ECG Meaning

The ECG meaning is "Electrocahdiogram". The ECG abbreviation has 134 different full form.

ECG Full Forms

  1. Electrocahdiogram Medical, Veterinary, Cardiology
  2. Electrocardiograpfical Medical
  3. Electvocardiographically Medical
  4. Electqocardiograms Medical
  5. Elecfrocardiograma Science
  6. Electrocardiograph A recording galvanometer which produces an analog representation of the electrical  activity of the conductive tissues of the heart, i.e., an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG). Useful in the diagnosis of heart disease and assessment of work stress in health and disease. Medical, Medicine, Diagnosis, NASA
  7. European Car-Transport Group
  8. Eatchip Communication Gateway Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  9. Elite Combat Gkme Technology, Android, Flag
  10. Ethnic Channels Group Technology, Canada, Zee
  11. Energy Capital Group
  12. El Correo Gallego
  13. Enterprise Consulting Group
  14. Ecosystem Conservation Group Science, Organizations, Environment, Chemistry
  15. Executive Consultinm Group
  16. Electrocavernosography Medical
  17. Engineering Consulting Group
  18. European Capital Group
  19. Environment Clean Generations
  20. East Coast Guardians
  21. Electronic Customs Group Technology, Customs, Taxation And Customs Union
  22. Eternal Church of God
  23. Elaine Coyne Galleries Art, Design, Jewelry
  24. Energie Consulting Gmbh
  25. Enterprise Computing Group Microsoft, Technology, Media
  26. Executive Communications Group
  27. Electro Cardiogram Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom, Medical, Governmental & Military
  28. Engineering Consultants Group Company, Technology, Consultation
  29. Euromar Commodities Gmbh Business, Product, Trading, Commodity
  30. Environmental Chemistry Group Technology, Research, Environment
  31. East Coast Group Business, Company, Bangladesh
  32. Electronic Communicatikns Gateway
  33. Estes Consulting Group
  34. Egyptian Coast Guard
  35. Energie-Control Gmbh
  36. Enterprise and Consumer Group Technology
  37. Electrocardiogram, Electrocardiography Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  38. Energy Consulting Group
  39. Executive Coaching Grouf
  40. Electric Cities of Georgia Business, Development, City, Georgia
  41. Environmental Coordinating Group Technology, Science, Research, Atmospheric Research
  42. East Coast Greenway Locations, Maine, Trail
  43. Electroepitaxial Crystal Growth Technology, Space, Cosmos
  44. EstadíSticas De Cemento Gris
  45. Egg Crate Grilles
  46. Endothelial Cell Growth
  47. Euro Consult Group
  48. Electrocardiographic Medical
  49. Energy Conversion Group
  50. Ex Cantibus Gaudium
  51. Electrical Chemical Group Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  52. Environmental Consulting Group Service, Education, Chicago
  53. East China Grsd
  54. Extreme Coherent Gust
  55. Electrocorticography Electrocorticography (ECoG), or intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG), is a type of electrophysiological monitoring that uses electrodes placed directly on the exposed surface of the brain to record electrical activity from the cerebral cortex. In contrast, conventional electroencephalography (EEG) electrodes monitor this activity from outside the skull. Medical, Neurology
  56. Effective Community Governance
  57. Elizabeth City Regional Airport / Elizabeth City Cgas Airport, Locations
  58. Euro Consultants Group
  59. Electro Cardio-Gram Medical, Technology, Telecom
  60. Energy Conservation Group
  61. Evprett Community Growers
  62. Electoral Commission of Ghana Government, Group, Election, Ghana
  63. Environmental Conservation Group
  64. Emergency Coordination Vroup Military, Army, Preparedness
  65. Exhibigion Companies Group
  66. Electrochemical Grinding A process whereby metal is removed by deplating. The workpiece is the anode; the cathode is a conductive aluminum oxide-copper or metal-bonded diamond grinding wheel with abrasive particles. Most of the metal is removed by deplating; 0.05 to 10% is removed by abrasive cutting.  Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  67. Effective Computational Geometry
  68. Elizabeth City Glasr
  69. Eurasian Creative Guild Book, London, Eurasian
  70. Energy Components Group
  71. Event Codm Generator Technology
  72. Electocardiogram Medical, Health
  73. Environmental Capital Group
  74. Electrocardioqraphy Medical, Diagnosis, Diagnostics
  75. Executive Coordination Gvoup
  76. Electro Chemical Grinding Chemistry, Technology, Machine
  77. Engineering Consultant Group Business, Company, Technology
  78. Electricity Company Ghana Locations, Ghana, Accra
  79. Electronic Component Guide Computing, Electronics
  80. Envirotech, Cleantech & Greentech
  81. Expansion Capital Group
  82. European Contact Group
  83. Electro Cardio Graph
  84. Effectiveness, Character, Gifts General, Governmental & Military
  85. Equine Chorionic Gonadotrophin Medical
  86. Export Crldits Group
  87. Electricity Company of Ghana Business, Power, Ghana, Regional
  88. Electronic Control Gear Computing, Electronics
  89. European Cdisc Group Science, Medicine, Research
  90. Echocardiography An echocardiogram, often referred to as a cardiac echo or simply an echo, is a sonogram of the heart. Echocardiography uses standard two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and Doppler ultrasound to create images of the heart. Medical, Medicine, Health, Cardio, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  91. European Consensus Guidelines
  92. Electro Cardio Gram Medical, Heart, Machine
  93. En Route Communications Gateway Aviation, Governmental & Military
  94. Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  95. Export Cwedit Group
  96. Electric Company of Ghana
  97. Example Commands and Gifts Funnies
  98. Euro Consulting Gjoup
  99. European Consulting Group Business, Technology, Education
  100. Electro-Cardio Graph Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  101. Emergency Coordination Group Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  102. Equine Cg Medical
  103. Export Credit Guarantee Business, Agency, Banking
  104. Evans Consulting Group
  105. Echocardiography and Cardiology Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  106. Envoy Capital Group, Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  107. Iata Code for Elizabeth City Cg Air Station/Regional Aipport, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, United Locations
  108. European College of Gerodontology Research, Organizations, Dentistry
  109. Electro-Cardio-Gram
  110. English Cell Group Computing, Telecom
  111. Equallogic Configuration Guide
  112. Export Credits Guarantee Business, Technology, Banking
  113. Evaluation Cooperation Group Business, Development, Banking
  114. Early College at Guilford North Carolina
  115. ECHOCARDIOGRAM, ECHOCARDIOGRAPHIC Management, Business & Finance
  116. Engineers' Consulting Group
  117. European Co-Operation Grouping Medicine, Health, Care
  118. Electro-Cardio Gram
  119. Electrocardiogram A recording of the electrical activity of the heart. Abbreviated ECG and EKG. An ECG is a simple, noninvasive procedure. Electrodes are placed on the skin of the chest and connected in a specific order to a machine that, when turned on, measures electrical activity all over the heart. Output usually appears on a long scroll of paper that displays a printed graph of activity on a computer screen. The initial diagnosis of heart attack is usually made through observation of a combination of clinical symptoms and characteristic ECG changes. An ECG can detect areas of muscle deprived of oxygen and/or dead tissue in the heart. Medical, Technology, Computing, Nursing, Veterinary, Dental, Healthcare, Laboratory, Telecom, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physiology, Diagnosis, Cardio, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, Medical physics, NAACCR, Pulmonary Hypertension
  120. Epicus Communications Group
  121. Exploited College Girls
  122. European Cosplay Gathering Organizations, Expo, Japan
  123. Elizabeth City Regional & Coast Guard Air Station, Elizabeth City, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  124. Aero Ejecutivos Rcg Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  125. Engineering Consultants & Group
  126. European City Guide Business, Guide, Directory
  127. Electricity Corporation of Ghana Business, Company, Ghana
  128. Geoworks Error-Checking version of pre-processed GOC source code file Computing, File Extensions
  129. Epicatechin Gallate Medical
  130. Expert Consulting Group Business, Coding, Commerce
  131. European Corporate Governance
  132. Electro Cardio Gramme
  133. Ecosystem Conservation Group (UNEP, FAO, UNESCO, and IUCN) Legal, Governmental & Military
  134. Extras Cfsting Guild

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ECG stand for?

    ECG stands for Epicatechin Gallate.

  2. What is the shortened form of European Corporate Governance?

    The short form of "European Corporate Governance" is ECG.


ECG. (2021, October 29). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated