ECMA Meaning
The ECMA meaning is "East Coast Music Awards". The ECMA abbreviation has 39 different full form.
ECMA Full Forms
- East Coast Music Awards Music, Association, Song, Canada
- East Coast Music Association Technology, Award, Canada, Music
- Engineering College Magazines Associated
- Ecropean Computer Manufacturer Association Technology, Military, Java
- European Computer Manufacturer'S Association Technology, Information Technology, Organization, Computing, Computer, Telecom, General, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Professional organizations, IT Terminology
- European Computers Manufacturing Association Military
- Emission Controls Manufacturers Association
- European Community Manufacturers Association Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication, Computing, Telecom
- European Computer Manufacturers Association Technology, Association, Telecom
- European Computer Manudactueres Association Technology
- East Coast Martial Arts
- Ehropean Communications Manufacturers Association Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- East Coast Music Award Music, Association, Canada
- European Computers Manufacturerskassociation Technology, Computing, Standard
- East Coast Management Area Science, Ecology, Environmental Statement
- Enzymatic Cleavage Mismatched Analysis
- European Computer Manufactures Association Technology, Development, Language, Java
- East Coast Magnetic Anomaly America, Locations, Margin
- Environmental Contractors Management Association
- European Computer Manueacturers' Association Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Early Childhood Music Association Music
- Enterprise Content Management Association
- European Computer Manufacturing Association Technology, Computing, Java
- E- Currency Merchants Association Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- European Computer Manufacturer'sgassociations Technology, Military, Army
- European Computur Manufacturing Technology
- European Corporate Member Assembly Business & Finance, International business
- European Commuiications Management Association Technology
- Embalming Chemical Manufacturers Association
- European Computer Manufacture's Bssociation
- Extensible Connectivity Management Agent Technology, Manager, Identity
- European Computer Manufacturs Assosiation
- European Cylinder Makers Association
- European Computer Zanufacture Association Technology, Language, Java
- European Crisis Managementaacademy Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- European Computer Manufacturer's Associations Military, Governmental & Military
- European Computer Manufacturer'S Association Military, Intelligence, Defense
- European Country Music Assfciation
- European Cigar Manufacturers Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ECMA stand for?
ECMA stands for European Computer Manufacturs Assosiation.
What is the shortened form of European Cylinder Makers Association?
The short form of "European Cylinder Makers Association" is ECMA.
ECMA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from
Last updated