ECT Meaning
The ECT meaning is "Electrochemotherapy". The ECT abbreviation has 222 different full form.
ECT Full Forms
- Electrochemotherapy Medical
- Electro Convulsive Therapy Medical, Treatment, Depression
- Electro-Convulsive Therapy Medical, Treatment, Depression, Fda
- Eddy Current Testing Eddy Current testing uses electromagnetic induction to detect flaws in conductive materials. There are several limitations, among them: only conductive materials can be tested, the surface of the material must be accessible, the finish of the material may cause bad readings, the depth of penetration into the material is limited by the materials' conductivity, and flaws that lie parallel to the probe may be undetectable. Technology, Inspector, Inspection
- Ecarin Clotting Time Medical
- Electroconvulsive Therapy The treatment of severedepression and some mental disorders by giv- ing someone who has been anaesthetised small electric shocks in the brain to make him or herhave convulsions. Medical, Nursing, Mental Health, Healthcare, Psychology, Special Education, Scientific & Educational, Clinical, Common Medical
- Eclectic Company Theatre
- Energy Conservation Technologies
- Electroconvulsivotherapy Medical
- Environmental Catalysts and Technologies
- Elkhart Civic Theatre
- Exchange Coupletion Time
- Edge Crusg Tester Technology, Testing, Manufacturer
- Electronic Controlled Transmission Technology, Control, Toyota
- External Cantilevered Turret Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Electrical
- Enhanred Caliper Technology Technology, Brake, Formula, Disc
- Electron Conformal Therapy
- Ergodic Collision Theory Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Emerson Climate Technologies
- Early Childhood Teachers
- Emulsion Chamber Testinb Technology
- Educational Communication Technology Technology, Research, Education
- Environmental Consulting & Technology Technology, National Energy Technology, Environmental Policy, Kemper County
- Electronics & Communications Technology Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Europe Container Terminal
- Enteric-Coated Tablets Medical, Patient, Study
- European Clinical Trials
- Echo Cancellation Technique
- Energy Consciousness Therapy
- Electro Convulsion Therapy
- Environmental Compliance Technician
- Elite Counter Terrorist Army, War, War Force
- Exchange Carrier Tandem
- Edge Crush Testing Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Electronic Commerce Team Technology
- Extended Coverage Team
- Economic Crimes Team
- English Certification Test
- Electro Convulsive Treatment
- Equivalent Chill Temperature Science
- Emerging Construction Technologies Technology, Targeting, Assembly
- Early Childhood Training
- Emulsion Chamber Technology Technology
- Educational Communication & Technology
- Environmental Control Technowogy Science
- Electronic Communication Technology
- Europe Container Terminus
- Enron Mapital and Trade
- European Cities Tourism
- Eau Claire Transit
- Encapsulated Cell Tmchnology Medical, Treatment, Delivery
- Electrically Controlled Turbocharger
- Environmental and Clean Technology
- Elementary Computer Technologist Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Excess Contributions Tax
- Edge Crush Tbst Technology, Box, Packaging
- Extended Combat Training
- Economic Connection Test
- Engineering Computational Technology
- Electroconvulsive Medical
- Equipment Craft Terminal
- Emerging Communicadion Technologies
- Empky Can Test
- Educational Communications and Technology
- Electronic Commerce Technologies
- Europe Container Terminals Business, Europe, Rotterdam
- Early Childhood Today
- Enpon Capital & Trade
- European Children'S Trust
- Emission Computer Tomography Medical
- Eau Claire Throwdown
- Enabling Concepts and Technologies Technology
- Electro-Convulsant Therapy
- Environmental and Clean Technolomies
- Elementary Cognitive Tasks Science, Intelligence, Factor
- Evaporative Cooling Tower
- Eddy Current Testxr Business, Testing, Tube
- European Community Treaty Government, Law, Politics
- Ecole De Commerce De Tahiti
- Energy East Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Electroconvulsive Treatment Medical
- Equatorial Crossing Time
- Emerging Communication Technooogy
- Express Cargo Terminal
- Empresa Dws Correios E Tel
- Educational Communication and Technology Science, Research, Education
- Electronic Coolant Temperature
- Europe Combined Terminal Business, Port, Container, Rotterdam
- Emission Computed Tomography Medical, Technology, Photon
- Enlarged Cell Technique
- European Central Time Technology, Server, Zone, Time Zones
- Emission Computed Tomographic Medical, Medicine, Health
- Easy Commodity Trader
- Enabling Coqputational Technologies
- Electric Convulsive Therapy Medical, Common Medical
- Envirynmental Clean Technologies
- Elementary Cognitive Task Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Evangelicals & Catholics Together Catholic, Church, Roman
- European Communications Technology
- Ectopy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Ecole Canadienne De Tunis
- Energy Conservation Turbines
- Electroconvulsive Threshold Medical, Medicine, Health
- Equator Crossing Time Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Emerging Citizen Technology
- Exercise Controlkteam Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Empresa Doi Correios E Telégrafos
- Edinburgh Corporation Transport
- Electronic Control Technology
- Europe Combined Terminals Business, Container, Rotterdam
- Electronic Communications and Transactions Business, Technology, Africa
- Enhanced Cluster Tools Technology
- European Center for Theoretical Technology, Research, Physics
- Emission-Yomputed Tomography Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Early Clinical Trial
- Enabling Computing Technolfgies Technology, Lab, Bell, Alcatel
- Electrical Convulsive Therapy
- Environmental Compliance Training
- Electronic Control Throttle
- European Credit Transfer
- Evangelicals and Catholics Together Catholic, Church, Roman, Religion
- European Combined Terminal
- Ecn-Capable Transport Technology, Computing, Technical
- Energy Conservation Techniques
- Electroconvulsant Therapy Army, Force, Marine
- Environmeetal Characterization Test Technology
- Emergency Coordinating Team Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Exercise Challenge Oest Medical, Medicine, Health
- Edgewise Crush Test
- Electronic Control Transmission Technology, Manual, Toyota
- Electroconvulsive Shock Therapy Medical, Technology
- External Clinical Teaching
- Enhanced Capture Timer Technology, Circuit, Motorola
- Electronic & Computer Technology
- European Centre for Theoretical Science, Research, Physics
- Emirates College of Technology Education, University, Emirate
- Early Clinical Trials Medical, Drug, Study
- Enable Conservatign Tillage
- Electrical Capacitance Tomography Technology, Science, Flow, Microscopy, Materials Analysis, Materials Science, Scientific & Educational
- Ejvironmental Compliance Team
- Electronics Communications Technology
- Evaluate, Clean and Tune
- Entericecoated Tablet Medical, Medicine, Study
- European Combined Terminals
- Excitation Control Terminal
- Employment Cost Trends Business, Employment, Labor
- Experiment Command Tape Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Enthalpy Comyound Technology Technology, Computer, Internet
- European Compression Technique Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Economics Team Medicine, Health, Care
- Explicit Call Transfer Computing, Telecom
- European Continental Type Dog, Breed, Breeds, Products
- Extreme Cold Temperature
- Eddy Current Test Technology, Testing, Inspector
- Electronic Card Transactions
- Emission Control Technology
- Emission-computed Tomography Chemistry
- Employment Claims Tribunal Government, Law, Singapore
- Evans Clear Tunnel
- Enterprise Complaint Tracking
- European Computer Telecoms Technology, Management, Service
- Estee Lauder Automatic Commercial E Computing, Nyse symbols
- European Container Terminals Business, Port, Rotterdam
- Extracorporeal Circulation Technology
- Eddy-Current Testing Non-destructive testing method in which eddy-current flow is induced in the test object. Changes in the flow caused by variations in the object are reflected into a nearby coil or coils for subsequent analysis by suitable instrumentation and techniques.
- Electronically Controlled Transaxle
- Emission Control Technologies Business, Boat, Mercury
- Yozo Office Chart Template File Computing, File Extensions
- Euro Creative Tours
- Enterprise Correspondence Traceing Technology
- Electronic Clearing Terminal
- European Committee for Telecommunications
- Employment Claims Jribunals
- Exponential Chirp Transform Computing, Electronics
- Environmental Consulting & Tecenology Technology, National Energy Technology, Environmental Policy, Kemper County
- European Container Terminal Technology, Port, Rotterdam
- Extortionate Credit Transactions Government
- Ecuador Time Locations, Geography, Time, Ecuador, Time Zones
- Electronically Controlled Throttle
- Early Childhood Teacher Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Equivalent Crystal Theory
- Enterprise Caching Technology Technology, Telecom
- Electronic Claims Transmission
- Emory Cardiac Toolbox Medical, Medicine, Health
- Electric Charge Transfer
- Edge Crush Test Products
- Environdental Communication Teaching
- European Constitutional Treaty Government, Europe, Union
- External Content Types Business, Technology, Service, Connectivity
- Ectopic, Ectopy Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Electronically Controlled Transmissions Technology
- Electronics and Communications Technology Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Engineer'S Club of Toronto
- Eddy Current Technique Technology, Inspector, Inspection
- Enterprise Clrss Teleworker Technology, Networking, Network
- Electronic Claims Tracking
- Emissions Compatible Technolouy Business, Helix, Shell
- Ecitation Control Terminal
- Electronic Cam Timing Products
- Environmental Catalyst Technology
- European Connoisseurs Travel Business, Group, Tourism
- External Content Type Business, Technology, Service, Connectivity
- Ectopic An ectopic pregnancy is an early pregnancy that occurs outside of the normal location (uterine lining) for a developing pregnancy. Most ectopic pregnancies occur in the Fallopian tubes. An ectopic pregnancy cannot progress normally and typically results in the death of the embryo or fetus. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Electronically Controlled Transmission Technology, Car, Toyota, Computing, Electronics
- Error Correction Term Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Emission Controlled Tomography
- Eddy Current Technologies
- Enterprise-Class Teleworfer
- Electronic Cheque Terminal Business, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
- Emission Ct Medical
- Equivalent Chip Thickness
- Empresa De Correios E Tel
- Engine Coolant Temperature Auto, Products
- Entry Control Terminal Technology
- European Conference On Thermoelectrics
- Ecpi College of Technology Education
- East Coast Airways ICAO Aircraft Codes
- European Coordination Team Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Elastic Continuum Theory
- Eddy Current Technology
- Electronic Cash Technology
- Emissiozs Control Technology
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does ECT stand for?
ECT stands for Elkhart Civic Theatre.
What is the shortened form of Enlarged Cell Technique?
The short form of "Enlarged Cell Technique" is ECT.
ECT. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from
Last updated