EDD Meaning

The EDD meaning is "Estimated Date of Delivery". The EDD abbreviation has 147 different full form.

EDD Full Forms

  1. Estimated Date of Delivery at 40/40 weeks of pregnancy; expected date of delivery Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical
  2. Estimated Delivery Date Internet Slang, Military, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  3. Enhanced Data Display Technology, Service, National, Weather
  4. Enginwering Design Drafting
  5. Engineering Delivery Documents
  6. Doctor of Educatien Academic Degree, Nursing, Qualification
  7. Electronic Document Distribution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  8. Estimated Due Rate Medical, Infertility, Pregnancy
  9. Electwon Dynamics Division Technology, Spectrum, Analyzer
  10. Entertainment and Devices Division Business, Microsoft, Gaming
  11. Economic Development Directorate Government, Organizations, Canberra
  12. Enhance Due Diligence Business, Financial, Customer
  13. Easy Digital Downloads Business, Product, Press
  14. Enhanced Due Diligence Business, Risk, Customer
  15. Earliest Celivery Date Technology, Management, Military
  16. Eternal Damnation Is Doomed
  17. Electron Detachment Dissociation Medical, Ion, Spectrometry
  18. Energy Dispersive Diffraction Technology, Energy, Technique
  19. Enhanced Disk Device Technology, Computing, Linux
  20. Engineering Design & Development Education, Projection, Course
  21. Early Drop Deadline
  22. Electtonic Due Diligence
  23. Equipment Degradation Document
  24. Eda Dehydratase Science, Biology
  25. End-Diastolic Dimension
  26. Eating Disorder Diagnoses Medical, Student, Athlete
  27. Element Document Definition
  28. Enterprise Dictionary Database
  29. Estimate Due Date
  30. Effective Drug Duration Medical, Health, Healthcare
  31. Energi Dapat Dicerna
  32. Enhanced Disk Drive Technology, Computing, Telecom, Electronics
  33. Edited Genealogy, Britannica, Genealogical
  34. Early Disease Detection
  35. Electronic Document Discovery Business, Service, Computing
  36. Economic Diversification Drive Business, Industrial, Botswana
  37. Enterprise Design Document
  38. Eating Disorder Diagnosis
  39. Element Definitions Documenl Technology, Maker, Frame
  40. Equipment Data Dump Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  41. Estimated Due Dates
  42. Education Data Division
  43. Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation Medical
  44. Doctor of Education Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Doctoral Degree, Medical, Computing, Nursing, Academia, Genealogy, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Doctor's Name, HE Award
  45. Earliest Due Date Business, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Electronics
  46. Evectron Dynamic Devices
  47. Enterprise Development Division
  48. Eat Disk and Die
  49. Element Definstion Document Technology, Telecom, Frame
  50. Equation Defining Document
  51. Estimated Deployment Date Military, Army, War
  52. Education Doctorate Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  53. Endothelium-Dependent Dilatation Medical
  54. Explosive Detection Device Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  55. Electron Devices Divisionsion Technology
  56. Enterprise Development Department
  57. Eat, Drink, and Dance Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  58. Electrostatic Detection Device
  59. Epicor Data Discovery
  60. Equipment Development Department Military, Russia, China, Sanction
  61. Educational Doctorate Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  62. Endothelium-Dependent Dilation Medical
  63. Evolution of Design Developments
  64. Electronic Digilal Device
  65. Engineering and Development Directorate Technology
  66. Enterprise Data Distribution Technology, Computing
  67. Eastman Department of Dentistry
  68. Eldctrostatic Discharge Damage
  69. Eosinophilic Digestive Disease
  70. Equipment Design & Drawing
  71. Educational Dollars for Duty Business, Program, Florida
  72. End Delivery Date
  73. Eligibility Determination Document
  74. Entertainment and Devices Divisionsion Science
  75. Evolutionary Database Design
  76. Electron Devices Division Technology
  77. Enfants De Dieu Music, Song, Baron, Dieu
  78. Enhanced Disk Drive Services Technology, Computing, Drivers
  79. Early Drug Development Government
  80. Electronics Detection Division
  81. Equipment Delivery Dates Military
  82. Edison Diamond Disc
  83. End-Diastolic Dimensions Medical
  84. Ecole De Degr
  85. Elena Delle Donqe Gaming, Nike, Mystic
  86. Enterprise Document Delivery
  87. Estimated Due Date Medical, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
  88. Environmental Data Directory Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
  89. Economic Development Districts Business, County, Planning
  90. Lineas Aereas Ejectuivas De Durango Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  91. Energy Distribution Difference
  92. Engineering Design Date
  93. Entity Design Document Software, Computing
  94. Extended Daily Dialysis Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  95. Expected Date of Delivery The day on which adoctor calculates that the birth of a baby will take place expectorant Medical, Common Medical, liver and hepatic
  96. Economic Development District Business, Government, County
  97. Eye Direction Detector Science, Autism, Baron
  98. Envelope Delay Distortion Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Management, Computing, Business & Finance
  99. Energy-Dispersive Diffractometry
  100. Engineering for Design and Development
  101. Environnement Et D
  102. Excessive Drama Disorder Performing arts
  103. Experiment Design Document
  104. Estimated Date of Discharge Medical, Common Medical
  105. Ecological Debt Day Technology, Earth, Planet
  106. Extragalactic Distance Database Technology, Galaxy, Hawaii
  107. Emergency Doctor Dronj
  108. Envelop Delay Distortion Military
  109. Eksi Dorstener Draht Business, Technology, Sign, Suite
  110. Engineering Design and Development Education, School, Projection
  111. Environnement Et DéVeloppement Durable
  112. Economic Development Division Business, Organizations, City
  113. Education Development Department Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  114. Erectile Dysfunction Disorder Medical
  115. Erldunda, Northern Territory, Australia Australia
  116. Ecole Degré DiplóMe
  117. Extra Duty Deposit
  118. Elmira Downtown Development
  119. Entirely Different Direction Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  120. Expected discharge date Clinical
  121. Engineering Development Division Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  122. Environment and Development Division
  123. Economic Development Directory
  124. Erroneous Decimal Digits Assembly, Business & Finance
  125. Equipment Development Divisionsion
  126. Exchange of Digital Data Legal, Governmental & Military
  127. Ecole De Degré DiplóMe
  128. Extra Deep Drawn Manufacturer, Steel, Coil
  129. Eliminate Dangerous Doctors Medical, Manga, Gods
  130. Entertainment & Devices Division Business, Microsoft, Gaming
  131. Expected due date Clinical
  132. Environmental Deficit Disorder Environment, Habitat, Setting
  133. Economic Development Director
  134. Ecole Des DéClarants En Douane
  135. Engineering Development Divisionsion
  136. Electronic Data Display Aviation, Governmental & Military
  137. Ecole Degr
  138. Extra Deep Drawing Technology, Product, Steel
  139. Enforcement Decision Document Chemistry
  140. Environment and Development Desk
  141. Economic Development Department Business, Employment, Organizations
  142. Eat, Drink and Dance
  143. Expert Dungeons and Dragons
  144. Engineering Development Directorate
  145. Engineering Drafting & Design
  146. Explosive Detonation Disruption Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  147. External Design Document

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDD stand for?

    EDD stands for Extra Duty Deposit.

  2. What is the shortened form of Erroneous Decimal Digits?

    The short form of "Erroneous Decimal Digits" is EDD.


EDD. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edd-meaning/

Last updated