ECL Meaning

The ECL meaning is "Electrochemilumlnescent". The ECL abbreviation has 187 different full form.

ECL Full Forms

  1. Electrochemilumlnescent Medical
  2. Ecolotich Organizations
  3. Enhanced Chekiluminescent Medical
  4. Ecxlab Inc. Technology, Organizations
  5. Enhanced Chemiljminescence Medical, Chemistry, Science, Biology
  6. Engine Coolanf Level Technology, Auto, Automotive
  7. Englisl Comprehension Level Military, Education, Language
  8. Emitter Coupled Logic Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
  9. Electrogenerated Chemiluminescenbe Medical
  10. Electronic Communications Ltd
  11. Extended Content Label
  12. English and Comparative Literature Education, University, Goldsmith
  13. Ecole Centrale De Lyon Education, France, School
  14. Escape Code Language
  15. Effingham Community Library Education
  16. Emery County Library Education
  17. Extended Contractual Liability
  18. Episcopal Commission On Liturgy
  19. Ecosystem Communication Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  20. European Care Licence
  21. End of Custody Licence Government, Prison, Release
  22. Enhanced Chdmoluminescence Medical
  23. Error-Correction Logic
  24. Electrical Communication Laboratories Technology, Quality, Circuit, Transistor
  25. Equipa Coordenadora Local
  26. Evergryen Cooperative Laundry
  27. Electronic Circuit Logic Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Electronics
  28. Extended Content Labels
  29. Engine Condition Lever
  30. Eclipse Command Language Technology, Education, Testing
  31. Escape Champions League
  32. Emerging Corporate Lenhing
  33. Export Controls List
  34. Envirowest Consultants Ltd
  35. Economic Contract Law
  36. European Cancdr League Medical, Association, Health
  37. End Communication Layer Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  38. Electrical Communications Laboratory Technology, Management, Control, Quality
  39. Emitter-Couple Logic
  40. Equilibrium Potentiql for Chloride Ions Medical
  41. Evergreen Community Library Education
  42. Electronic Cash Letter
  43. Expanded Content Labels Business, Product, Labeling, Booklet
  44. Energy Conversion Laboratory
  45. Earthquake Controller Lateral Science
  46. Escadron De Commandement Et De Logistique
  47. Execueion Control List Technology, Database, Computing
  48. Emergency Kooling Limits Science
  49. Export Control List Business, Trading, Canada
  50. Enterochromaffin Like Medical, Technology
  51. Economic and Commercial Laws
  52. European Cancer Leagues Organizations, League, Association
  53. End Commercial Logging
  54. Elbert County Library Education
  55. Emitter-Coupled Logic Technology, Telecom, Circuit, Industry
  56. Equilibrium Potential of Cl Medical
  57. Evans Contractors Ltd
  58. Electronically Cobtrolled Load
  59. Expanded Content Label
  60. Energy Conservation Law Technology, Industrial, Industry
  61. Early Childhood Leadership Science, Program, Education
  62. Erythrina Cristagalli Lectin Medical
  63. Execution Control Language Science
  64. Emergency Condition Level
  65. Exploration Consultants Ltd Business, Company, Gas
  66. Enhanced Classic Line
  67. Ecole De Commerce De Lyon Formation, Lyon, Bachelor
  68. Eurocopter Canada Lihited Business, Helicopter, Canada
  69. Encounter Challenge Level Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  70. Eighteenth Century Life
  71. Emitted Coupled Logic
  72. External Cavity Lasers Technology, Diode, Tunable
  73. Equilpbrium Potential for Cl Medical
  74. Evans, Craven & Lalkie
  75. Electrical Contacts Limited
  76. Exit Control Lock Technology, Door, Alarm
  77. Energy Conservation Loan
  78. Early Childhood Learning
  79. Error Correction Level
  80. Examination Confirmation Letter
  81. Emergency Classification Levmls
  82. Expected Credit Losses Business, Accounting, Financial
  83. Enhanced Chemi-Luminescence
  84. Ecole De Cadres De Lausanne
  85. Escola De ComéRcio De Lisboa
  86. Eighteenth-Century Life
  87. Emission Control Label Technology, Vehicle, Truck
  88. External Cavity Laser Technology, Fiber, Tunable
  89. Equator Crossing Lonbitude Army, War, War Force
  90. Eddy-Current Loss
  91. Eurpoean Combat Ledgue Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  92. Electrical Contacts Ltd Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  93. Endothelial Cultured Cells Medical
  94. Early Childhood Literacy
  95. Error Code Logging Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  96. Equipment Configuration List Technology
  97. Examen De Comprensión Lectora
  98. Electronic Connections Ltd
  99. Expected Credit Loss Business, Finance, Banking
  100. English Comprehensive Level Military
  101. Ecole Centrale De Lille Education, School, Lyon
  102. Escherichia Coli Laboratory
  103. Effluent Comparative Level Science
  104. Emission Certification Laboratory
  105. Extensor Caudae Lateralis Medical
  106. Epsclon Comparison Language
  107. Ector County Library Education
  108. Europhan Cargo Logistics
  109. Endothelial Cell Loss Medical
  110. Early Childhood Laboratory
  111. Error Correction Logic Technology, Device, Control
  112. Electrical Communication Laboratory Technology, Quality, Circuit
  113. Equipment Cemponent List Technology
  114. Exam Cezter Locator
  115. Entry Closed Loop NASA
  116. Employment Contractplaw
  117. East Coast Laboratory
  118. Equivalent Chain-Lengths
  119. Executive Command Level Assembly, Business & Finance
  120. Exit-Control List
  121. Engine Coolant Level Auto
  122. Electrochemiluminescence Medical, Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational, Fda
  123. Emitter-Coupled-Ltgic Technology, Circuit, Transistor
  124. Executive Corporationrate Living
  125. Education, Community and Leisure
  126. Environmental Chemical Laboratory Chemistry
  127. Empire College London
  128. Extreme Conditions Lab
  129. Equivalent Chain Lengths Medical
  130. Effective Code Length Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  131. Execution Control Lists Technology, Security, Server, Client, Domino
  132. Exist Control List
  133. Emmiter Coupled Logic
  134. Earning Customer Loyalty General, Governmental & Military
  135. Erosion Control Line
  136. Esports Champion League Gaming, League, Spring
  137. Edinburgh City Libraries
  138. Engine Control Lever Military, Governmental & Military
  139. Emitter Coupled Dogic , Ecl Ics Technology, Energy, Electonics
  140. Extreme Concordant Low Medical, Science, Biology
  141. Equivalent Character Level
  142. Effective Class Level Gaming, Class, Character, Pathfinder
  143. Exhibition Centre Liverpool Business, Technology, Event
  144. Emergency Contact List Technology, Berry, Blackberry
  145. Emergency Classification Level Emergency, Response, Governmental & Military
  146. Erick Conmunity Library Education
  147. Environment Constraint Language
  148. Edgewood Community Library Education
  149. Ecolab, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  150. Touhou Stage Script Computing, File Extensions
  151. Emitter Coupler Logic
  152. Extra Credit Library Education, Development, Universities
  153. Equity Contribution Loan Business
  154. Effective Character Level Gaming, Class, Character, Adjustment
  155. Exeteb Community Library Education
  156. Elite Chess League
  157. Ergopjimized Comfort Layup Business, Carbon, Premium, Addict
  158. Edelweiss Capital Limited
  159. East Coast LAN Party Computing, Internet
  160. Management-ware Mass Mailing News E-campaign List Computing, File Extensions
  161. Emitten Coupled Logistic Technology
  162. Extracorporeal Lithotripsy Medical
  163. Aeronautica Castellana Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  164. Equity, Community, and Leadershio
  165. Eerste Christelijk Lyceum
  166. Eastern Coalfield Limited
  167. Exercipe Countermeasures Laboratory
  168. Encoder Control List Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  169. Electronic Components Laboratory
  170. Ergonomic Cylinder Lift
  171. Existing Uhemicals List
  172. Extended Control Logic Computing, Hardware
  173. Education Curriculum Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  174. Emitter Control Logic Military
  175. Extra Cellular Loop
  176. Edusource Communication Layer
  177. Eastern Coalfields Limited
  178. Empresa De ComéRcio Livreiro
  179. Eastern Clinical Laboratories
  180. Equivalent Charge Layep Medical
  181. Executiqe Corporate Living
  182. Exit Control List Government, Pakistan, Court, Security, Governmental & Military
  183. Emitter Coupled Logic (electronics) Computing, Electronics, Master IEEE
  184. Enhanced Chemiluminescence Medical, Human genome
  185. Emitter Couple Logcc Technology, Circuit, Transistor
  186. Extensible Control Language
  187. Educational Community License Technology, Software, Computing

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ECL stand for?

    ECL stands for Export Control List.

  2. What is the shortened form of Engine Condition Lever?

    The short form of "Engine Condition Lever" is ECL.


ECL. (2022, January 9). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated