EDLC Meaning

The EDLC meaning is "Electronic Double Layer Capacitor". The EDLC abbreviation has 28 different full form.

EDLC Full Forms

  1. Electronic Double Layer Capacitor
  2. Edmonton and District Labour Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  3. Electrolytic Double Layer Capacitor
  4. Edmonton & District Labour Council
  5. Elder and Disability Law Center Medical, Law, Disability
  6. East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Sport, Organizations, Council
  7. Elder & Disability Law Center
  8. East Dunbartonshire Leisure & Culture Council, Glasgow, Leisure
  9. Endogenous Digitalis-Like Compound Medical
  10. Egyptian Democratic Labor Congress Government, Union, Egypt
  11. Ethernet Data Link Control Technology, Networking, Computing
  12. Electronic Differential Lock Control Technology, Driving, Car, Convertible
  13. Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress
  14. Electronically Differential Lock Control
  15. Edmonton District Labour Council
  16. Electrical Double-Layer Capacitor Technology, Battery, Carbon
  17. Ethernet Data Link Controller
  18. Electrical Double Layer Capacitor Technology, Power, Carbon
  19. Environmental Defender Law Center Law, Human, Ethiopia
  20. Electrochemical Double-Layer Capacitor Technology, Energy, Power, Computer, Scientific & Educational
  21. English Debating and Literary Club
  22. Kamp-Linfort, S-Germany Airport codes
  23. Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor Technology, Energy, Carbon
  24. Evolutionary Domain Life Cycle
  25. Electric Double-Layer Capacitor Technology, Product, Energy
  26. Every Day Low Cost
  27. Electric Double Layer Capacitor Technology, Product, Energy
  28. Every-Day-Low-Cost

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDLC stand for?

    EDLC stands for Electrolytic Double Layer Capacitor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Elder & Disability Law Center?

    The short form of "Elder & Disability Law Center" is EDLC.


EDLC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edlc-meaning/

Last updated