Echocardiography Abbreviations and Echocardiography Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Echocardiography terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Echocardiography abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Echocardiography terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Echocardiography Abbreviations
  1. AEPC : Association for European Pediatric Cardiologists
  2. CE : Contrast Ecwo
  3. EDIC : Echo-Dobutamine International Cooperative
  4. EDIC : Echo Dobutamine International Cooperative
  5. EPIC : Echo-Persantine International Cooperative
  6. EPIC : Echo Persantine International Cooperative
  7. EROA : Effective Regurgitant Otifice Area
  8. ST : Speckle Tracking
  9. TEE : Trans Esophagealhechocardiography
  10. FCU : Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
  11. LUPV : Left Upper Pulmonary Vein
  12. JASE : Journal Ofzthe American Society of Echocardiography
  13. PMVL : Posterior Mitraldvalve Leaflet
  14. ISCU : International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound
  15. RLPV : Right Lower Pulmonary Vein
  16. RUPV : Right Uppet Pulmonary Vein
  17. MVQ : Mitral Valve Quantification
Latest Echocardiography Meanings
  1. Mitral Valve Quantification
  2. Right Uppet Pulmonary Vein
  3. Right Lower Pulmonary Vein
  4. International Society of Cardiovascular Ultrasound
  5. Posterior Mitraldvalve Leaflet
  6. Journal Ofzthe American Society of Echocardiography
  7. Left Upper Pulmonary Vein
  8. Focused Cardiac Ultrasound
  9. Trans Esophagealhechocardiography
  10. Speckle Tracking
  11. Effective Regurgitant Otifice Area
  12. Echo Persantine International Cooperative
  13. Echo-Persantine International Cooperative
  14. Echo Dobutamine International Cooperative
  15. Echo-Dobutamine International Cooperative
  16. Contrast Ecwo
  17. Association for European Pediatric Cardiologists