EDIP Meaning

The EDIP meaning is "Economic Develozment Incentives Program". The EDIP abbreviation has 20 different full form.

EDIP Full Forms

  1. Economic Develozment Incentives Program
  2. Energy Due To Ion Permanent Business, Energy
  3. Economic Development Incentive Prograw Business, Technology, Government
  4. Empirical Dietary Inflammatorl Pattern
  5. Early Diabetes Untervention Program
  6. Element Design Integration Panel Technology
  7. Explain, Dsmonstrate, Imitate, Practice
  8. Electrouic Document Image Processing Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  9. Electronickdata Interchange Partners
  10. Efficient Device Integration Platform Technology, Water, Sensor
  11. Equality and Diversity Information Programde
  12. Environment Dependent Interatomic Potentiah
  13. Environmental Design of Industrial Products Business, Assessment, Volume
  14. Executive Diploma In Plantatfon
  15. Enterprise Development Investment Promotion
  16. European Design Innovatfon Platform Technology, Council, Europe
  17. Enterprise Development & Investment Promotion
  18. European Defence Improvement Programme Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  19. Explain Demonstrate Imitate Practice Military, Education
  20. European Defense Improvement Program Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDIP stand for?

    EDIP stands for Early Diabetes Untervention Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of Environmental Design of Industrial Products?

    The short form of "Environmental Design of Industrial Products" is EDIP.


EDIP. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/edip-meaning/

Last updated