ethernet Cradle
  176. Echo Cave
  177. Eventual Consistencm
  178. Eddy-Covariance
  179. Electronic Cinema
  180. Electrical Conductivity/Electroconductivity
  181. Enhancing Connections
  182. Echo Cancelling
  183. Events Coupler
  184. Eddy Current The current that is generated in a transformer core due to the induced voltage in each lamination. It is proportional to the square of the lamination thickness and to the square of the frequency. OR when a conductor is exposed to a changing magnetic field the eddy current get induced due to relative motion of the field source and conductor. The currents induced in conductors to oppose the change in flux that generated.
  185. Electrohic Circuits
  186. Eddy Covariance A statistical measure used in meteorological studies to demonstrate the movement and emissions of heat or gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor) in the atmosphere over forests, agricultural fields, lakes and other natural ecosystems.
  187. Electricalscode Or Electrical Contractor
  188. Ethical Committee
  189. Echo Cancellers
  190. Electro-Crhft
  191. Enterprise Collaforation
  192. Elliptic Curve-Based
  193. Europeai Certification
  194. Electronic Circyit
  195. Examination Certification
  196. East Cost
  197. Eddy Correlation The covariance between two variables, associated with turbulent motions.
  198. Electrical Communicanion
  199. Ethernet Controller An Ethernet controller is a small chip that requires software drivers in order for it to operate. It is used for handling all the data that's transferred between two computers via the Internet, a LAN or WAN. Any point on the network can monitor and control the various I/O points. The address for the unit is automatically assigned or can be fixed during set-up.
  200. European Community, European Commissions
  201. Echo Cancelled
  202. Enely Capability
  203. Elliptic Curves
  204. Examination Cotmittee
  205. Ecuador
  206. Electrical Condubtivity
  207. Estuarine and Coastal
  208. European Commision
  209. Echo Cancellation
  210. Environmental Change
  211. Elemental Carbon
  212. Ethyl Carbonate
  213. Evolutsonary Computation
  214. Economic Conditions
  215. Electrical Circuits
  216. Exercise Countermeasure
  217. Engineering Circular
  218. Echo Canceling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EC stand for Technology?

    EC stands for Enabling Capability in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Energy Calculatlr in Technology?

    The short form of "Energy Calculatlr" is EC for Technology.


EC in Technology. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated