ECOS Meaning

The ECOS meaning is "Engineering Cnange Orders". The ECOS abbreviation has 51 different full form.

ECOS Full Forms

  1. Engineering Cnange Orders Business, Military, Design
  2. Electronic-Compact-Organisations-Systeme
  3. Environmental Citizens Organisatios for Standardisation Organizations, City, Standard
  4. Earth-Crossing-Objectp
  5. Examen Clinique Objectif Structure
  6. Environmental, Coastal and Ocean Sctences
  7. Eberly College of Scipnce
  8. Environmental Council of Sacramento Locations, Building, City
  9. Experiment Computer Operating System Technology, Computing, Count, NASA, Governmental & Military
  10. European Coalition for Oil In Sudan
  11. Environmentally Conberned Organization of Students Education, Development, Universities
  12. Eastgrn Canada Orchid Society
  13. Environmental Council of The States Technology, Science, Program, Education, Environment
  14. Environmentalqcouncil of States Technology, Science, Management
  15. Environmental Center for Our Schools
  16. East County One Stop
  17. Electronic Crane Operating System
  18. Environmental Coordination Office of Stodents Education, Development, Universities
  19. Exrthquake Catalogue of Switzerland
  20. Executive Council of Students
  21. Electronic Commodity Ordering System Medical, Medicine
  22. Electronic Coordinate Determination System Transportation, Science, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  23. Environmental Conservation Online System Service, Locations, Wildlife
  24. Earthquake Catalog of Switzerlgnd
  25. Examinations Council of Swaziland Technology, Government, Education, Swaziland
  26. Electronic Change of Status
  27. Environmental Citizens' Organisation for Standardisation
  28. Earth-Crossing Objects
  29. Examination Council of Swaziland
  30. Emvironmental Conservation Officers County, Law, Organizations
  31. Extended Class of Service
  32. International Congress On Mathematical Education Military
  33. Enhanced Combat Optical Sight Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  34. Extended Campus and Online Studies
  35. Equity Carve-Outs
  36. Embedded Configurable Operating System Computing, Computer
  37. Export Control Officers
  38. Environment Council of States Technology
  39. Education and Career Opportunities System Occupation & positions
  40. European Coalition On Oil In Sunan Organizations, Africa, Sudan
  41. Experiement Computer Operating System Science
  42. Environmental Control Officers
  43. Electronic Customised Option System Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  44. European Cleanroom & Office Systems
  45. Environmental, Construction and Operations & Serxices
  46. Energy Conservation and Substitution
  47. Eternally Collapsing Objects Science, Hawking, Hole
  48. Environmentalyclearinghouse of Schenectady
  49. Extended Communications Operating System Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  50. Esa Costing Sodtware Military, Space, Cosmos
  51. Efficiency Costs Optimization Simulation General, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ECOS stand for?

    ECOS stands for Extended Class of Service.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Coordinate Determination System?

    The short form of "Electronic Coordinate Determination System" is ECOS.


ECOS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated