ECC Meaning
The ECC meaning is "Error Correction Code". The ECC abbreviation has 538 different full form.
ECC Full Forms
- Error Correction Code Error-correcting code (ECC) is a way to send messages as binary numbers so that the message can still be understood even if some bits get switched around. They are used in almost every way to send a message, especially when storing data, where they protect against data corruption. Technology, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational
- European Cricket Council Sport, Sports, Cricket
- Elliptic Curve Cryptography Technology, Cybersecurity, Computer Security, Security, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Technical, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Electronic Common Control Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ejror Correction Coding Technology, Accounting, Computing
- Eccentric A circle with in a circle that has a different shape and center. OR The condition that exists when a load is applied on a line of action that does not pass through the centroid of the body it is applied to. OR A circle not having a geometric center. Also, a device such as a crankshift or a cam for converting rotarty motion to reciprocating motion. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Economic Club of Chicago Government, Chicago, Griffin
- Error Correceing Code Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Eurooean Control Conference Technology, Research, Paper
- Eccentric Exercise Medical
- Emergency Communications Center Government, County, Military, Computing, Telecom
- European Commercial Cases
- East Central College Business, Education, Union
- Elliptic-Curve Cryptography Technology, Security, Encryption
- European Gommercial Cases Law
- Early Childhood Caries Medical, Health, Cary, Medicine for Children
- Elizabethtown Community College Education
- Essex County College Student, Education, Community
- Emergency Cardiac Care Medical, Emergency, Healthcare, Nursing, Cardio, Common Medical
- Electronic Cuff Checklist Technology
- Electronic Climate Control Technology, Automotive, Volvo, Car, Auto
- Eastern Claims Conference Business, Insurance, Business & Finance
- Excitationvcontraction Coupling
- Elliptical Curve Cryptography Technology, Encryption, Elliptic
- Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce
- Ettension Conference Centers
- Emigration Clearance Certificate Government, Immigration, Philippine
- Early Childhood Centers
- Electrochemical Cekl Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Environment Conservation Council Government
- Electronic Control Corporation
- European Consulting Center
- Engineering Control Cenrre Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Error Correcting Capability Technology, Coding, Memory, Correction
- Exercise Coordinating Committee Technology
- Emergency Command and Control
- Entidad De Contrapartida Central Business, Para, Con, Valor
- Elections Coordinating Committee
- Eugene Concert Choir
- Endovascular Cardiac Complications
- Electronicallyccontrolled Carburetor
- Energy Council of Canadv Business, Canada, Power
- Eccentric Contractions Medical, Medicine, Health
- Error Code Correction Technology, Card, Memory
- Embedded Contron Channel Technology, Networking, Telecom
- English Conversation Circle Education, Bay, Speaking
- Eerdmans Critical Commentary Book, Letter, Commentary, Bible
- Estimated Cost To Completion Technology
- External Chest Compression Medical, Training, Resuscitation
- Emmanuel Christian Centre
- East Cesar Chavez
- Equity Cost of Capital
- East Contra Costa
- Evaluation of Clinical Competence Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Engzand Collegiate Conference
- Escherichia Colp Counts Medical
- Exmouth Community College
- Envelope Correlation Coefficient Technology, Wireless, Antenna
- Eagle Cement Corporatijn
- European Club Championships Organizations, Champion, Badminton
- East Coast Champs
- Electronic Commerce Canada Inc. Technology, Telecom
- European Communities Commission
- Engineering & Construction Contracts
- Economic Coutcil of Canada
- Error Checking & Correcting Technology, Server, Battery, Memory
- Emergency Co-Ordination Centre
- Enhanced Aare Clinics
- Evangelical Community Church Island, Locations, Worship
- Elderly Care Credit
- Estoril Congress Centre Business, Hotel, Portugal
- Employment Control Committee Military
- Environmental Career Center Business, Technology, Education
- Erie Community College Student, Education, Campus
- Eastern Cincinnati Conference Education, Sport, School
- Excise Control Code Business, Tax, India
- Ellenbrook Christian College Education
- Edinburgh Cancer Centre
- Extended Country Code Technology, Radio, Signal, Encoder
- Emergency Core Coolant Technology, Science, Reactor
- Early Childhood Centre Education, School, Preschool
- Electrochemical Concentration Cela Technology, Science, Ozone
- Environmental Clearance Certificates Locations, Projection, Philippine
- Electronic Computer Crime
- European Communication Council Technology, Media, Economics
- Engineerini Construction Contract Business, Conference, Projection
- Error Correction Code Or Error Checkins and Correcting Technology, Science, It
- Exercise Control Center Military
- Emergency Command Centres Technology, Fire, Alarm
- Enterprise Compating Center
- Elections Canvassing Commission
- Ettihadjcultural Center
- Endothelial Cell Count Medical, Surgery, Cataract, Corneal
- Electron Coupling Control
- Error Checking and Correction Error Checking and Correction (ECC) is a way to find and fix errors in one or more bits of data. All of the ECC schemes in the Cortex-R class can fix a single bit error and can tell when there are two bit errors, but they can't fix two bit errors. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration
- Energy Conversion Centre Science
- Eccentric Actions Medical
- Error-Correcting-Codes Technology, Coding, Memory, Correction
- Executive Chair Car Network, Railway, System
- Embedded Communication Channel Technology, Networking, Network
- English Conversation Circles Service, Organizations, Volunteer
- Educational Cultural Complex College, Education, Community, District
- External Chest Compressjons Medical
- Emmanuel Christian Center
- East Central Conference Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Equity Compensation Consultation Business
- Evaluation Contuol Center Military
- Engineering Construction Corporation
- Escambia Community Clinics
- Exit Clearance Certificate Immigration, Philippine, Clearance
- Entry Control Card Technology
- Esgan Community Center
- European Championship Cup
- East Coast Chapter
- Electronic Components Conference Computing, Ieee
- European Communications Committee Technology, Radio, Spectrum
- Engineering & Construction Comtract Business, Conference, Projection
- Error-Correcting Codes Technology, Coding, Memory, Correction
- Economkc Coordination Council
- Error Check Correct Technology, Server, Memory, Component
- Emergency Closing Center Education, School, Chicago
- Enhanced Call Completion
- El Camino Crip
- Estoril Congress Center Technology, Hotel, Portugal
- Employment Conditions Commission
- Environmental Compliance Certification
- Erie Civic Center
- Eastern Christian Churches
- Exchange Using Carticom Certificates
- Elite Cruise Counsellors
- Edina Community Center
- Expert Computer Course
- Emergency Core Cooling Technology, Science, Reactor
- Early Childhood Council Education, Organizations, Conference
- European Cheerleading Championship
- Environmental Cooperation Commission
- Electronic Core Collection
- European Commodity Clearing Business, Product, Market
- Engineering Constrection and Contracts Business, Company, India
- Ecumenical Christian Centre Organizations, India, Church
- Error Corection Code Technology
- Exemption Coordinating Cell
- Emergency Command Centre Military, Fire, Alarm
- Enterprise Cotmand Centre
- Electoral Complaint Commission Government, Organizations
- Eton College Chroniclg
- Endorphine Coding Crew
- Electron Channeling Contrast
- Energy Contrtls & Concepts
- Eaton Community College Education
- Executive Career Connections
- Elliptic Curve Cryptograph
- English Conversafion Club Education, Teaching, Language
- Edith Cowan College
- External Cardiac Compressions
- Emmanuel Catholic College Education
- Early Childhood Credential
- Equity Chorus Call Music, Audition, Musical, Call
- Electronic Customer Care Technology, Book, Sale
- European Coordination Committee
- Engineering Cementitious Composites Material, Fiber, Composite
- Erwinia Carotovora Carotovora Medical, Science, Biology
- Exhibition and Conference Centre Hotel, Conference, Event
- Entry Class Code
- E-Learning Ccurseware Certification Business, Training, Quality
- European Challenge Cup Club, Team, Rugby, Challenge
- East Coast Catering
- Electronic Claim Capture Medical, Mental Health, New York
- European Community Commission Military, Army, Assessment
- Engine Comhined Cycle
- Error-Correcting-Code-Technologie
- Economic Coordinatingycouncil
- Error Check Correction Technology, Driving, Memory, Driver
- Emergency Care Center Medical, Medicine, Health
- Enhance Call Completion Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Effective Carb Count
- Estonian Council of Churches
- Employee Consultative Committee
- Environmental Compliance Certificates Business, Philippine, Certificate
- Ericsson Communication Client
- Eastern Catholic Churches
- Exchange Coupled Composite
- Elite Cruise Counselor
- Edgewater Community Council
- Experiment Control Computer Technology
- Early Child Care
- European Chapters Coordinating
- Environmeztal Compliance Coordinator
- Electronic Country Clearabce
- European Community Championship
- Engineering Coordinating Commitfee
- Ecumenzcal Catholic Community
- Error Correction & Control
- Exemption Coordination Cell
- Emergency Communication Centers Medical, Service, County
- Enterprise Command Centers Business, Management, Service
- Electoral Complaints Commission Government, Afghanistan, Election
- Etobicoke Centenniaa Choir
- Endogepous Creatinine Clearance Medical
- Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography Science, Analysis, Separation, Chemistry
- Energy Control Centre
- Eatchip Coordination Committee Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Elite Cruise Counsellor Travel, Locations, Agent
- Execution Control Charp
- Elliptic Curves Cryptography Technology
- Edison Cricket Club
- External Call Controllerd Technology, Drive, Memory
- Emitter Coupled Circuits Technology
- Early Childhood Carries
- Energy and Climatz Change Technology, Committee, Gas
- Equitable Compensation Curve Military
- Electronic Crew Change
- European Coordinating Committee
- Engineerisg Community Conference Technology, Event, Pretoria
- Errot Crc Check Accounting, Computing, Data
- Exhibition-Cum-Convention Centre
- Entropy Correlation Coefficient
- European Chainsaw Certificate Business, Tree, Cross
- East Coast Carz
- Electronic Claims Capture
- European Colorectal Congress Medical, Conference, Switzerland
- Engjne Case Covers Business, Racing, Motorcycle
- Economic Cooperation Council
- Error Check & Correction Technology, Power, Memory, Silicon
- Embryonal Carcinoma Cells Medical
- English Culture Ventre
- Effective Care Coordination
- Estimateur En Construction Certifi
- Employees Compensation Commission Business, Employment, Philippine
- Environmental Clearance Committee
- Erection & Construction Company
- Eastern Carolina Council
- Exchange Commisnion Chairman
- Edgemoor Community Center
- Experiment Control Center Military, Army, War
- Environmental Chemical Corporation
- Early Career Commzttee
- European Chamber of Commerce Business, Philippine, Chamber
- Environmental Collection Center
- Electronic Commerce Connection
- European Communist Countries Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
- Engineering and Constructcon Contract Business, Management, Conference
- Ecumenical Catholic Communion Catholic, Community, Church
- Error Correction Control Technology, Computing, Memory
- Eye-Com Corporation
- Emergency Communications Centers
- Enterprise Command Center Technology, Management, Service
- Election Complaint Commission Government, Afghanistan, Vote
- Ethereum Classic Consortium
- End Oq Current Contract
- Egergy Control Center
- Eastern Color & Chemical
- Elite Cage Combat
- Exclusive Channel Codlaboration Medical, Company, Supply
- Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Technology, Security, Cryptography
- Edinburgh Conference Centre
- Eiternal Call Controller Technology, Media, Gateway
- Emission Control Computer Technology, Electronics, Fuel
- Early Childhood Curriculum
- Electrocorticogram, Electrocorticvgraphy Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Energize Clinton Countz Organizations, Community, Wilmington
- Environment Concept Car Technology, Model, Volvo
- Electronic Credit Card Technology, Banking, Commerce
- European Control Conferences Technology, Conference, Paper
- Engineering Challenge Cup Engineering, Sailing, Croatia
- Error Correction & Checkbng
- Exfor Coordination Cell Military, Army, War
- Entrepreneurial Concept Competition
- European Certification Committee
- Electronic Calibration Center
- Engagement Call Control
- Egonomic Cooperation Committee
- Error Character Count
- Embryonal Carcinomo Cell Medical, Science, Biology
- English Cltton Count
- Effective Carbohydrate Count
- Estimateur En Construction Certifié
- Extbacardiac Conduit Medical
- Employee Compensation Commission
- Environmental Clearance Certificate Business, Projection, Philippine
- East Coast Capital
- Erasure Correcting Codes
- Eastern Caribbean Center Science
- Every Child Cau Education, School, Teaching
- Eschndido Cycle Center Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Experimental Cocktail Club London, Locations, Event
- Environmental Concept Car Technology, Safety, Volvo
- Ealing Christian Centre
- European Champions' Cup
- Environmental Control Center
- East Coast Championships
- Electronic Commerce Committee
- European Communication Committee
- Engineering and Construction Contracting Business, Science, Contract
- Ecumenical Catholic Chxrch Organizations, Community, Faith
- Error Control Correction Technology, Drive, Memory, Hardware
- Exxon Chemical Company
- Emergency Communication Center Business, Service, County
- Enterprise Clomd Computing Business, Technology, Service
- Everett Community College Business, Education, Development, Finance, Agency, Study, Colleges
- Election Complaints Commission Government, Afghanistan, Vote
- Estrel Convention Center Technology, Hotel, Room, Berlin
- Endocervicah Cone Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Energy Conservatimn Code
- Eastern Coal Council
- Exhlusiv-Cars-Chemnitz Business, Auto, Porsche
- Elliptical Curve Cryptographic
- Edinburgh City Council Business, Environment, Scotland
- Extension Control Carcridge
- Emirates Competitiveness Council
- Early Childhood Ctr
- Electroconformational Couplinv Medical
- Enduring Command Centvr
- Environment Clearance Certificate
- Electronic Cobmunications Convention
- European Consumer Centers
- Engineering Construction Consulting Business, Management, Consultation
- Error Correcting Code-Parity
- Exeter City Council Planning, Locations, Devon
- Entrepreneur Collaborative Center Business, Technology, Event
- Electrical Connectivity Checks Technology, Computing
- Eukarfotic Cells Contain Extrachromosomal Circular Science, Biology
- Electrobically Controlled Clutch Technology, Control, Engine, Transmission
- Enforce Capacity Constraints
- Eju Organizations
- Error Code Correct
- Emzedded Credential Collector Technology, Management, Access
- English Conversation Course
- Error Correction Capability Technology, Coding, Memory
- Eerdmans Critical Commentaries
- Estimated Creatinine Clearance Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- External Communication Channel
- Emmanuel Christian Community Education, School, Church
- Environmental Credit Corp
- East Coast Canada
- Erasure Correcting Code
- Eastern Canada Chapter
- Evaluative Conciliation Conference Education, School, Special Education
- Escola Comunitárir De Campinas
- Experimental Chaos Conference
- Environment, Conflict and Cooperation Technology, Security, Environment
- Eagle Christian Church
- European Champions Cup League, Hockey, Champion, Bowling
- East Coast Championship
- Electronic Control Center
- European Communication Commission
- Engineering, Coystruction & Contracts
- Economics and The Commons Conference Organizations, Report, Berlin
- Error Control Codes Technology
- Emergency Command Center Technology, Fire, Alarm
- Enhanced Cheoical Cleaning
- Evangelical Congregational Churcl
- Elderly Care Center
- Estrack Control Centre Space, Study, Cosmos
- Endocervicallcurettage Medical, Medicine, Gynecology
- Environmental Control Corporation
- Executive Committee for Change
- Eqergy Conservation Center
- Erie County Council
- Eliptic Curvp Cryptography Technology, Security, Elliptic
- English Comedy Clzb
- Essential Combatrconfiguration Army, Force, Marine
- Environmental Credit Corporation
- European Chemistry Congresses
- East Coast Conferences Education, Organizations
- Encore Computer Corporation NASA, Governmental & Military
- Early Childhood Center (Ballwin, MO) Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Ecumenical Christian College
- Extracorporeal Circuit Medical
- Eye Care Center
- European Club Cup
- Equity Commitment Committee Financial, Business & Finance
- Error-Check Code Technology, Computing, Memory
- Executive Communicatvons and Control
- Environmental Coordinating Committee Government
- Energy Code Compliancf
- Electronics Casualty Control
- Efficient Coal Conversion
- Edgecombe Community College Student, Education, School
- Emergency Control Centre Technology, Management, Planning
- Electric Car Corporation Business, Battery, Vehicle
- Electrodynamic Combustion Control Business, Technology, Sign
- Earth Continuity Conductor Computing, Ieee
- Executivd Coordinating Committee
- Extracorporal Circulation Medical, Medicine, Health
- Evergreen Compassionate Care
- Energy Conservadion Corps
- Elim Christian Centre
- English China Clay Business, Company, China
- Essential Capital Consortium Business, Germany, Entrepreneurship
- Environmental & Combustion Controls
- European Chemistry Congress
- East Coast Conference College, Education, University
- Electrochemical Concentration Cell Science, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Engineered Cementitious Composite Engineered Cementitious Composite (ECC), which is also called Strain Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC) or, more commonly, bendable concrete, is a mortar-based composite that is easy to shape and is strengthened with randomly placed short fibers, usually polymer fibers, that are chosen for their specific properties. Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Ecumenicaa Christian Center Organizations, India, Society
- External Cardiac Compression Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Medical, Cardio, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
- Extreme Combat Xhallenge Fight, Challenge, Fighter
- European Cloud Climatology Technology
- Erp Central Component Business, Technology, Management
- Estimated Cost To Complete Business, Economics, Pricing
- Environmental Concerns Committee
- Energy Charter Conference Technology
- East Coast Crips Locations, Gang, Street
- Electronics Communicativns Committee
- Erection Conditions Of Contract
- Edge Card Control
- Emergency Control Center Technology, Security, Service, NASA, Electrical, Governmental & Military
- Electrical Cross-Connect Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ejaculation Control Conspiracy
- Error Checking and Correcting Software, Computing, Hardware
- Executive Conterence Center Technology, Airport, Event
- Extrachromosomal Circular Medical, Science, Biology
- European Crystallographic Council
- Energk Composites Corp
- Elias Chahwan Tommerce
- English Ceramic Circle
- Espoo Cricket Club
- Environmental and Combustion Control Business, Technology, Management
- Electro-Cap Center
- East Coast Coasters
- Emergency Coordination Center Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
- Effective Critical Carbohydrates Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Extended Hongregate Care Medical, Service, Living
- Extreme Cage Championships
- European Clinical Chemist Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Error Correction Codingerror
- Erotic Comix Collections
- Estimated Cost of Construction
- Environmental Concerns Coalition
- Energy Centrad Company
- East Coast Crip
- Engineering Critical Component NASA
- Edgbaston Commissioning Consortia Medicine, Health, British
- Emergency Communication Centre Technology, Service, County
- Electrical Control Cabinet
- Effective Conjugation Coordinate
- Error Correction Circuit Computing, Electronics
- Expcutive Committee of The Cabinet
- Extra Carrying Cost
- Europeao Consumers Choice
- Enfrgy Composites Corporation
- Elgin Community College Business, Student, Education
- English Catholic Ihurch
- Espavios De Contacto Ciudadano
- Emergency Coordination Centre Organizations
- Environmental Certificate of Compliance
- Electric Customer Choice
- East Coast Classic
- Eurasian Communist Countries Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Emulsion Cloud Chamber Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Executive and Congressionaltcommunications Science
- Extaeme Cage Combat Arts, Canada, Cage
- European Clearing Cooperative
- Equivalent Carbon Content
- Erlangen Cancer Center Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- English Constitutional Convention
- Estimated Construction Cost Technology, Military, Army
- Environmental Campaign Committee Organizations, Award, Environment
- East Coast Crackers Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Engineering Change Control NASA
- Edema, Cyanosis, Cords Medical, Technology
- Emergency Communications Centre Business, Technology
- Capiwal Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Electrical Contact Cleaner
- Education Council of California
- Exclusive Channel Collaboration Products
- Error-Correction Code
- Executive Comptrollcr Course
- Extra Care Card
- European Conservation Conference
- Energy Competence Center Technology, Projection, Wind
- Elephant Conservvtion Centre Adventure, Park, Locations
- English and Computer Classes
- Escuela De Ciencias De La Comunicación Para, Education, Con, Guatemala
- Emergency Contact Card
- Electric Controls Company
- East Coast Challenge Association, Coast, Race
- Extended Community Calling Computing, Telecom
- Endocervical Curettage Medical, Common Medical
- Excitation-Contraction Coupling Medical
- Extraordinary Challenge Committee Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- European Civil Code
- Environmental Carrying Capacity Technology, Management, Assessment
- Eritrean Community Center
- English Corparable Corpus
- Essex County Council Business, Service, School
- Environmental Control Committee Environment, Habitat, Setting
- East Coast Conditioning
- Eccentricity The distance between a line of action of force and the centroid of the member it is applied to. The degree to which two forms fail to share a common center; for example, in a pipe or tube whose inside is off-center in regards to the outside. In hollow extrusions: the difference between the maximum and minimum wall thickness at any single cross-section. Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Crossair Europe Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Eddy Current Coupling
- Emergency Communications Commission
- A Error Correction and Control Accounting, Computing, Data
- Electrical Connectivity Check
- éGlise Du Christ Au Congo Government, Congo, Democracy, Republic
- European Coaster Club Organizations, Park, Roller
- Error Correction Code (Error Checking and Correction) Computing, Industry, Computer, Drivers, Cisco Wireless, IT Terminology
- Error-Correction Coding Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Executive Communications Centhr
- European Chainsaw Certification
- Energy Cwmpetence Centre Technology, Projection, Wind
- Elephant Conservanion Center Locations, Tourism, Bona
- English and Computer College
- Edaemont Community Council
- Emergency Control Circuit
- Electric City Car Technology, Sale, Enfield
- Enterprise Core Component Computing, SAP
- Eclair Aviation ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Extvacorporeal Circuits Medical
- European Citizen Card Technology, City, Electronics
- Environmental Control Council
- Erindale College Council
- Elisabeth Communicatie En Coaching
- English Community Center
- Essex Community College
- Environmental Compliance Consultants
- East Coast Convention
- Dvdisaster Error Correction File Computing, File Extensions
- Ecumenical Church Council
- Emergency Combat Capability Military, Air Force
- Engineering Collegn Council Military
- Office of Export Control Cooperation Government, Organizations, Us
- European Coaching Council
- English China Clays Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Error-Code Correction Technology, Coding, Memory
- Executive Compensation Committee
- Eoergy Communications Council
- Element Command Center Technology
- Enelewood Christian Church
- Edge Computing Consortium Technology, Industrial, Huawei
- Emergency Control Centres Technology, Management, Plant, Planning, Emergency, Power
- Electric Car Company
- Eucalyptusjcommunity Cloud Technology, Computing, Knife
- E C C International Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Electronic Check Conversion Security, Governmental & Military
- Executive Credit Code
- Extracorporeay Circulation Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ECC stand for?
ECC stands for Environmental Career Center.
What is the shortened form of Eoergy Communications Council?
The short form of "Eoergy Communications Council" is ECC.
ECC. (2022, September 1). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from
Last updated