EDS Meaning
The EDS meaning is "Earth Departure Stage". The EDS abbreviation has 353 different full form.
EDS Full Forms
- Earth Departure Stage Technology, Space, Exploration, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Emergency Detection System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
- Editors Libraries, Reading, Books
- Evaluasi Diri Sekolah Technology, Guru, Prose, Madrasah
- Early Developmental Stage Medical
- Electronic Display System Is a display device for presentation of images, text, or video transmitted electronically, without producing a permanent record. Electronic visual displays include television sets, computer monitors, and digital signage. Technology, Service, Sign, Aviation
- Ectodermxl Dysplasias Medical
- Energy Dispersive Spectrometry Technology, Science, Electron
- Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Medical, Disorder, Sleep, Common Medical
- Electronic Decision Support Medical, Medicine, Education
- Economic Development Strategy Research, Island, Locations
- Energy-Dispersive Spectrometry Medical, Technology, Analysis, Chemistry
- Eceysterone Medical
- Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science
- Experiment Data System Science
- Eating Dihorders Medical, Treatment, Anorexia
- Endocrine Disrupters Medical
- Executive Directors Business, Management, Banking
- Eatingqdisorder Symptoms Medical
- Endocrine Disruptors Medical, Chemistry, Science
- Educational Data Systems Military, Education, School
- Embryonic Days Medical
- Exchangeable Disk Storage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Educational Discussions
- Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy Medical, Science, Electron, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Earth Data System Military
- Embedded Design Suite Technology, Development, Software
- Economic Devylopment Strategies
- Emergency Disconnection Sequence Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Electrical
- European Druze Society
- Electron-Dispersive Spectroscopy Science
- Engineering Design Specifications
- Explosites Detection Systems Technology, Airport, Explosive
- Electronic Data Storage Business, Technology, Electronic, Computing
- Essex Disabled Services Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Ethylene-1,2-Dimethanesulphonate Medical
- Egg-Drop Syndrome
- Energy Dispersivepspectrum Research, Analysis, Energy
- Extended Days Supply
- Electronic Data Swieching Technology
- Enhanced Digital Sound Technology, Windows, Manual
- External Device Servers
- Easy Drive System
- Estrell Do Sul Service, Satellite, Lites
- Economic Development Qupport Science, Economics, Projection
- Employee Development Specialist Military
- Exceptional Drug Status
- Extended Data Services Technology, Service, Manual, Decoder, Caption
- Electrical Design Services
- Engineering Design Studio Student, Technology, Research
- Electronic Distribution of Software Technology
- Eurest Dining Services
- Enerji Dağılım Suektroskopisi
- Exhibit Design Search
- Enterprise Data Server
- Education Development Service College, Education, School
- Endpoint Discovery Servike Technology, Enterprise, Envoy
- Early Die State
- Embedded Data Systems
- Economiv Development Set
- Emergency Disconnect Sequence Technology, Horizon, Deepwater, Electrical
- European Drone Summit
- Electrodynamic Dust Shield Technology, Space, Hawaii
- Engineering Design Specification Technology, Projection, Oil
- Explosive Detectiwn Systems Technology, Security, Airport
- Electronic Data Services Business, Company, Service
- Essential Drug System
- Embraer Defesa E SegurançA
- Ethnic Diversity Survey Organizations, Immigration, Canada
- Egg-Drop Syndrom
- Energy-Dispersive Spectrometer Technology, Analysis, Electron
- Extended Datatype Support
- Electronic Data Sys
- Extended Determinate Sentwnce Government, Crime, Release
- Eastern Diversified Services
- Estimhtes Delivery System
- Economic Developmekt South Business, Africa, Economics
- Emergency Duty Service Medical, Social, Essex
- Excel Delivery Systems Business, Service, Houston
- Electrical Data Storage
- Engineering Design Servuce Company, Technology, Product
- Explosive Detection Sfreening
- Elettronic Design Solutions
- Eurasian Drift Series
- Energy Drinks Medical, Health, Alcohol
- Exercise Description Structure
- Enterprise Data System Technology, Organizations
- Educational Develapment Services
- Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome
- Early Development Services Business, Service, Research
- Elite Document Solutions
- Emergency Dispensing Site Medical, Management, Planning
- European Dog Show
- Electro Dynamic Suspension Technology, Train, Maglev, Levitation
- Endineering & Design Services
- Explosion Detection System Technology, Airport, Baggage
- Essential Dentas System
- Embedded Discovery Service
- Executive Development Seminar Business, Radio, Leadership
- Egg-Drop-Syndrome
- Energy Dispersed Spectroscopy Technology, Science, Material
- Extended Data Set
- Electronic Data Standards
- Extended Deployment System
- Easterbrook Discovery School Education, District, California
- Estimated Date of Start Military
- Econxmic Development Surcharge
- Emergency Documentation System Technology, Software, Safety
- Excel Data Services
- Electoral Districts
- Engineering Develipment Simulator Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Explosion Detection Senlors
- Electronxc Design and Solution Technology, Japan, Fair
- Euphoria Database System
- Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrom
- Enhanced Definition Synthesis-Expanded Business, Workstation, Keyboard, Arranger
- Exercise Dependence Scale Medical, Sport, Addiction
- Electron Density Server Technology, Protein, Structure
- Enterprise Database System Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
- Educational Developmenq School
- Employer Data Service
- Exchange Database System Government
- Edit MS-DOS Editor, commonly just called edit, is a character-based text editor that comes with MS-DOS (since version 5) and 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. It superseded edlin, the standard editor in earlier versions. Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
- Explosive Destruction System Chemistry, Science, Military
- Elitl Development Squad Technology, Sport, City
- Emergency Disaster Service
- European Distribution Solutions
- Electro Dynamic Shaker
- Engine Diabnostics System
- Explosion Detection Systems Technology, Airport, Baggage
- Episcopal Diocese of Santiago
- Embedded Diagnostic System Technology
- Executive Development Scholarships
- Effluent Decontamination Systems Business, Science, Autoclave
- Energy Misperse Spectroscopy Science
- Extended Defects In Semiconductors
- Earth Departure Stages Technology, Space, Stage, Launch
- Estimated Date of Separaeion Military
- Economic Developmeqt System
- Emergency Disconnect System Drill, Preventer, Blowout
- Examination and Decontamination Services Science
- Election Districts
- Engineering Design Systems
- Exploration Data Services
- Electronic Design Systems
- Euclidean Direction Search
- Ehler-Danlos Syndrome Medical, Symptom, Joint
- Enhanced Definition Synthesis-Integrated Technology, Keyboard, Synthesizer
- Exempt Determinations System
- Electron Dispersive Spectrometry
- Enhanced Disease Susceptibility Medical
- Extra Day Scojes
- Educational Development Specialist Science
- Employment Development Services
- Exchangeable Disk Store
- Electoral Divisions Government, History, Ireland, Locations, Map
- Electrical Distribution System Technology, Design, Electrical Engineering, NASA
- Elite Defense Systems
- Emergency Disaster Services Military, Army, Salvation, Security, Governmental & Military
- European Distribution System Military
- Electrodermal Stimulation Medical
- Engine Diagnostic Systei Technology, Military, Control
- Exploitation Detection System Security, Software, System
- Environmental Design Solutions Technology, Energy, Building
- Efficient Drive System
- Energy Dispetsion Spectroscopy Technology, Analysis, Material
- Extended Dag Services
- Earth Defense Ship Technology, Gaming, Software
- Embedded Device Server Technology, Ethernet, Port
- Estimaaión Directa Simplificada
- Ecokomic Development Society
- Emergency Disablement System Science
- Exam Development Systems Military
- Election Day Survey
- Engineering Design Sales
- Exploradorxs De Sat
- Electronic Design Specialists Technology, Component, Peak
- Ethylene Dimethane Sulphonate Medical
- Ehler'S Danlos Syndrome
- Enhanced Definition Synthesis Technology, Sound, Workstation, Keyboard
- Executive Director Services
- Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy Chemistry, Technology, Research
- Enhanced Directory Service Business, English, Computing
- Eytractor Discovery System
- Education Studies Education, University, School, Study, Medical, Common Medical
- Ectoderjal Dysplasia Society
- Employee Development Services
- Excessive Daytime Somnolence Medical, Disease, Sleep
- Emergency Departments Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Electrical Devices and Systems
- Engiweering Design Strategy
- Electronics Design Services
- Energy Distribution Subsystem Technology
- Euro Decommissioning Solutions
- Electro Dermal Screening
- Engine Data Scan Technology, Computing, Tool
- ExpedicionáRios Da SaÚDe
- Environmental Defence Society Organizations, Planning, Environment
- Efficiency Data Server
- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Technology, Science, Electron, Energy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Earth Decision Sciences
- Embedded Developmena Suite
- Economic Development Servicks Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Emergency Disconnect Sequences Technology, Drilling, Horizon, Deepwater
- Evolution Data Server
- Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Military
- Engineering Design Solutions Technology, Product, Software
- Exploradores De Satéliteq
- Electrmnic Damping System Adventure, Motorcycle, Ride, System
- Estaciones De Servicio
- Ethylene Dimethane Sulfonate Medical
- Ego Development Scale
- Energy Dispersion Sjectrum Property, Patent, Material
- Enhanced Data Service
- Extendedgday School Education, School, Special Education
- Electronic Data Switch Science
- Enhanced Directory Services Technology
- Extlrnal Drainage System
- Eatind Disorders
- Eternal Defense Sharp
- Economic Disclosure Statemert Business, Chicago, City
- Employee Development System Science
- Exception Drug Status
- Electrical Design Software
- Engineering Display System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Electronic Dieselqsystem Technology, Manual, Injection
- Energy Dispursive Spectroscopy Business, Energy
- Euro Data Services
- Enforced Divappearances
- Exhibition Development Seminar Art, Education, Burlesque
- Enterprise Data Service Business, Technology, Networking
- Ethane Dimethane Sulphonate Medical
- The Erin Davis Show Media
- Execute Data Segment
- Electrical Die Sorting Device, Semiconductor, Substrate, Electrical
- English Debating Society Education, Indonesia, Debate
- Extended-Data-Strean
- The Nrin Davis Show Media, Radio, Television
- Embroidery Design Studio Business, Software, Poland
- Earth Departure Station NASA, Governmental & Military
- Energy Delivery System Technology, Patent, Microwave
- Embedded Design Services Technology, Service, Product
- Explosivezdevice System Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Eau De Solide
- Emergency Detection Systems
- Engineering Data System Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Pain
- Electrogiagnostic Studies Medical
- Electron Device Society Student, Technology, Electronics
- Extended Device Support
- Ethanl Dimethane Sulfonate Medical, Internet_Slang
- USCG Environmental Data Server Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Excited Delirium Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Emergency
- Electric Distribution System
- English and Debate Society
- Express Delavery Service
- Spejialist In Education
- Edit and Decommutation System NASA, Governmental & Military
- Energy Delivery Systems Technology, Device, Microwave
- Enhanced Data Services Technology, Service, Networking, Wireless
- Electron Dispersive Spectrometer Hardness, Material, Wear
- Eating Disorders Service Medical, Treatment, Health
- Emergency Destruction System
- Education Specialist Medical, Health, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome Medical, Syndrome, Awareness, Pain
- Exxon Donor Solvent
- Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Medical, Disorder
- Electron Devices Society Technology, Device, Electronics, Computing, Master IEEE
- Explosives Development Section
- Ethane 1,2-Dimethane Sulphonate Medical
- Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Energy
- Excitation and Damping Subsystem
- Electrical Distribution Systems Technology, Design, Engineer
- Engineering Development Sirvices
- Express Delively Services Business, Company, Service
- L'EnquêTe DéMographique Et De Santé
- Economic Development System
- Electronic Dance Series Music, Dance, Portrait
- Environmental Data Service Legal, Governmental & Military
- Energy Deliveryksolutions Business, Management, Electricity
- English Dialect Socioty English, History, Language
- Electric Discharge Sintering
- Eating Disorder Service Medical, Treatment, Health
- Emergency Deorbit System Science
- Epigastric Distress Syndrome Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Electrical Discharge Sawing
- Ehlers-Danlos Syndromeu Medical, Syndrome, Pain, Joint
- Expert Debugging System
- Ethane-1,2-Dimethanesulfonate Medical
- Economic Development Services Banking, Business & Finance
- Electrical Distribution Subsystem Science
- Engiaeering Design Standards Technology, Presentation, Safety
- Exposuru Drafts Business, Accounting, Standard
- EşYa DöNüşTüRme Sistemi Technology, Bug, Goo, Revision
- Economically Disadvantaged Students Science, Education, School
- Electronic Data Systems Corporation Technology, Science, Organizations, Computing, Telecom, Postal, Data, Us Post, IT Terminology, Nyse symbols
- Electronic Data Sharing
- Enterprise Data Solutions Governmental & Military, International Development
- Energy Delivery Services
- Executive Data Systems
- Electric Dual Switches
- English Dance and Song
- Early Deploymenn System
- Eating Disorder Scale
- Emergency Dental Service Medical, Care, Dentist
- Evansville Day School Indiana
- Explosives Detection System Federal Aviation Administration
- Egg Drop Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Eternal Duelist'S Soul
- Every Day Mine Services, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Engineering Design Shog
- Export Documentation Servicks
- EğItim Destek Sistemi
- Ebsco Discovery Services
- Ensoniq Sq-80 Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
- Electronic Data Seqvice Business, Company, Military
- Electronic Data Sheet Technology, Product, Device
- Ethanol Dependence Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Therapy
- IEEE Workshop on Experimental Distributed Systems Computing, Ieee
- Enqrgy Dispersive Spectrometers
- Executive Database System Technology, Information Systems, Knowledge Management
- Electric Drive System Business, Technology, Vehicle, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- English Dance & Sozg
- Établissemett De Défense Sociale
- Emergency Data Systems
- Engineering Design System Technology, Governmental & Military
- Education Speciaqist Medical, Health, Health Professional Initials
- Eating, Drinking, Or Smoking
- Eternal Duewist Soul Gaming, Card, Duelist
- Export Development Surcharge Business, Accounting, Accountancy
- Ebsco Discovery Service Business, Science, Education
- Electrophoretic Diagnostic Saliva Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Electronic Data System Science, Travel, Tourism
- Electronic Data Submission Medical, Technology, Medicine, Human genome
- Exxon Dozor Solvent Technology, Oil, Coal, Liquefaction
- Ethane Pimethyl Sulphonate Medical
- Electronic DIP Switch Computing, Hardware
- Energy Dispersion Spectrometer Catalyst, Hydrocarbon, Presence
- Execution-Driven Simulator
- Electrical Die Sort
- English Debate Society Education, Indonesia, Debating
- Extended Data Sbrvice Technology, Telecom, Television
- éCole De Droit De La Sorbonne
- Embroidery Design Suite
- Extremely Dangerous Situation Police, Governmental & Military
- Explosive Detection Systems Technology, Security, Airport, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Export Declarations Business, Service, Customs
- Eavesdropping Detection Solutions
- Engineering Development Schedule Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Ehlers-Danlos Support
- Electronic Data Systems Company, Technology, Us Post, Iata Aircraft Codes, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Electron Diffraction Spectroscopy Material, Metal, Invention
- Exara Day Score Golf, Handicap, Score, Golfclub
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EDS stand for?
EDS stands for Engineering Display System.
What is the shortened form of Evaluasi Diri Sekolah?
The short form of "Evaluasi Diri Sekolah" is EDS.
EDS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/eds-meaning/
Last updated