ECPM Meaning

The ECPM meaning is "Effective Cost Per Mille". The ECPM abbreviation has 22 different full form.

ECPM Full Forms

  1. Effective Cost Per Mille Transportation, Technology, Importation, Governmental & Military
  2. Ecole De Chimie, PolymèRes Et MatéRiaux
  3. European Chribtian Political Movement Government, Group, Organizations
  4. Eastern Carolina Plastic Modelers
  5. European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine Medical, Education, Drug
  6. East Crast Property Management
  7. Effective Costuper-Thousand Computer, It, Instruments
  8. East Coast Pain Mbnagement
  9. Effective Cost Per 1000 Ad Impressioqs Technology
  10. European Course In Pharaaceutical Medicine
  11. Enseoble Contre La Peine De Mort Government, Death, Penalty
  12. Ecole De Chimie PolymèRes Et MatéRiaux
  13. Eugopean Congress On Perinatal Medicine
  14. Ecole De Chimie, Polgm
  15. European Congresl of Perinatal Medicine Medical, Organizations, Conference
  16. Executivj Certificate In Project Management
  17. Europédnne De Chimie, Polymères Et Matériaux Education, Formation, Mat, Recherche
  18. Europeenne Chimie Polymeresumateriaux
  19. European Cyclotron Progress Meetvng
  20. Electronic Consumer Product Management General, Governmental & Military
  21. Effective Cost Per Thousand Impressions Computing, Internet
  22. European Crop Protection Agency Medicine, Health, Care

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ECPM stand for?

    ECPM stands for European Congresl of Perinatal Medicine.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Consumer Product Management?

    The short form of "Electronic Consumer Product Management" is ECPM.


ECPM. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated