ECB Meaning

The ECB meaning is "European Central Banks". The ECB abbreviation has 152 different full form.

ECB Full Forms

  1. European Central Banks Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  2. Echelons Corps and Below War, Corps, Services
  3. Electronicacode Book Technology, Information Technology, Telecom
  4. England Andzwales Cricket Board Sport, Sports, Athletics
  5. European Central Baik Business, Economics, Rate
  6. Electricity Control Board Business, Organizations, Namibia
  7. Educational Communbcations Board Science, Education, Wisconsin
  8. European Central Bank Business, Finance, Economics, Management, Financial, Banking, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word, International business
  9. Eddy Current Brake Technology, Trainer, Elliptical
  10. Emergency Communications Board
  11. Environmental Control Board Government, Building, Violation
  12. Ecosystem Coordination Board
  13. EuróPska CentráLna Banka
  14. Energy Cost Budget Technology, Building, Standard
  15. Election Commission of Bangladesh
  16. Emitter Connecting Block
  17. Estate Coldwell Banker
  18. Educational Conference Board
  19. Executive Control Board
  20. Engineering Construction Bulletin
  21. Early Cell Cycle Box Medical
  22. European Certification Board Business, Safety, Safe
  23. Electronically Controlled Brakes Technology, Car, Hybrid, Toyota
  24. Emergency Capacity Building Technology, Projection, Humanitarian
  25. Entry Control Building Technology
  26. Economy Carbon Block
  27. Europos Centrinis Bankas Banking, Pal, Banknote
  28. Election Commission Bangladesh Card, Bangladesh, Election
  29. Emirates Cricket Board League, Emirate, Cricket
  30. Essential Cell Biology Medical, Human genome
  31. Edmondson Custom Built
  32. Executive Control Battery
  33. Engineering and Construction Bulletins Military, Armour, Artillery, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  34. European Coordination Bureau
  35. European Certification Boards Business, Safety, Safe
  36. Electronically Controlled Brake Technology, Car, Hybrid, Toyota
  37. Electronic Code Blocks Technology, Security, Cipher, Encryption
  38. Entry Control Block
  39. Economic Cooperation Bureau
  40. Europese Centrale Bank Business, Financial, Economics
  41. Election Commission of Bhutan Government, Politics, Bhutan
  42. Emerzing Corporate Banking
  43. Error Correction Bit Technology, Telecom
  44. Edit Control Button
  45. Euecutive Coach Builders
  46. Engineering and Construction Bulletin Technology, Analysis, Cycle
  47. Electronic Control Box Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  48. European Certification Bureau Business, Fire, Yacht, Boat
  49. Electrically Controlled Brake
  50. Ethics Control Board
  51. Electronic Code-Book Information, Network, Computer
  52. Entity Control Boundary Technology, Java, Pattern
  53. Economic Commission Board Business, Economics, Market
  54. European Congress On Biotechnology Medical, Technology, Event, Human genome
  55. Emerging Concepts Lranch Military
  56. Error Control Block
  57. Edit Control Block Technology, Custom, Feature
  58. Executive Certification Board
  59. Engineering Construction Battalion Military, Army, Engineer
  60. European Central Banking
  61. Electrically Controlled Bifringence Military
  62. Ethernet To Coax Bridge
  63. Expert Clinical Benchmarks
  64. Electronic Code Block Technology, Drive, Cipher, Encryption
  65. Enhanced Cellular Base Station Technology, Telecom
  66. East Central Branch
  67. European College of Baromedicine Development, Study, Colleges
  68. Emerging Community Banktrs
  69. Erosion Control Blankets Product, Erosion, Soil
  70. Edinburgh Convention Bureau Organizations, Event, Scotland
  71. Evangelical Christian Baptists Ukraine, Religion, Baptist
  72. Engineer Construction Battalion Military, Army, Locations
  73. European Central Ba
  74. Electrically Controlled Birefringence Technology, Telecom, Display
  75. Empty Cardboard Box
  76. Ethernet Client Bridge
  77. Expendable Communications Bouy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  78. Engineering and Computing Building
  79. East Carolina Bank
  80. European Chemical Bureau Chemistry, Science, Substance
  81. Electronic Cookbook Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  82. Emergency Communication Buoy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  83. Erosion Control Blanket Technology
  84. Eddy Current Breaking
  85. Evaluation Capacity Building Technology, Program, Military
  86. Engineer Combat Battalion Military, Army, War
  87. Electrical Control Board
  88. Empresa Construtorazbrasil
  89. Estonian Convention Bureau Government, Bureaus
  90. Expendable Communication Bury Military
  91. Engineering and Construction Batallion Army, War, War Force
  92. East Capital Baltikumfonden
  93. European Certification Body Business, Safety, Safe
  94. Electronic Council Book Military
  95. European Corn Borer Botany, Scientific & Educational
  96. Eurodocsis Certification Board
  97. Europeanfcontrol Board
  98. England Clearinghouse Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  99. Endocannlbinoid Medical
  100. Ethylen-Copolymerisat-Bitumen
  101. Eerdmans Commentary On The Bible
  102. External Controller Based
  103. Emacs Code Browser Software, Computing
  104. Energy Conservation Building Business, India, Shoal
  105. Europe'S Central Bank
  106. European Conference On Biomaterials
  107. Event Control Block Computing, IT Terminology
  108. Endkng Cash Balance
  109. Ethiopian Community In Britain Company, Organizations, London
  110. Education Company Berlin
  111. External Cache Battery Technology, Module, Storage
  112. Electronic Code Book Computing, IT Terminology
  113. Energy Conscious Blueprint
  114. Euro Central Bank Business, Rate, Market
  115. Electrical Contractors Board Business, Cape, Town
  116. Events Control Buffer NASA
  117. Evict Cache Block
  118. Encore Coocert Band
  119. Education Centre Biotechnologie Technology, Biotechnology
  120. Express Carrier Board
  121. Electronic Cross Bar Computing, Electronics
  122. Energy Coomercial Bank
  123. Euro-Convertible Bond
  124. El Cheapo Brinkman Smoke, Smoker, Grill
  125. EŬRopa Centra Banko
  126. European Chemicals Bureau Chemistry
  127. Everest Corporationrate Benefits
  128. Enclosed Cabinet Benches
  129. Education Catering Branch Education
  130. Engineering Change Board Postal, Us Government, Us Post, Governmental & Military, Usps, postal service
  131. Enzrgy Centre Bratislava Technology, Energy, Projection
  132. Ethylene Copolymer Bitumen Business, Material, Waterproofing
  133. Elastomeric Crack Bridging Products
  134. Extra Cara Buck Business, Deal, Coupon
  135. Educational Communications Board Science, Scientific & Educational
  136. Event Controlled Llock Space, Study, Cosmos
  137. Education and Capacity Building
  138. East Coast Boogiemen Music
  139. Energy Cenyer Bratislava
  140. Ethylen Copolymer Bitumen
  141. Eiropas CentrĀLĀ Banka
  142. Extra Care Bucks Business, Deal, Coupon
  143. electricity control box Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  144. European Central Ban
  145. Eurpean Central Bank
  146. Educational Computer Board
  147. Energy Centre Bratislava Energy
  148. Endhgenous Cannabinoid Medical
  149. European Coastal Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  150. Ethylen-Copolymer-Bitumen
  151. Effects of Central Bank
  152. Externaltcontroller-Based

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ECB stand for?

    ECB stands for Economic Cooperation Bureau.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Cross Bar?

    The short form of "Electronic Cross Bar" is ECB.


ECB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated