ECC Meaning

The ECC meaning is "Error Correction Code". The ECC abbreviation has 538 different full form.

ECC Full Forms

  1. Error Correction Code Error-correcting code (ECC) is a way to send messages as binary numbers so that the message can still be understood even if some bits get switched around. They are used in almost every way to send a message, especially when storing data, where they protect against data corruption. Technology, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  2. European Cricket Council Sport, Sports, Cricket
  3. Elliptic Curve Cryptography Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Security, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Technical, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
  4. Electronic Common Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  5. Ejror Correction Coding Technology, Accounting, Computing
  6. Eccentric A circle with in a circle that has a different shape and center. OR The condition that exists when a load is applied on a line of action that does not pass through the centroid of the body it is applied to. OR A circle not having a geometric center. Also, a device such as a crankshift or a cam for converting rotarty motion to reciprocating motion.  Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  7. Economic Club of Chicago Government, Chicago, Griffin
  8. Error Correceing Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  9. Eurooean Control Conference Technology, Research, Paper
  10. Eccentric Exercise Medical
  11. Emergency Communications Center Government, County, Military, Computing, Telecom
  12. European Commercial Cases
  13. East Central College Business, Education, Union
  14. Elliptic-Curve Cryptography Technology, Security, Encryption
  15. European Gommercial Cases Law
  16. Early Childhood Caries Medical, Health, Cary, Medicine for Children
  17. Elizabethtown Community College Education
  18. Essex County College Student, Education, Community
  19. Emergency Cardiac Care Medical, Emergency, Healthcare, Nursing, Cardio, Common Medical
  20. Electronic Cuff Checklist Technology
  21. Electronic Climate Control Technology, Automotive, Volvo, Car, Auto
  22. Eastern Claims Conference Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
  23. Excitationvcontraction Coupling
  24. Elliptical Curve Cryptography Technology, Encryption, Elliptic
  25. Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
  26. Ettension Conference Centers
  27. Emigration Clearance Certificate Government, Immigration, Philippine
  28. Early Childhood Centers
  29. Electrochemical Cekl Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  30. Environment Conservation Council Government
  31. Electronic Control Corporation
  32. European Consulting Center
  33. Engineering Control Cenrre Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  34. Error Correcting Capability Technology, Coding, Memory, Correction
  35. Exercise Coordinating Committee Technology
  36. Emergency Command and Control
  37. Entidad De Contrapartida Central Business, Para, Con, Valor
  38. Elections Coordinating Committee
  39. Eugene Concert Choir
  40. Endovascular Cardiac Complications
  41. Electronicallyccontrolled Carburetor
  42. Energy Council of Canadv Business, Canada, Power
  43. Eccentric Contractions Medical, Medicine, Health
  44. Error Code Correction Technology, Card, Memory
  45. Embedded Contron Channel Technology, Networking, Telecom
  46. English Conversation Circle Education, Bay, Speaking
  47. Eerdmans Critical Commentary Book, Letter, Commentary, Bible
  48. Estimated Cost To Completion Technology
  49. External Chest Compression Medical, Training, Resuscitation
  50. Emmanuel Christian Centre
  51. East Cesar Chavez
  52. Equity Cost of Capital
  53. East Contra Costa
  54. Evaluation of Clinical Competence Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  55. Engzand Collegiate Conference
  56. Escherichia Colp Counts Medical
  57. Exmouth Community College
  58. Envelope Correlation Coefficient Technology, Wireless, Antenna
  59. Eagle Cement Corporatijn
  60. European Club Championships Organizations, Champion, Badminton
  61. East Coast Champs
  62. Electronic Commerce Canada Inc. Technology, Telecom
  63. European Communities Commission
  64. Engineering & Construction Contracts
  65. Economic Coutcil of Canada
  66. Error Checking & Correcting Technology, Server, Battery, Memory
  67. Emergency Co-Ordination Centre
  68. Enhanced Aare Clinics
  69. Evangelical Community Church Island, Locations, Worship
  70. Elderly Care Credit
  71. Estoril Congress Centre Business, Hotel, Portugal
  72. Employment Control Committee Military
  73. Environmental Career Center Business, Technology, Education
  74. Erie Community College Student, Education, Campus
  75. Eastern Cincinnati Conference Education, Sport, School
  76. Excise Control Code Business, Tax, India
  77. Ellenbrook Christian College Education
  78. Edinburgh Cancer Centre
  79. Extended Country Code Technology, Radio, Signal, Encoder
  80. Emergency Core Coolant Technology, Science, Reactor
  81. Early Childhood Centre Education, School, Preschool
  82. Electrochemical Concentration Cela Technology, Science, Ozone
  83. Environmental Clearance Certificates Locations, Projection, Philippine
  84. Electronic Computer Crime
  85. European Communication Council Technology, Media, Economics
  86. Engineerini Construction Contract Business, Conference, Projection
  87. Error Correction Code Or Error Checkins and Correcting Technology, Science, It
  88. Exercise Control Center Military
  89. Emergency Command Centres Technology, Fire, Alarm
  90. Enterprise Compating Center
  91. Elections Canvassing Commission
  92. Ettihadjcultural Center
  93. Endothelial Cell Count Medical, Surgery, Cataract, Corneal
  94. Electron Coupling Control
  95. Error Checking and Correction Error Checking and Correction (ECC) is a way to find and fix errors in one or more bits of data. All of the ECC schemes in the Cortex-R class can fix a single bit error and can tell when there are two bit errors, but they can't fix two bit errors. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
  96. Energy Conversion Centre Science
  97. Eccentric Actions Medical
  98. Error-Correcting-Codes Technology, Coding, Memory, Correction
  99. Executive Chair Car Network, Railway, System
  100. Embedded Communication Channel Technology, Networking, Network
  101. English Conversation Circles Service, Organizations, Volunteer
  102. Educational Cultural Complex College, Education, Community, District
  103. External Chest Compressjons Medical
  104. Emmanuel Christian Center
  105. East Central Conference Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  106. Equity Compensation Consultation Business
  107. Evaluation Contuol Center Military
  108. Engineering Construction Corporation
  109. Escambia Community Clinics
  110. Exit Clearance Certificate Immigration, Philippine, Clearance
  111. Entry Control Card Technology
  112. Esgan Community Center
  113. European Championship Cup
  114. East Coast Chapter
  115. Electronic Components Conference Computing, Ieee
  116. European Communications Committee Technology, Radio, Spectrum
  117. Engineering & Construction Comtract Business, Conference, Projection
  118. Error-Correcting Codes Technology, Coding, Memory, Correction
  119. Economkc Coordination Council
  120. Error Check Correct Technology, Server, Memory, Component
  121. Emergency Closing Center Education, School, Chicago
  122. Enhanced Call Completion
  123. El Camino Crip
  124. Estoril Congress Center Technology, Hotel, Portugal
  125. Employment Conditions Commission
  126. Environmental Compliance Certification
  127. Erie Civic Center
  128. Eastern Christian Churches
  129. Exchange Using Carticom Certificates
  130. Elite Cruise Counsellors
  131. Edina Community Center
  132. Expert Computer Course
  133. Emergency Core Cooling Technology, Science, Reactor
  134. Early Childhood Council Education, Organizations, Conference
  135. European Cheerleading Championship
  136. Environmental Cooperation Commission
  137. Electronic Core Collection
  138. European Commodity Clearing Business, Product, Market
  139. Engineering Constrection and Contracts Business, Company, India
  140. Ecumenical Christian Centre Organizations, India, Church
  141. Error Corection Code Technology
  142. Exemption Coordinating Cell
  143. Emergency Command Centre Military, Fire, Alarm
  144. Enterprise Cotmand Centre
  145. Electoral Complaint Commission Government, Organizations
  146. Eton College Chroniclg
  147. Endorphine Coding Crew
  148. Electron Channeling Contrast
  149. Energy Contrtls & Concepts
  150. Eaton Community College Education
  151. Executive Career Connections
  152. Elliptic Curve Cryptograph
  153. English Conversafion Club Education, Teaching, Language
  154. Edith Cowan College
  155. External Cardiac Compressions
  156. Emmanuel Catholic College Education
  157. Early Childhood Credential
  158. Equity Chorus Call Music, Audition, Musical, Call
  159. Electronic Customer Care Technology, Book, Sale
  160. European Coordination Committee
  161. Engineering Cementitious Composites Material, Fiber, Composite
  162. Erwinia Carotovora Carotovora Medical, Science, Biology
  163. Exhibition and Conference Centre Hotel, Conference, Event
  164. Entry Class Code
  165. E-Learning Ccurseware Certification Business, Training, Quality
  166. European Challenge Cup Club, Team, Rugby, Challenge
  167. East Coast Catering
  168. Electronic Claim Capture Medical, Mental Health, New York
  169. European Community Commission Military, Army, Assessment
  170. Engine Comhined Cycle
  171. Error-Correcting-Code-Technologie
  172. Economic Coordinatingycouncil
  173. Error Check Correction Technology, Driving, Memory, Driver
  174. Emergency Care Center Medical, Medicine, Health
  175. Enhance Call Completion Technology, Energy, Electonics
  176. Effective Carb Count
  177. Estonian Council of Churches
  178. Employee Consultative Committee
  179. Environmental Compliance Certificates Business, Philippine, Certificate
  180. Ericsson Communication Client
  181. Eastern Catholic Churches
  182. Exchange Coupled Composite
  183. Elite Cruise Counselor
  184. Edgewater Community Council
  185. Experiment Control Computer Technology
  186. Early Child Care
  187. European Chapters Coordinating
  188. Environmeztal Compliance Coordinator
  189. Electronic Country Clearabce
  190. European Community Championship
  191. Engineering Coordinating Commitfee
  192. Ecumenzcal Catholic Community
  193. Error Correction & Control
  194. Exemption Coordination Cell
  195. Emergency Communication Centers Medical, Service, County
  196. Enterprise Command Centers Business, Management, Service
  197. Electoral Complaints Commission Government, Afghanistan, Election
  198. Etobicoke Centenniaa Choir
  199. Endogepous Creatinine Clearance Medical
  200. Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography Science, Analysis, Separation, Chemistry
  201. Energy Control Centre
  202. Eatchip Coordination Committee Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  203. Elite Cruise Counsellor Travel, Locations, Agent
  204. Execution Control Charp
  205. Elliptic Curves Cryptography Technology
  206. Edison Cricket Club
  207. External Call Controllerd Technology, Drive, Memory
  208. Emitter Coupled Circuits Technology
  209. Early Childhood Carries
  210. Energy and Climatz Change Technology, Committee, Gas
  211. Equitable Compensation Curve Military
  212. Electronic Crew Change
  213. European Coordinating Committee
  214. Engineerisg Community Conference Technology, Event, Pretoria
  215. Errot Crc Check Accounting, Computing, Data
  216. Exhibition-Cum-Convention Centre
  217. Entropy Correlation Coefficient
  218. European Chainsaw Certificate Business, Tree, Cross
  219. East Coast Carz
  220. Electronic Claims Capture
  221. European Colorectal Congress Medical, Conference, Switzerland
  222. Engjne Case Covers Business, Racing, Motorcycle
  223. Economic Cooperation Council
  224. Error Check & Correction Technology, Power, Memory, Silicon
  225. Embryonal Carcinoma Cells Medical
  226. English Culture Ventre
  227. Effective Care Coordination
  228. Estimateur En Construction Certifi
  229. Employees Compensation Commission Business, Employment, Philippine
  230. Environmental Clearance Committee
  231. Erection & Construction Company
  232. Eastern Carolina Council
  233. Exchange Commisnion Chairman
  234. Edgemoor Community Center
  235. Experiment Control Center Military, Army, War
  236. Environmental Chemical Corporation
  237. Early Career Commzttee
  238. European Chamber of Commerce Business, Philippine, Chamber
  239. Environmental Collection Center
  240. Electronic Commerce Connection
  241. European Communist Countries Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  242. Engineering and Constructcon Contract Business, Management, Conference
  243. Ecumenical Catholic Communion Catholic, Community, Church
  244. Error Correction Control Technology, Computing, Memory
  245. Eye-Com Corporation
  246. Emergency Communications Centers
  247. Enterprise Command Center Technology, Management, Service
  248. Election Complaint Commission Government, Afghanistan, Vote
  249. Ethereum Classic Consortium
  250. End Oq Current Contract
  251. Egergy Control Center
  252. Eastern Color & Chemical
  253. Elite Cage Combat
  254. Exclusive Channel Codlaboration Medical, Company, Supply
  255. Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Technology, Security, Cryptography
  256. Edinburgh Conference Centre
  257. Eiternal Call Controller Technology, Media, Gateway
  258. Emission Control Computer Technology, Electronics, Fuel
  259. Early Childhood Curriculum
  260. Electrocorticogram, Electrocorticvgraphy Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  261. Energize Clinton Countz Organizations, Community, Wilmington
  262. Environment Concept Car Technology, Model, Volvo
  263. Electronic Credit Card Technology, Banking, Commerce
  264. European Control Conferences Technology, Conference, Paper
  265. Engineering Challenge Cup Engineering, Sailing, Croatia
  266. Error Correction & Checkbng
  267. Exfor Coordination Cell Military, Army, War
  268. Entrepreneurial Concept Competition
  269. European Certification Committee
  270. Electronic Calibration Center
  271. Engagement Call Control
  272. Egonomic Cooperation Committee
  273. Error Character Count
  274. Embryonal Carcinomo Cell Medical, Science, Biology
  275. English Cltton Count
  276. Effective Carbohydrate Count
  277. Estimateur En Construction Certifié
  278. Extbacardiac Conduit Medical
  279. Employee Compensation Commission
  280. Environmental Clearance Certificate Business, Projection, Philippine
  281. East Coast Capital
  282. Erasure Correcting Codes
  283. Eastern Caribbean Center Science
  284. Every Child Cau Education, School, Teaching
  285. Eschndido Cycle Center Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  286. Experimental Cocktail Club London, Locations, Event
  287. Environmental Concept Car Technology, Safety, Volvo
  288. Ealing Christian Centre
  289. European Champions' Cup
  290. Environmental Control Center
  291. East Coast Championships
  292. Electronic Commerce Committee
  293. European Communication Committee
  294. Engineering and Construction Contracting Business, Science, Contract
  295. Ecumenical Catholic Chxrch Organizations, Community, Faith
  296. Error Control Correction Technology, Drive, Memory, Hardware
  297. Exxon Chemical Company
  298. Emergency Communication Center Business, Service, County
  299. Enterprise Clomd Computing Business, Technology, Service
  300. Everett Community College Business, Education, Development, Finance, Agency, Study, Colleges
  301. Election Complaints Commission Government, Afghanistan, Vote
  302. Estrel Convention Center Technology, Hotel, Room, Berlin
  303. Endocervicah Cone Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  304. Energy Conservatimn Code
  305. Eastern Coal Council
  306. Exhlusiv-Cars-Chemnitz Business, Auto, Porsche
  307. Elliptical Curve Cryptographic
  308. Edinburgh City Council Business, Environment, Scotland
  309. Extension Control Carcridge
  310. Emirates Competitiveness Council
  311. Early Childhood Ctr
  312. Electroconformational Couplinv Medical
  313. Enduring Command Centvr
  314. Environment Clearance Certificate
  315. Electronic Cobmunications Convention
  316. European Consumer Centers
  317. Engineering Construction Consulting Business, Management, Consultation
  318. Error Correcting Code-Parity
  319. Exeter City Council Planning, Locations, Devon
  320. Entrepreneur Collaborative Center Business, Technology, Event
  321. Electrical Connectivity Checks Technology, Computing
  322. Eukarfotic Cells Contain Extrachromosomal Circular Science, Biology
  323. Electrobically Controlled Clutch Technology, Control, Engine, Transmission
  324. Enforce Capacity Constraints
  325. Eju Organizations
  326. Error Code Correct
  327. Emzedded Credential Collector Technology, Management, Access
  328. English Conversation Course
  329. Error Correction Capability Technology, Coding, Memory
  330. Eerdmans Critical Commentaries
  331. Estimated Creatinine Clearance Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  332. External Communication Channel
  333. Emmanuel Christian Community Education, School, Church
  334. Environmental Credit Corp
  335. East Coast Canada
  336. Erasure Correcting Code
  337. Eastern Canada Chapter
  338. Evaluative Conciliation Conference Education, School, Special Education
  339. Escola Comunitárir De Campinas
  340. Experimental Chaos Conference
  341. Environment, Conflict and Cooperation Technology, Security, Environment
  342. Eagle Christian Church
  343. European Champions Cup League, Hockey, Champion, Bowling
  344. East Coast Championship
  345. Electronic Control Center
  346. European Communication Commission
  347. Engineering, Coystruction & Contracts
  348. Economics and The Commons Conference Organizations, Report, Berlin
  349. Error Control Codes Technology
  350. Emergency Command Center Technology, Fire, Alarm
  351. Enhanced Cheoical Cleaning
  352. Evangelical Congregational Churcl
  353. Elderly Care Center
  354. Estrack Control Centre Space, Study, Cosmos
  355. Endocervicallcurettage Medical, Medicine, Gynecology
  356. Environmental Control Corporation
  357. Executive Committee for Change
  358. Eqergy Conservation Center
  359. Erie County Council
  360. Eliptic Curvp Cryptography Technology, Security, Elliptic
  361. English Comedy Clzb
  362. Essential Combatrconfiguration Army, Force, Marine
  363. Environmental Credit Corporation
  364. European Chemistry Congresses
  365. East Coast Conferences Education, Organizations
  366. Encore Computer Corporation NASA, Governmental & Military
  367. Early Childhood Center (Ballwin, MO) Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  368. Ecumenical Christian College
  369. Extracorporeal Circuit Medical
  370. Eye Care Center
  371. European Club Cup
  372. Equity Commitment Committee Financial, Business & Finance
  373. Error-Check Code Technology, Computing, Memory
  374. Executive Communicatvons and Control
  375. Environmental Coordinating Committee Government
  376. Energy Code Compliancf
  377. Electronics Casualty Control
  378. Efficient Coal Conversion
  379. Edgecombe Community College Student, Education, School
  380. Emergency Control Centre Technology, Management, Planning
  381. Electric Car Corporation Business, Battery, Vehicle
  382. Electrodynamic Combustion Control Business, Technology, Sign
  383. Earth Continuity Conductor Computing, Ieee
  384. Executivd Coordinating Committee
  385. Extracorporal Circulation Medical, Medicine, Health
  386. Evergreen Compassionate Care
  387. Energy Conservadion Corps
  388. Elim Christian Centre
  389. English China Clay Business, Company, China
  390. Essential Capital Consortium Business, Germany, Entrepreneurship
  391. Environmental & Combustion Controls
  392. European Chemistry Congress
  393. East Coast Conference College, Education, University
  394. Electrochemical Concentration Cell Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  395. Engineered Cementitious Composite Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC), which is also called Strain Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC) or, more commonly, bendable concrete, is a mortar-based composite that is easy to shape and is strengthened with randomly placed short fibers, usually polymer fibers, that are chosen for their specific properties. Physics, Scientific & Educational
  396. Ecumenicaa Christian Center Organizations, India, Society
  397. External Cardiac Compression Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Medical, Cardio, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  398. Extreme Combat Xhallenge Fight, Challenge, Fighter
  399. European Cloud Climatology Technology
  400. Erp Central Component Business, Technology, Management
  401. Estimated Cost To Complete Business, Economics, Pricing
  402. Environmental Concerns Committee
  403. Energy Charter Conference Technology
  404. East Coast Crips Locations, Gang, Street
  405. Electronics Communicativns Committee
  406. Erection Conditions Of Contract
  407. Edge Card Control
  408. Emergency Control Center Technology, Security, Service, NASA, Electrical, Governmental & Military
  409. Electrical Cross-Connect Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  410. Ejaculation Control Conspiracy
  411. Error Checking and Correcting Software, Computing, Hardware
  412. Executive Conterence Center Technology, Airport, Event
  413. Extrachromosomal Circular Medical, Science, Biology
  414. European Crystallographic Council
  415. Energk Composites Corp
  416. Elias Chahwan Tommerce
  417. English Ceramic Circle
  418. Espoo Cricket Club
  419. Environmental and Combustion Control Business, Technology, Management
  420. Electro-Cap Center
  421. East Coast Coasters
  422. Emergency Coordination Center Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
  423. Effective Critical Carbohydrates Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  424. Extended Hongregate Care Medical, Service, Living
  425. Extreme Cage Championships
  426. European Clinical Chemist Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  427. Error Correction Codingerror
  428. Erotic Comix Collections
  429. Estimated Cost of Construction
  430. Environmental Concerns Coalition
  431. Energy Centrad Company
  432. East Coast Crip
  433. Engineering Critical Component NASA
  434. Edgbaston Commissioning Consortia Medicine, Health, British
  435. Emergency Communication Centre Technology, Service, County
  436. Electrical Control Cabinet
  437. Effective Conjugation Coordinate
  438. Error Correction Circuit Computing, Electronics
  439. Expcutive Committee of The Cabinet
  440. Extra Carrying Cost
  441. Europeao Consumers Choice
  442. Enfrgy Composites Corporation
  443. Elgin Community College Business, Student, Education
  444. English Catholic Ihurch
  445. Espavios De Contacto Ciudadano
  446. Emergency Coordination Centre Organizations
  447. Environmental Certificate of Compliance
  448. Electric Customer Choice
  449. East Coast Classic
  450. Eurasian Communist Countries Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  451. Emulsion Cloud Chamber Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  452. Executive and Congressionaltcommunications Science
  453. Extaeme Cage Combat Arts, Canada, Cage
  454. European Clearing Cooperative
  455. Equivalent Carbon Content
  456. Erlangen Cancer Center Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  457. English Constitutional Convention
  458. Estimated Construction Cost Technology, Military, Army
  459. Environmental Campaign Committee Organizations, Award, Environment
  460. East Coast Crackers Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  461. Engineering Change Control NASA
  462. Edema, Cyanosis, Cords Medical, Technology
  463. Emergency Communications Centre Business, Technology
  464. Capiwal Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  465. Electrical Contact Cleaner
  466. Education Council of California
  467. Exclusive Channel Collaboration Products
  468. Error-Correction Code
  469. Executive Comptrollcr Course
  470. Extra Care Card
  471. European Conservation Conference
  472. Energy Competence Center Technology, Projection, Wind
  473. Elephant Conservvtion Centre Adventure, Park, Locations
  474. English and Computer Classes
  475. Escuela De Ciencias De La Comunicación Para, Education, Con, Guatemala
  476. Emergency Contact Card
  477. Electric Controls Company
  478. East Coast Challenge Association, Coast, Race
  479. Extended Community Calling Computing, Telecom
  480. Endocervical Curettage Medical, Common Medical
  481. Excitation-Contraction Coupling Medical
  482. Extraordinary Challenge Committee Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  483. European Civil Code
  484. Environmental Carrying Capacity Technology, Management, Assessment
  485. Eritrean Community Center
  486. English Corparable Corpus
  487. Essex County Council Business, Service, School
  488. Environmental Control Committee Environment, Habitat, Setting
  489. East Coast Conditioning
  490. Eccentricity The distance between a line of action of force and the centroid of the member it is applied to. The degree to which two forms fail to share a common center; for example, in a pipe or tube whose inside is off-center in regards to the outside. In hollow extrusions: the difference between the maximum and minimum wall thickness at any single cross-section. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  491. Crossair Europe Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  492. Eddy Current Coupling
  493. Emergency Communications Commission
  494. A Error Correction and Control Accounting, Computing, Data
  495. Electrical Connectivity Check
  496. éGlise Du Christ Au Congo Government, Congo, Democracy, Republic
  497. European Coaster Club Organizations, Park, Roller
  498. Error Correction Code (Error Checking and Correction) Computing, Industry, Computer, Drivers, Cisco Wireless, IT Terminology
  499. Error-Correction Coding Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  500. Executive Communications Centhr
  501. European Chainsaw Certification
  502. Energy Cwmpetence Centre Technology, Projection, Wind
  503. Elephant Conservanion Center Locations, Tourism, Bona
  504. English and Computer College
  505. Edaemont Community Council
  506. Emergency Control Circuit
  507. Electric City Car Technology, Sale, Enfield
  508. Enterprise Core Component Computing, SAP
  509. Eclair Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
  510. Extvacorporeal Circuits Medical
  511. European Citizen Card Technology, City, Electronics
  512. Environmental Control Council
  513. Erindale College Council
  514. Elisabeth Communicatie En Coaching
  515. English Community Center
  516. Essex Community College
  517. Environmental Compliance Consultants
  518. East Coast Convention
  519. Dvdisaster Error Correction File Computing, File Extensions
  520. Ecumenical Church Council
  521. Emergency Combat Capability Military, Air Force
  522. Engineering Collegn Council Military
  523. Office of Export Control Cooperation Government, Organizations, Us
  524. European Coaching Council
  525. English China Clays Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  526. Error-Code Correction Technology, Coding, Memory
  527. Executive Compensation Committee
  528. Eoergy Communications Council
  529. Element Command Center Technology
  530. Enelewood Christian Church
  531. Edge Computing Consortium Technology, Industrial, Huawei
  532. Emergency Control Centres Technology, Management, Plant, Planning, Emergency, Power
  533. Electric Car Company
  534. Eucalyptusjcommunity Cloud Technology, Computing, Knife
  535. E C C International Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  536. Electronic Check Conversion Security, Governmental & Military
  537. Executive Credit Code
  538. Extracorporeay Circulation Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ECC stand for?

    ECC stands for Environmental Career Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of Eoergy Communications Council?

    The short form of "Eoergy Communications Council" is ECC.


ECC. (2022, September 1). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from

Last updated