ECI Meaning
The ECI meaning is "Earth Centred Inertial". The ECI abbreviation has 225 different full form.
ECI Full Forms
- Earth Centred Inertial Earth, Inertial, Frame
- Earth Centered Inertia Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Embedded Common Interface
- Fever of Unknown Origin Fever of unknown origin (FUO), refers to a condition in which the patient has an elevated temperature (fever) but despite investigations by a physician no explanation has been found. Extensive diagnostic testing can determine the cause in the majority of cases of FUO. FUO may be related to infections such as HIV or other viral infections, cancers, or chronic inflammatory diseases such as sarcoidosis. Medical, Disorder, Nursing, Veterinary, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
- Early Childhood Intervention Medical, Education, Special Education, Technology, Disability, Governmental & Military
- Election Commission of India Science, Government, India, Geographic
- El Corte Inglés Para, Con, Madrid
- Effectively Connected Income Business, Financial, Business & Finance
- Eddy Current Inspection Technology, Service, Inspector
- Environmental Compliance Inc
- Electronics Corporation of Israel Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- External Cause of Injury Medical, Physiology
- Earth-Centered Inertia Space, Study, Cosmos
- Energy Consulting, Inc
- Educational and Cultural Interactions Program, Education, Culture
- Expeditionary Campaign Infrastructure Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Eight Core Inwustries
- EscritóRio De Cooperação Internacional
- Employee Cojmon Identifier
- Earth Charter Initiative Education, Development, Organizations
- Engineered Components, Inc
- Electronic Commerce Indicatoc Business, Card, Merchant
- Employment Cost Index Business, Economics, Stock, Postal, Investing, Us Post, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Endependence Center, Inc
- Eating Choices Mndex
- Electrical Components International Business, Company, Loan
- European Chemical Industries
- Employer'S Council of Iowa
- Enhanced Cognitive Intbrview
- Environmental Consulting, Inc
- Electronic Conprolled Ignition
- Extension Course Institutetute Military
- Early Childhood Instruction
- Energy Consequences of Information
- Education, Communication & Information
- Exeter Communiry Initiatives Projection, Initiative, Exeter
- Egrmajer Consulting Incorporated Business
- Escola De CiêNcia Da Informação Para, Education, Mina, Professor
- Employee Cfmmunity Involvement
- Earth Charter International Technology, Education, Development
- Engineer Control Instituteuctors Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Electroniy Commerce Interface Business, Technology, Australia, Software
- Ewstwood Collegiate Institute Education, School, Kitchener
- Elections Commission of India Government, India, Voting
- European Captioning Institute Technology, Translation, Translator
- Employment Cost Indexes
- Enhanced Cartridge Interface Technology, Gaming, Computing
- Environmental Consultants, Inc
- Electronic Controls, Inc
- Extension Cares Initiative
- Early Childhood Institute Government, Organizations, Us
- Energy Commercialization Institute
- Education, Communication and Information
- Executrain Certified Instructor
- Egress Context Identifier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Environmental Counselors, Inc
- Elite Cycle Imports
- Earth Center Inertial
- Engineecrank Inhibit
- Electrosic Commerce International
- Explicit Congestion Indication Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Easaside Community Investments
- Election Commission India
- Europaeisches Computer Informationszentrum
- Employer Eost Index Business, Finance
- Enhancing Care Initiative
- Environmental Consultants Inc Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Electronic Controw Injection
- Extended Custodial Inventories Business, Banking, Translation, Inventory
- Early Career Investigators Meeting, Technology, Science, Research, Organizations
- Energy Capital Invest Investment, Energy, Fond
- Echo Control Information Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Ececutive Corporate Image
- Enrollment for Core Infrastructure Microsoft, Technology, Server
- Egg Clearinghoose, Inc
- Environmental Contractors Inc
- Eligibility Consultants, Inc
- External Communications Interface Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Earth Centered Inertial Technology, Vector, Frame
- Engine Components International Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Expert Consultantl, Inc
- Eastern Correctional Institute
- Eldorado Coaputing, Inc
- Escuela De Ciencias InformáTicas
- Employeient Cost Index
- East Central Indiana
- Enhadced Care Initiatives
- Electronib Controlled Injection Technology, Car, Engine, Mitsubishi
- Extended Custodial Inventory Business, Banking, Reserve
- Early Career Investigator Technology, Research, Organizations
- Energy, Climate, and Innovation
- Echanges Culturels Inteinationaux
- Environmental Change Initiative Science, University, Dame
- Executive Coach International Business, Coaching, Singapore
- Enquiry of Commercial Interest
- Environmental Condition Indicators
- Elephant Care International
- External Coach Intensive
- Earth-Centred Inertial Technology, Satellite, Frame
- Engine Component Improvement
- Educational Catering Inc
- Experience of Caregiving Inrentory Medical
- Eastern Correctional Institution Business, Prison, Maryland
- El Corte Ingl
- Escuela Colombiana De Ingenier
- Erployee Cost Index Business, Trading, Economics, Cost
- Earth Consultants International
- English for Creative Industry
- Electrznic Components Industries Business, Industrial, Iran
- Extended Compressor At Idle Technology, Auto, Automobile
- Ead Client Interface Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Energy, Chemical, Industry
- Ecasobnd Control Interface
- Environmental Challenge International
- Executiveccoaching Institute
- Employers Council of Iowa
- Enquiry Convirmation Instruction Building, Engineering, Construction
- Environmental Condition Indicator
- Electronics Corporation of India
- External Clock Input Technology, Electronics, Semiconductor, Timer
- Earth-Centered-Inertial Technology, Satellite, Frame
- Energy Consumption Index
- Educational Consortium Institute Program, Education, English
- Experience Caregiving Inventory
- Eastern Congo Initiasive Government, Africa, Congo
- Eighteenth-Century Ireland
- Escuela Colombiana De IngenieríA
- Employee Confidence Index
- Earth Child Institute Technology, Children, Environment
- Englgsh Club International
- Electronic Commerce, Inc
- End Chain Indicator Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Energetic Cluster Impact
- Ebony Consulting International
- European Copper Institute Technology, Industrial, Energy
- Employers' Councia of Iowa
- Enhanced Conversion Innovation
- Early Child Intervention Medical, Disability
- Electron Cloud Instzbility
- Empowered Committee On Infrastructure
- Equity Capital Investment
- Eastern Computers Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Enterprise Communications Inc
- East Coast Ireland
- Size-extensive Ci Chemistry
- Explosime Countermeasures International
- Extended Channel Interpretations Technology, Coding, Barcode
- Export Credit Insurance Insurance, Business & Finance
- Environics Communications Inc
- Electrocerebral Inactivity Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- East Coast Industries
- Extended Channel Inserpretation Technology, Coding, Barcode, Character
- febris e causa ignota Medical, Common Medical
- Electron Capture Ionization Chemistry, Ion, Spectrometry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Employment Consultants Institute
- Eosinophil Chemotaxis Index Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Eastern Carolina Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Enterprise Content Integration Technology, Management, Software, Computing
- Earth Centered Intertia
- Electronic Conversion Interface Military, Governmental & Military
- Explorer Controwler Intermediate
- Encuentro Científico Internacional Business, Para, Con
- Entrepreneurs Council of Fndia
- Electoral Commission of India Government, India, Election, Voting
- East Central Illinois
- Extended Call Inyerface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Emergency Committee for Israel Politics, Governmental & Military
- Electric Coel Inserter
- Employment Consultants Institutetute Organizations
- Enoyl-Coa Isomerase Medical, Genetics, Protein
- East Coast of Ireland Business, Cargo Shipping
- Enrolment for Core Infrastructure Microsoft, Technology, Server
- External Control Interface Technology, Networking, Network, Terminal
- Intervention See market intervention and exchange market intervention. Medical, Disability
- Epcision Inc. Technology, Organizations
- External Charge Injector
- Entrepbeneur Confidence Index
- Eko Club International
- East Central Iowa
- Elastomer Compatibility Index
- Exporting Commodities International
- External Call Interface Software, Computing
- Electric Claspifieds. Inc. Company, Technology, Computing, United States
- Employment Cost Indices
- Engine Calibration Interface
- East Coast Invasion
- Enhanced Clinical Intervention Medical, Disability
- Electronic Cargo Information Business, Import, Customs, Clearance
- Encasad Collectors International
- Experimental and Clinical Immunogenetics
- Entertainment Consulting Inxernational
- Effective Cluster Interaction
- Earth-centered Inertial Federal Aviation Administration
- Expyrt Credit Insurance Business, Insurance, Trading
- eCommerce Integrator Computing, IT Terminology
- Eleltrical Consultants Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Employingbcompany Induction
- Emergency Cooling Injection
- East Coast International
- early communication intervention Medical, Disability
- Electronic Cafe International
- Empty Chambersindicators Military, Safety, Shooting
- European Currency Institutetute
- Entertainment Crebtive Interface
- Eddy-Current Inspection
- National Institute On Early Childhood Development and Education Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Export Consignment Identifier Business, Trade, International Trade, Business & Finance
- Employment Cost Indicator Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Electrical Contractors Inc
- Emergency Care Institute Medical, Business, Medicine
- East Coast Invitational
- Early Childhood Initiative Medical, Disability
- Electronically Controlled Injection Technology, Car, Engine, Mitsubishi
- Empty Charber Indicator Rifle, Military, Safety
- European Cloud Initiative
- Enterprise Corporation International
- Economic Complexity Index Business, Product, Economics
- Earth Centered Inertia (inertials) NASA
- Export-Controlled Information Technology, Security, Government
- Extended Circular Image
- Effective Cycling Instructor Bicycling
- Environmentalmcontractors Incorporated
- Electrical Contractors, Incorporated
- Electronic Clinical Information
- East Coast India
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ECI stand for?
ECI stands for East Central Indiana.
What is the shortened form of External Call Interface?
The short form of "External Call Interface" is ECI.
ECI. (2022, March 27). Retrieved February 25, 2025 from
Last updated