EDR Meaning

The EDR meaning is "Endpoint Detection and Response". The EDR abbreviation has 144 different full form.

EDR Full Forms

  1. Endpoint Detection and Response Technology, Security, Networking
  2. Endpoint Detection & Response Security, Detection, Endpoint
  3. Edward River Airport Pormpuraaw, Queensland,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  4. Education Realty Trust Inc. Technology, Organizations
  5. Educational Design Research Science, Education, Learning
  6. Enhanced Data Rate Technology, Wireless, Computer Security
  7. Engineering Design Review Technology, Management, Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  8. Electrodermal Medical
  9. Event Driven Repmrting Government
  10. Electronic Drilling Recorder Technology, Rig, Gas, Electrical
  11. Equity Dividend Rate
  12. Economic Development Rate Technology, Presentation, California
  13. Externpl Disputes Resolution Business, Credit, Dispute
  14. Electrodermal Response Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Skin And Dermal
  15. Eksperimenterende Danske Radioamatoerer
  16. Engineering Data Report
  17. Event Data Recordzng Technology, Vehicle, Recorder
  18. Enterprise Data Repository Business, Architecture, Delivery
  19. Early Device Release Accounting, Computing, Data, IT Terminology
  20. Experimental Development Requirements Military
  21. Electronic Dlta Recorder Technology, Car, Vehicle, Box
  22. Evest Detail Record Technology, Network, Billing
  23. Electronic Document Review
  24. Environmental Data Reports
  25. Economic Development Resources
  26. Exploration Drilling Report Business, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  27. Einkaufsring Deutscher RundfunkhäNdler
  28. Engineering Data Resources
  29. Event Data Recorderk Technology, Car, Vehicle
  30. Enterprise Data To Revenue Business, Tax, Projection
  31. Early Developer Release Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  32. Election Disputn Resolution
  33. Enhanced Data Rata Technology, Adapter, Driver, Dongle
  34. Event Detail Records Business, Technology, Communication, Billing
  35. Electronic Document Room Medicine, Health, Care, Fda
  36. Environmental Data Resources Business, Building, Report
  37. Economic Development Research
  38. Experimenterenderdanske Radioamatoerer
  39. Efficient Decentralized Revocation
  40. Engineering Documentation Report
  41. Escolania Del Recuerdo
  42. Economic Development Rider
  43. Enterprise Data Recording
  44. Early Data Release
  45. Election Day Registration Government, Voting, Turnout
  46. Enhance Data Rate
  47. Event Dependent Routing
  48. Electronic Data Resources
  49. Entity Detection and Recognition
  50. Economic Development Regina Business, Locations, Tourism
  51. Experimenterende Danske Radioamat
  52. Efficientbdata Representation
  53. Engineering Design Record Technology, America, Military
  54. Escalating Dose Regimen Medical, Science, Biology
  55. Economic Development Revenue
  56. Extreme Dynamic Range Technology, Camera, Phantom
  57. Enterprise Data Recorder
  58. Earliest Date of Release
  59. El Dorado Royale
  60. Engineering Dry Runs
  61. Events Data Recordkr Technology, Vehicle, Box
  62. Electronic Datg Report Technology, Environment, Emission
  63. Enterprise Directory Reporter Technology
  64. Economic Development Region Business, Projection, Workforce
  65. Experimentvrende Danske Radioamatører Radio, Union, Amateur
  66. Efiective Downwind Report Military
  67. Engineering Design Report
  68. Erqthroid Differentiation Regulator Medical
  69. Economic Development Representative Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  70. Extreme Druu Resistant
  71. Expvrimental Data Record Technology, Science, Product, Mission
  72. Electronic Dental Record Medical, Military, Health
  73. Elderly Dependency Ratio
  74. Engineering Disposition Request Military
  75. Ehent Data Records Technology, Service, Vehicle
  76. Enterprise Deficiency Report Technology
  77. Economic Development Regions Technology, County, Projection
  78. Experimenterende Danske Radioamatorer
  79. Electronic Data Recorders Technology, Car, Vehicle
  80. Excellent Damagehrate Forum, Master, Blade, Damage
  81. Employee Development Record Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
  82. Eqxivalence of Direct Radiation Steam, Radiator, Equivalence
  83. Economic Development Report
  84. Extreme Dream Rider
  85. Experimental Data Records Technology, Science, Product, Mariner
  86. Eksperimenterende Danske Radioamat Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  87. Engineering Design Requirements Technology
  88. Event Data Record Technology, Vehicle, Recorder
  89. Enterprise Data Replication Technology, Organisations, Integration
  90. Early Diastolic Relaxation Medical, Health, Healthcare
  91. Experiment Data Records Technology, Viking, Mars
  92. Electronic Dana Reporting Technology, Report, Emission
  93. Enhanced Data Range Technology, Sky, Headphone, Marshall
  94. Effective Direct Radiation Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  95. European Depository Receipt Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  96. Enhanced Display Response
  97. Exchanger Design and Raring Technology, Aspen, Tech
  98. Employee Data Record Governmental & Military, International Development
  99. Eddy Dissipation Rate Technology, Aircraft, Turbulence
  100. éTude DéTailléE Des Risques
  101. Engineering Design Record (release, Review) Military, Governmental & Military
  102. Enhanced Data Rates Technology, Rate, Wireless, Adapter
  103. Effective Degree of Regulation
  104. Egdon Resources Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  105. Enhanced Digital Return
  106. Exchanger Desitn & Rating Technology, Aspen, Tech
  107. Enhanced Dynamic Range Music
  108. Ecp Design Review Technology
  109. éCroulé De Rire
  110. Equivalant Direct Radiation Physics, Scientific & Educational
  111. Experimental Diabetys Research
  112. Effective Date of Registration Business, Service, Tax
  113. Engineering Document Release
  114. Enhanced Design Review Technology, Medicine, Health, Fda
  115. Excessive Descent Rale
  116. Energy Design Resources Energy
  117. Lineas Aereas Eldorado Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  118. Pormpuraaw, Australia Australia, Iata Airport Codes
  119. Expect Dedarture Release
  120. Eems Dollard Regio
  121. Electrothermal Hirect Reduction
  122. Enhanced Defect Reporting Technology
  123. Excess Death Rate Medical
  124. Event Data Recorder An event data recorder is a monitoring instrument used in automobiles, aircraft, or other machinery systems to record fault conditions as they occur. During maintenance periods or failure investigations, the event data recorder can be analyzed to determine the state of system components in an effort to piece together a timeline of the system performance. Car, Computing, Hardware
  125. Edward River, Queensland, Australia Airport codes
  126. Expandable Drilling Reamer
  127. Education Development and Resources
  128. Electron Dispersion Reactoq
  129. Enhances Data Rate Technology, Wireless, Adapter
  130. Excess Death Rates Medical
  131. Equivalent Direct Radiation Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  132. Executive Director'S Report
  133. Emergency Diversion Route Transportation, Governmental & Military
  134. Educational Divide Reform
  135. Edge Distance Ratio
  136. Electronic Data Reporting
  137. Enhanced Date Rate Technology, Mac, Wireless, Headset
  138. Effective Dispute Resolution
  139. Endeavour Silver Corp. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  140. Execute Destructive Read Assembly, Business & Finance
  141. Enterprise Data Recovery Governmental & Military, International Development
  142. Edrophonium Medical
  143. éValuation DéTailléE Des Risques
  144. Electrodialysis Reversal Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDR stand for?

    EDR stands for Economic Development Report.

  2. What is the shortened form of Efficientbdata Representation?

    The short form of "Efficientbdata Representation" is EDR.


EDR. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edr-meaning/

Last updated