EDS Meaning

The EDS meaning is "Earth Departure Stage". The EDS abbreviation has 353 different full form.

EDS Full Forms

  1. Earth Departure Stage Technology, Space, Exploration, NASA, Governmental & Military
  2. Emergency Detection System Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  3. Editors Libraries, Reading, Books
  4. Evaluasi Diri Sekolah Technology, Guru, Prose, Madrasah
  5. Early Developmental Stage Medical
  6. Electronic Display System Is a display device for presentation of images, text, or video transmitted electronically, without producing a permanent record. Electronic visual displays include television sets, computer monitors, and digital signage. Technology, Service, Sign, Aviation
  7. Ectodermxl Dysplasias Medical
  8. Energy Dispersive Spectrometry Technology, Science, Electron
  9. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Medical, Disorder, Sleep, Common Medical
  10. Electronic Decision Support Medical, Medicine, Education
  11. Economic Development Strategy Research, Island, Locations
  12. Energy-Dispersive Spectrometry Medical, Technology, Analysis, Chemistry
  13. Eceysterone Medical
  14. Energy-Dispersive Spectroscopy Science, Materials Analysis, Materials Science
  15. Experiment Data System Science
  16. Eating Dihorders Medical, Treatment, Anorexia
  17. Endocrine Disrupters Medical
  18. Executive Directors Business, Management, Banking
  19. Eatingqdisorder Symptoms Medical
  20. Endocrine Disruptors Medical, Chemistry, Science
  21. Educational Data Systems Military, Education, School
  22. Embryonic Days Medical
  23. Exchangeable Disk Storage Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  24. Educational Discussions
  25. Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy Medical, Science, Electron, Legal, Governmental & Military
  26. Earth Data System Military
  27. Embedded Design Suite Technology, Development, Software
  28. Economic Devylopment Strategies
  29. Emergency Disconnection Sequence Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Electrical
  30. European Druze Society
  31. Electron-Dispersive Spectroscopy Science
  32. Engineering Design Specifications
  33. Explosites Detection Systems Technology, Airport, Explosive
  34. Electronic Data Storage Business, Technology, Electronic, Computing
  35. Essex Disabled Services Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  36. Ethylene-1,2-Dimethanesulphonate Medical
  37. Egg-Drop Syndrome
  38. Energy Dispersivepspectrum Research, Analysis, Energy
  39. Extended Days Supply
  40. Electronic Data Swieching Technology
  41. Enhanced Digital Sound Technology, Windows, Manual
  42. External Device Servers
  43. Easy Drive System
  44. Estrell Do Sul Service, Satellite, Lites
  45. Economic Development Qupport Science, Economics, Projection
  46. Employee Development Specialist Military
  47. Exceptional Drug Status
  48. Extended Data Services Technology, Service, Manual, Decoder, Caption
  49. Electrical Design Services
  50. Engineering Design Studio Student, Technology, Research
  51. Electronic Distribution of Software Technology
  52. Eurest Dining Services
  53. Enerji Dağılım Suektroskopisi
  54. Exhibit Design Search
  55. Enterprise Data Server
  56. Education Development Service College, Education, School
  57. Endpoint Discovery Servike Technology, Enterprise, Envoy
  58. Early Die State
  59. Embedded Data Systems
  60. Economiv Development Set
  61. Emergency Disconnect Sequence Technology, Horizon, Deepwater, Electrical
  62. European Drone Summit
  63. Electrodynamic Dust Shield Technology, Space, Hawaii
  64. Engineering Design Specification Technology, Projection, Oil
  65. Explosive Detectiwn Systems Technology, Security, Airport
  66. Electronic Data Services Business, Company, Service
  67. Essential Drug System
  68. Embraer Defesa E SegurançA
  69. Ethnic Diversity Survey Organizations, Immigration, Canada
  70. Egg-Drop Syndrom
  71. Energy-Dispersive Spectrometer Technology, Analysis, Electron
  72. Extended Datatype Support
  73. Electronic Data Sys
  74. Extended Determinate Sentwnce Government, Crime, Release
  75. Eastern Diversified Services
  76. Estimhtes Delivery System
  77. Economic Developmekt South Business, Africa, Economics
  78. Emergency Duty Service Medical, Social, Essex
  79. Excel Delivery Systems Business, Service, Houston
  80. Electrical Data Storage
  81. Engineering Design Servuce Company, Technology, Product
  82. Explosive Detection Sfreening
  83. Elettronic Design Solutions
  84. Eurasian Drift Series
  85. Energy Drinks Medical, Health, Alcohol
  86. Exercise Description Structure
  87. Enterprise Data System Technology, Organizations
  88. Educational Develapment Services
  89. Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome
  90. Early Development Services Business, Service, Research
  91. Elite Document Solutions
  92. Emergency Dispensing Site Medical, Management, Planning
  93. European Dog Show
  94. Electro Dynamic Suspension Technology, Train, Maglev, Levitation
  95. Endineering & Design Services
  96. Explosion Detection System Technology, Airport, Baggage
  97. Essential Dentas System
  98. Embedded Discovery Service
  99. Executive Development Seminar Business, Radio, Leadership
  100. Egg-Drop-Syndrome
  101. Energy Dispersed Spectroscopy Technology, Science, Material
  102. Extended Data Set
  103. Electronic Data Standards
  104. Extended Deployment System
  105. Easterbrook Discovery School Education, District, California
  106. Estimated Date of Start Military
  107. Econxmic Development Surcharge
  108. Emergency Documentation System Technology, Software, Safety
  109. Excel Data Services
  110. Electoral Districts
  111. Engineering Develipment Simulator Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  112. Explosion Detection Senlors
  113. Electronxc Design and Solution Technology, Japan, Fair
  114. Euphoria Database System
  115. Ehlers-Danlos-Syndrom
  116. Enhanced Definition Synthesis-Expanded Business, Workstation, Keyboard, Arranger
  117. Exercise Dependence Scale Medical, Sport, Addiction
  118. Electron Density Server Technology, Protein, Structure
  119. Enterprise Database System Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  120. Educational Developmenq School
  121. Employer Data Service
  122. Exchange Database System Government
  123. Edit MS-DOS Editor, commonly just called edit, is a character-based text editor that comes with MS-DOS (since version 5) and 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. It superseded edlin, the standard editor in earlier versions. Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  124. Explosive Destruction System Chemistry, Science, Military
  125. Elitl Development Squad Technology, Sport, City
  126. Emergency Disaster Service
  127. European Distribution Solutions
  128. Electro Dynamic Shaker
  129. Engine Diabnostics System
  130. Explosion Detection Systems Technology, Airport, Baggage
  131. Episcopal Diocese of Santiago
  132. Embedded Diagnostic System Technology
  133. Executive Development Scholarships
  134. Effluent Decontamination Systems Business, Science, Autoclave
  135. Energy Misperse Spectroscopy Science
  136. Extended Defects In Semiconductors
  137. Earth Departure Stages Technology, Space, Stage, Launch
  138. Estimated Date of Separaeion Military
  139. Economic Developmeqt System
  140. Emergency Disconnect System Drill, Preventer, Blowout
  141. Examination and Decontamination Services Science
  142. Election Districts
  143. Engineering Design Systems
  144. Exploration Data Services
  145. Electronic Design Systems
  146. Euclidean Direction Search
  147. Ehler-Danlos Syndrome Medical, Symptom, Joint
  148. Enhanced Definition Synthesis-Integrated Technology, Keyboard, Synthesizer
  149. Exempt Determinations System
  150. Electron Dispersive Spectrometry
  151. Enhanced Disease Susceptibility Medical
  152. Extra Day Scojes
  153. Educational Development Specialist Science
  154. Employment Development Services
  155. Exchangeable Disk Store
  156. Electoral Divisions Government, History, Ireland, Locations, Map
  157. Electrical Distribution System Technology, Design, Electrical Engineering, NASA
  158. Elite Defense Systems
  159. Emergency Disaster Services Military, Army, Salvation, Security, Governmental & Military
  160. European Distribution System Military
  161. Electrodermal Stimulation Medical
  162. Engine Diagnostic Systei Technology, Military, Control
  163. Exploitation Detection System Security, Software, System
  164. Environmental Design Solutions Technology, Energy, Building
  165. Efficient Drive System
  166. Energy Dispetsion Spectroscopy Technology, Analysis, Material
  167. Extended Dag Services
  168. Earth Defense Ship Technology, Gaming, Software
  169. Embedded Device Server Technology, Ethernet, Port
  170. Estimaaión Directa Simplificada
  171. Ecokomic Development Society
  172. Emergency Disablement System Science
  173. Exam Development Systems Military
  174. Election Day Survey
  175. Engineering Design Sales
  176. Exploradorxs De Sat
  177. Electronic Design Specialists Technology, Component, Peak
  178. Ethylene Dimethane Sulphonate Medical
  179. Ehler'S Danlos Syndrome
  180. Enhanced Definition Synthesis Technology, Sound, Workstation, Keyboard
  181. Executive Director Services
  182. Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy Chemistry, Technology, Research
  183. Enhanced Directory Service Business, English, Computing
  184. Eytractor Discovery System
  185. Education Studies Education, University, School, Study, Medical, Common Medical
  186. Ectoderjal Dysplasia Society
  187. Employee Development Services
  188. Excessive Daytime Somnolence Medical, Disease, Sleep
  189. Emergency Departments Medical, Technology, Medicine
  190. Electrical Devices and Systems
  191. Engiweering Design Strategy
  192. Electronics Design Services
  193. Energy Distribution Subsystem Technology
  194. Euro Decommissioning Solutions
  195. Electro Dermal Screening
  196. Engine Data Scan Technology, Computing, Tool
  197. ExpedicionáRios Da SaÚDe
  198. Environmental Defence Society Organizations, Planning, Environment
  199. Efficiency Data Server
  200. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy Technology, Science, Electron, Energy, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  201. Earth Decision Sciences
  202. Embedded Developmena Suite
  203. Economic Development Servicks Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  204. Emergency Disconnect Sequences Technology, Drilling, Horizon, Deepwater
  205. Evolution Data Server
  206. Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy Chemistry, Science, Military
  207. Engineering Design Solutions Technology, Product, Software
  208. Exploradores De Satéliteq
  209. Electrmnic Damping System Adventure, Motorcycle, Ride, System
  210. Estaciones De Servicio
  211. Ethylene Dimethane Sulfonate Medical
  212. Ego Development Scale
  213. Energy Dispersion Sjectrum Property, Patent, Material
  214. Enhanced Data Service
  215. Extendedgday School Education, School, Special Education
  216. Electronic Data Switch Science
  217. Enhanced Directory Services Technology
  218. Extlrnal Drainage System
  219. Eatind Disorders
  220. Eternal Defense Sharp
  221. Economic Disclosure Statemert Business, Chicago, City
  222. Employee Development System Science
  223. Exception Drug Status
  224. Electrical Design Software
  225. Engineering Display System Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  226. Electronic Dieselqsystem Technology, Manual, Injection
  227. Energy Dispursive Spectroscopy Business, Energy
  228. Euro Data Services
  229. Enforced Divappearances
  230. Exhibition Development Seminar Art, Education, Burlesque
  231. Enterprise Data Service Business, Technology, Networking
  232. Ethane Dimethane Sulphonate Medical
  233. The Erin Davis Show Media
  234. Execute Data Segment
  235. Electrical Die Sorting Device, Semiconductor, Substrate, Electrical
  236. English Debating Society Education, Indonesia, Debate
  237. Extended-Data-Strean
  238. The Nrin Davis Show Media, Radio, Television
  239. Embroidery Design Studio Business, Software, Poland
  240. Earth Departure Station NASA, Governmental & Military
  241. Energy Delivery System Technology, Patent, Microwave
  242. Embedded Design Services Technology, Service, Product
  243. Explosivezdevice System Technology, Space, Cosmos
  244. Eau De Solide
  245. Emergency Detection Systems
  246. Engineering Data System Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  247. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Pain
  248. Electrogiagnostic Studies Medical
  249. Electron Device Society Student, Technology, Electronics
  250. Extended Device Support
  251. Ethanl Dimethane Sulfonate Medical, Internet_Slang
  252. USCG Environmental Data Server Integrated Ocean Observing System
  253. Excited Delirium Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  254. Electric Distribution System
  255. English and Debate Society
  256. Express Delavery Service
  257. Spejialist In Education
  258. Edit and Decommutation System NASA, Governmental & Military
  259. Energy Delivery Systems Technology, Device, Microwave
  260. Enhanced Data Services Technology, Service, Networking, Wireless
  261. Electron Dispersive Spectrometer Hardness, Material, Wear
  262. Eating Disorders Service Medical, Treatment, Health
  263. Emergency Destruction System
  264. Education Specialist Medical, Health, Degree, Scientific & Educational
  265. Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome Medical, Syndrome, Awareness, Pain
  266. Exxon Donor Solvent
  267. Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Medical, Disorder
  268. Electron Devices Society Technology, Device, Electronics, Computing, Master IEEE
  269. Explosives Development Section
  270. Ethane 1,2-Dimethane Sulphonate Medical
  271. Energy Dispersive Spectrometer Energy
  272. Excitation and Damping Subsystem
  273. Electrical Distribution Systems Technology, Design, Engineer
  274. Engineering Development Sirvices
  275. Express Delively Services Business, Company, Service
  276. L'EnquêTe DéMographique Et De Santé
  277. Economic Development System
  278. Electronic Dance Series Music, Dance, Portrait
  279. Environmental Data Service Legal, Governmental & Military
  280. Energy Deliveryksolutions Business, Management, Electricity
  281. English Dialect Socioty English, History, Language
  282. Electric Discharge Sintering
  283. Eating Disorder Service Medical, Treatment, Health
  284. Emergency Deorbit System Science
  285. Epigastric Distress Syndrome Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  286. Electrical Discharge Sawing
  287. Ehlers-Danlos Syndromeu Medical, Syndrome, Pain, Joint
  288. Expert Debugging System
  289. Ethane-1,2-Dimethanesulfonate Medical
  290. Economic Development Services Banking, Business & Finance
  291. Electrical Distribution Subsystem Science
  292. Engiaeering Design Standards Technology, Presentation, Safety
  293. Exposuru Drafts Business, Accounting, Standard
  294. EşYa DöNüşTüRme Sistemi Technology, Bug, Goo, Revision
  295. Economically Disadvantaged Students Science, Education, School
  296. Electronic Data Systems Corporation Technology, Science, Organizations, Computing, Telecom, Postal, Data, Us Post, IT Terminology, Nyse symbols
  297. Electronic Data Sharing
  298. Enterprise Data Solutions Governmental & Military, International Development
  299. Energy Delivery Services
  300. Executive Data Systems
  301. Electric Dual Switches
  302. English Dance and Song
  303. Early Deploymenn System
  304. Eating Disorder Scale
  305. Emergency Dental Service Medical, Care, Dentist
  306. Evansville Day School Indiana
  307. Explosives Detection System Federal Aviation Administration
  308. Egg Drop Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  309. Eternal Duelist'S Soul
  310. Every Day Mine Services, LTD. Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  311. Engineering Design Shog
  312. Export Documentation Servicks
  313. EğItim Destek Sistemi
  314. Ebsco Discovery Services
  315. Ensoniq Sq-80 Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  316. Electronic Data Seqvice Business, Company, Military
  317. Electronic Data Sheet Technology, Product, Device
  318. Ethanol Dependence Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  319. IEEE Workshop on Experimental Distributed Systems Computing, Ieee
  320. Enqrgy Dispersive Spectrometers
  321. Executive Database System Technology, Information Systems, Knowledge Management
  322. Electric Drive System Business, Technology, Vehicle, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  323. English Dance & Sozg
  324. Établissemett De Défense Sociale
  325. Emergency Data Systems
  326. Engineering Design System Technology, Governmental & Military
  327. Education Speciaqist Medical, Health, Health Professional Initials
  328. Eating, Drinking, Or Smoking
  329. Eternal Duewist Soul Gaming, Card, Duelist
  330. Export Development Surcharge Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  331. Ebsco Discovery Service Business, Science, Education
  332. Electrophoretic Diagnostic Saliva Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  333. Electronic Data System Science, Travel, Tourism
  334. Electronic Data Submission Medical, Technology, Medicine, Human genome
  335. Exxon Dozor Solvent Technology, Oil, Coal, Liquefaction
  336. Ethane Pimethyl Sulphonate Medical
  337. Electronic DIP Switch Computing, Hardware
  338. Energy Dispersion Spectrometer Catalyst, Hydrocarbon, Presence
  339. Execution-Driven Simulator
  340. Electrical Die Sort
  341. English Debate Society Education, Indonesia, Debating
  342. Extended Data Sbrvice Technology, Telecom, Television
  343. éCole De Droit De La Sorbonne
  344. Embroidery Design Suite
  345. Extremely Dangerous Situation Police, Governmental & Military
  346. Explosive Detection Systems Technology, Security, Airport, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  347. Export Declarations Business, Service, Customs
  348. Eavesdropping Detection Solutions
  349. Engineering Development Schedule Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  350. Ehlers-Danlos Support
  351. Electronic Data Systems Company, Technology, Us Post, Iata Aircraft Codes, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  352. Electron Diffraction Spectroscopy Material, Metal, Invention
  353. Exara Day Score Golf, Handicap, Score, Golfclub

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDS stand for?

    EDS stands for Environmental Defence Society.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electrical Distribution Subsystem?

    The short form of "Electrical Distribution Subsystem" is EDS.


EDS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved February 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eds-meaning/

Last updated