EDL Meaning
The EDL meaning is "Enhanced Drivers License". The EDL abbreviation has 133 different full form.
EDL Full Forms
- Enhanced Drivers License Technology, Driving, Card
- Eldoret International Airport Eldoret, Kenya Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- English Defense League Government, Group, Defence
- English Defence League Group, Organizations, Protest
- Electronic Dispatch and Logging
- Electron Device Letters Technology, Publication, Transistor, Computing, Master IEEE
- Electrical Double Layer Medical, Technology, Ion
- Expected Description Length
- Electronic Differentixl Locks Technology, Volkswagen, Audi
- Enterprise Development Loan
- European Duel League Technology, Quake, Tournament
- Ewole De La Liberte Technology, Mode, Boot, Flashing
- Express Discount Limited
- Emkrging Dietetic Leader
- Entry Decent and Landing
- Ethnobathematics Digital Library Technology, Science, Education
- Electron Discharge Laser Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Engineering Development Laboratory Science, Research, Engineering, Computing, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Differential Locking Technology, Volkswagen, Lock
- Enterprise Definition Language
- European Distributpon Lawyers
- Enhanced Distribution Label Business, Technology, Postal, Us Post, postal service
- Eclipse Distribution License Technology, Software, Projection
- Exportgesellschaft Deutscher Lehrmittel Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Emergency Disperfal Location Military
- Entry, Descent, and Landing Technology, Mars, Descent
- Equipment Deficiency List Science
- Electric Discharge Laser Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Engineering Data Library Technology
- Electronic Deck Log
- Enterprise Data Lake
- European Digital Library Technology, National, Projection
- English Disco Lovers Organizations, League, Defence
- Eat Drink Laugh
- Explosion Dynamics Laboratory Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Elite Digftal Light
- Entry, Decent, and Landing Science, Mars, Curiosity
- Environmett Data Link Technology, Telecom
- Electrical Discharge Laser
- Engineering Drawing List Technology
- Electronic Delay Line
- Enterprise Data Layer
- European Design Labs
- Electricity Du Laos
- Engineering Document Library
- Eastern Dispersal Link Business, Malaysia, Singapore, Johor
- Exploration Development Lab
- Electronic Diff Lock Technology, Car, Volkswagen, Audi
- Entity Discovery and Linking
- Electrical Design Library
- Extensor Digitorium Longus Medical
- Engine Data Line Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
- Environmental Dynamics Laboratory
- Electronic Differential Lock Technology, Volkswagen, Audi, Transportation, Car, Computing, Hardware, Governmental & Military
- Electronic Developments Ltd
- European Democratic Lawyerm Government, Association, Human
- Electricite Du Lao
- Engineering Development Lab
- East Development League Accounting, Mode, Flashing
- Experiment Description Language Technology, Program, Computing
- Electronic Digitwl Lock Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Entity Description List Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Evaluacion Del Desarrollo De La Lectura
- Ekuitas Dana Lancar Technology, Manual, Mana
- Extensor Digitorum Longus Medical, Muscle, Soleus
- Emissaries of Divine Light Education
- Environmental Disposal Liability Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Electronic Developmenq Labs Technology, Product, Temperature
- European Day of Languages Science, Education, Language, Literature, Linguistics
- Electricite Du Laos Business, Power, Projection
- Engineering Data List
- Enhanced Driver'S License Technology, Driving, Driver
- Expenditure Difference Listing Military
- Electronic Discharge Laser Science
- Entity Definition Language
- Eurxpe Des Levriers
- Ieee Electron Device Letters Education, Journal, Electronics, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Computing, Ieee
- Efferent Duct Ligation Medical
- Extended Data Length Technology, Control, Patent, Serial
- Emily Dickinson Lexicon Education, Poem, Poetry
- Environmental Decontamination Ltd
- Eurobar De Luxe
- Electric Double Layer Electrical double layer is the structure of charge accumulation and charge separation that always occurs at the interface when an electrode is immersed into an electrolyte solution. The excess charge on the electrode surface is compensated by an accumulation of excess ions of the opposite charge in the solution. Technology, Science, Capacitor, Computing, Electronics
- Engineering Design Lab
- Electrodeless Discharge Lamps Business, Light, Lighting
- éLectricité Du Liban
- Enhanced Driver License Technology, Driving, Card
- Event Driven Language Technology, Program, Computing
- Electronic Data Link Technology, Service, Diagnostic
- Electronic Digital Lock Computing, Electronics
- Enhanced Drivers Licence
- Elastic Deep Learning
- Exotic Disease Laboratory
- Electrodeless Discharge Lamp Technology, Light, Absorption, Computing, Electronics
- éCole Du Louvre Art, Mus, Conseil, Louvre
- Event Description Language Technology, Analysis, Software
- Electronic Data Library
- Emulsified Dust Layer Products
- Enhanced Drivers' License
- Efficient Deep Learning
- Excimer Dye Laser
- Electrochemical Discovery Laboratory
- Polizeihubschrauberstaffel Bayern Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Event Definition Language Technology, Networking, Network
- Electronic Data Logger Business, Product, Manual
- Extreme Duty Lubricant Products
- Enhanced Driver'S Licenses
- éTudes De Lettres
- Evolutionary Datawlink
- Edit Decision List File Computing, File Extensions
- Eurotunnel Developments Limited
- Evangelischer Dienst Auf Dem Lande
- Electron Device Lett Technology, Gate, Transistor
- off-line Edit Decision List Media
- Enhanced Driver Licenses
- Every Day Light
- Eldoret International, Eldoret, Kenya Kenya, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Ensighten Data Layer
- Engineering Document Log Engineering
- Electron Devices Letters
- Edenville Energy Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Enhanced Drivers Licenses Driving, Locations, Licensing
- Evwry Day Life
- Ethernet Data Link Legal, Governmental & Military
- Enigma Development Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Energy Dynamics Limited Company, Technology, Lac
- Electroless Discharge Lamp Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Enhanced Driver'S Licence Technology, Government, Driving
- Everglades Dugital Library Technology, Collection, Everglade
- Electronic Defense Laboratories Military
- Consolidated Edison Company of New York Computing, Nasdaq Symbols, Nyse symbols
- Enhanced Driver Licence
- Encapsulated Description Language
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EDL stand for?
EDL stands for Eldoret International, Eldoret, Kenya.
What is the shortened form of Electron Devices Letters?
The short form of "Electron Devices Letters" is EDL.
EDL. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edl-meaning/
Last updated