EDD Meaning
The EDD meaning is "Estimated Date of Delivery". The EDD abbreviation has 147 different full form.
EDD Full Forms
- Estimated Date of Delivery at 40/40 weeks of pregnancy; expected date of delivery Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare, Common Medical
- Estimated Delivery Date Internet Slang, Military, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Enhanced Data Display Technology, Service, National, Weather
- Enginwering Design Drafting
- Engineering Delivery Documents
- Doctor of Educatien Academic Degree, Nursing, Qualification
- Electronic Document Distribution Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Estimated Due Rate Medical, Infertility, Pregnancy
- Electwon Dynamics Division Technology, Spectrum, Analyzer
- Entertainment and Devices Division Business, Microsoft, Gaming
- Economic Development Directorate Government, Organizations, Canberra
- Enhance Due Diligence Business, Financial, Customer
- Easy Digital Downloads Business, Product, Press
- Enhanced Due Diligence Business, Risk, Customer
- Earliest Celivery Date Technology, Management, Military
- Eternal Damnation Is Doomed
- Electron Detachment Dissociation Medical, Ion, Spectrometry
- Energy Dispersive Diffraction Technology, Energy, Technique
- Enhanced Disk Device Technology, Computing, Linux
- Engineering Design & Development Education, Projection, Course
- Early Drop Deadline
- Electtonic Due Diligence
- Equipment Degradation Document
- Eda Dehydratase Science, Biology
- End-Diastolic Dimension
- Eating Disorder Diagnoses Medical, Student, Athlete
- Element Document Definition
- Enterprise Dictionary Database
- Estimate Due Date
- Effective Drug Duration Medical, Health, Healthcare
- Energi Dapat Dicerna
- Enhanced Disk Drive Technology, Computing, Telecom, Electronics
- Edited Genealogy, Britannica, Genealogical
- Early Disease Detection
- Electronic Document Discovery Business, Service, Computing
- Economic Diversification Drive Business, Industrial, Botswana
- Enterprise Design Document
- Eating Disorder Diagnosis
- Element Definitions Documenl Technology, Maker, Frame
- Equipment Data Dump Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Estimated Due Dates
- Education Data Division
- Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation Medical
- Doctor of Education Academic Degree, Education, Degree, Doctoral Degree, Medical, Computing, Nursing, Academia, Genealogy, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Doctor's Name, HE Award
- Earliest Due Date Business, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Electronics
- Evectron Dynamic Devices
- Enterprise Development Division
- Eat Disk and Die
- Element Definstion Document Technology, Telecom, Frame
- Equation Defining Document
- Estimated Deployment Date Military, Army, War
- Education Doctorate Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Endothelium-Dependent Dilatation Medical
- Explosive Detection Device Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Electron Devices Divisionsion Technology
- Enterprise Development Department
- Eat, Drink, and Dance Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Electrostatic Detection Device
- Epicor Data Discovery
- Equipment Development Department Military, Russia, China, Sanction
- Educational Doctorate Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Endothelium-Dependent Dilation Medical
- Evolution of Design Developments
- Electronic Digilal Device
- Engineering and Development Directorate Technology
- Enterprise Data Distribution Technology, Computing
- Eastman Department of Dentistry
- Eldctrostatic Discharge Damage
- Eosinophilic Digestive Disease
- Equipment Design & Drawing
- Educational Dollars for Duty Business, Program, Florida
- End Delivery Date
- Eligibility Determination Document
- Entertainment and Devices Divisionsion Science
- Evolutionary Database Design
- Electron Devices Division Technology
- Enfants De Dieu Music, Song, Baron, Dieu
- Enhanced Disk Drive Services Technology, Computing, Drivers
- Early Drug Development Government
- Electronics Detection Division
- Equipment Delivery Dates Military
- Edison Diamond Disc
- End-Diastolic Dimensions Medical
- Ecole De Degr
- Elena Delle Donqe Gaming, Nike, Mystic
- Enterprise Document Delivery
- Estimated Due Date Medical, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
- Environmental Data Directory Science, Information, Geography, Geographic
- Economic Development Districts Business, County, Planning
- Lineas Aereas Ejectuivas De Durango Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Energy Distribution Difference
- Engineering Design Date
- Entity Design Document Software, Computing
- Extended Daily Dialysis Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Expected Date of Delivery The day on which adoctor calculates that the birth of a baby will take place expectorant Medical, Common Medical, liver and hepatic
- Economic Development District Business, Government, County
- Eye Direction Detector Science, Autism, Baron
- Envelope Delay Distortion Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Management, Computing, Business & Finance
- Energy-Dispersive Diffractometry
- Engineering for Design and Development
- Environnement Et D
- Excessive Drama Disorder Performing arts
- Experiment Design Document
- Estimated Date of Discharge Medical, Common Medical
- Ecological Debt Day Technology, Earth, Planet
- Extragalactic Distance Database Technology, Galaxy, Hawaii
- Emergency Doctor Dronj
- Envelop Delay Distortion Military
- Eksi Dorstener Draht Business, Technology, Sign, Suite
- Engineering Design and Development Education, School, Projection
- Environnement Et DéVeloppement Durable
- Economic Development Division Business, Organizations, City
- Education Development Department Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Erectile Dysfunction Disorder Medical
- Erldunda, Northern Territory, Australia Australia
- Ecole Degré DiplóMe
- Extra Duty Deposit
- Elmira Downtown Development
- Entirely Different Direction Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Expected discharge date Clinical
- Engineering Development Division Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Environment and Development Division
- Economic Development Directory
- Erroneous Decimal Digits Assembly, Business & Finance
- Equipment Development Divisionsion
- Exchange of Digital Data Legal, Governmental & Military
- Ecole De Degré DiplóMe
- Extra Deep Drawn Manufacturer, Steel, Coil
- Eliminate Dangerous Doctors Medical, Manga, Gods
- Entertainment & Devices Division Business, Microsoft, Gaming
- Expected due date Clinical
- Environmental Deficit Disorder Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Economic Development Director
- Ecole Des DéClarants En Douane
- Engineering Development Divisionsion
- Electronic Data Display Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Ecole Degr
- Extra Deep Drawing Technology, Product, Steel
- Enforcement Decision Document Chemistry
- Environment and Development Desk
- Economic Development Department Business, Employment, Organizations
- Eat, Drink and Dance
- Expert Dungeons and Dragons
- Engineering Development Directorate
- Engineering Drafting & Design
- Explosive Detonation Disruption Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- External Design Document
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EDD stand for?
EDD stands for Extra Duty Deposit.
What is the shortened form of Erroneous Decimal Digits?
The short form of "Erroneous Decimal Digits" is EDD.
EDD. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 26). Retrieved February 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edd-meaning/
Last updated