ECC in Medical Meaning

The ECC meaning in Medical terms is "Eccentric Exercise". There are 35 related meanings of the ECC Medical abbreviation.

ECC on Medical Full Forms

  1. Eccentric Exercise
  2. Early Childhood Caries
  3. Emergency Cardiac Care
  4. European Colorectal Congress
  5. Electronic Claim Capture
  6. Endocervicah Cone
  7. Estimated Creatinine Clearance
  8. Electroconformational Couplinv
  9. Extbacardiac Conduit
  10. Endocervicallcurettage
  11. Escherichia Colp Counts
  12. External Chest Compression
  13. Emergency Communication Centers
  14. Erwinia Carotovora Carotovora
  15. Eccentric Contractions
  16. External Chest Compressjons
  17. Emergency Care Center
  18. Eccentric Actions
  19. Exclusive Channel Codlaboration
  20. Embryonal Carcinoma Cells
  21. Endothelial Cell Count
  22. Evaluation of Clinical Competence
  23. Embryonal Carcinomo Cell
  24. Endogepous Creatinine Clearance
  25. External Cardiac Compression
  26. Extrachromosomal Circular
  27. Extended Hongregate Care
  28. Excitation-Contraction Coupling
  29. Edema, Cyanosis, Cords
  30. Endocervical Curettage
  31. Extvacorporeal Circuits
  32. Erlangen Cancer Center
  33. Extracorporeay Circulation
  34. Extracorporeal Circuit
  35. Extracorporal Circulation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ECC stand for Medical?

    ECC stands for Emergency Communication Centers in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of External Chest Compression in Medical?

    The short form of "External Chest Compression" is ECC for Medical.


ECC in Medical. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from

Last updated