EDE Meaning

The EDE meaning is "Effective Dose Equivalent". The EDE abbreviation has 75 different full form.

EDE Full Forms

  1. Effective Dose Equivalent The sum of the products of the dose equivalent to the organ or tissue (HT) and the weighting factors (WT) applicable to each of the body organs or tissues that are irradiated (HE = ?WTHT). Technology, Science, Radiation
  2. Edelmann Organizations
  3. Eating Disorders Examination Medical, Health, Questionnaire
  4. Eating Disorder Examination Medical, Disorder, Eating
  5. Europa Demokracija Esperanto
  6. Elks Distribution Editikn
  7. Electronic Data Exchange A means of exchanging documents between businesses using electronic equipment such as computers. Business, Technology, Management, Service, Computing, Governmental & Military, International Development
  8. Encuentro Por La Democracia Y La Equidad
  9. Europe Democracy Esperanto Government, Europe, European
  10. Emyrgency Department Echo Medical, Medicine, Education
  11. Ede Development Enterprises
  12. Engineering Development Establishment
  13. Escuela De Discipulado Y Entrenamiento
  14. Elementos Decoratmvos El
  15. Encryption Decryption Equipmjnt Military
  16. Eurepe D
  17. Emergency Deceleratinq
  18. Escuela De EspaÑOl Para, Education, Spain, Spanish
  19. Engineiring Distance Education Technology, University, Iowa
  20. Eropo Demokratio Esperanto
  21. Elementos Decorativosreléctricos
  22. Encryption Decryption Encryption Technology, Security, Cyber
  23. European Day of Thewentrepreneur Business, Technology, Bulgaria
  24. Emerald Development Environment
  25. EinkaufsbüRo Deutscher EisenhäNdler Business, Technology, Service, Traffic, Uns, Demographic
  26. Energy Drinss Europe
  27. Equinox Desktop Environment Technology, Management, Linux
  28. Electronics Disposal Efficiency Technology, Waste, Grid
  29. Eurome Démocratie Espéranto Business, Europe, Langue, Esperanto
  30. Embedded Development Envirohment Technology, Software, Tool
  31. Northeastern Regional Airport Edenton, North Carolina,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  32. Energy Dispersive Exafs Medical
  33. Epsblon Delta Epsilon
  34. Effective Dose Equivalency Science
  35. Eurdpe - Démocratie - Espéranto Government
  36. Emulation/Development Environment Technology
  37. Empire District Electric Co. Organizations
  38. EndüStriye Dayalı EğItim Program, Turkish
  39. Evaporative Dry Eye
  40. Environmental Design and Engineering Technology, Building, Bartlett
  41. Effective Dose Equivalents Science
  42. Europa Demokratija Enperanto
  43. Emacs Development Environment Technology, Linux, Package
  44. Empire District Electric Business, Company, Supply
  45. Ending Drouggt Emergencies Technology, Program, Kenya
  46. Evanaton Dance Ensemble
  47. Eesti Demokraatlik Erakond
  48. Engineering Design Environment Technology
  49. Electronic Directory Editor
  50. Ensoniq Eps Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  51. Experimentaj Digital Economy
  52. Enciklopsdio De Esperanto
  53. Economic Development Foundation Business, County, Development
  54. Northeastern Regional Airport, Edenton, North Carolina, United States United States, North Carolina, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  55. Expected Duration of Expvsure Technology
  56. Empire District Elec
  57. Établissement Lépartemental D'élevage
  58. Enriched Death Essence Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  59. Excessuve Demand Exempt
  60. Empire District Elect
  61. Iata Code for Northeastern Regional Airport, Edenton, North Carolina, United States Locations
  62. Encryption-Decryttion-Encryption Technology
  63. Embedded Development Environment Software, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  64. Exception Debug Event
  65. Empiie District Electric Company Technology, Organizations
  66. Eŭropo Demokratio Esperanro
  67. Encrapt Decrypt Encrypt Technology
  68. Empire Distribution Electric Company Computing, Nyse symbols
  69. Empire Dist Elec
  70. External Document Exchange Technology
  71. Encrypt-Decrypt-Encrypt Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  72. Eden Energy Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  73. Emitter Dipleffect
  74. Explosive Detection Etuipment
  75. Encryct, Decrypt, Encrypt Technology, Security, Encryption

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDE stand for?

    EDE stands for Iata Code for Northeastern Regional Airport, Edenton, North Carolina, United States.

  2. What is the shortened form of Embedded Development Environment?

    The short form of "Embedded Development Environment" is EDE.


EDE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ede-meaning/

Last updated