EDS in Technology Meaning

The EDS meaning in Technology terms is "Earth Departure Stage". There are 73 related meanings of the EDS Technology abbreviation.

EDS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Earth Departure Stage
  2. Energy Dispersive Spectrometry
  3. Energy-Dispersive Spectrometry
  4. Emergency Detection System
  5. Electronic Display System Is a display device for presentation of images, text, or video transmitted electronically, without producing a permanent record. Electronic visual displays include television sets, computer monitors, and digital signage.
  6. Exchangeable Disk Storage
  7. Evaluasi Diri Sekolah
  8. Electrical Distribution System
  9. Engine Data Scan
  10. Energy Distribution Subsystem
  11. Engineering Design Studio
  12. Energy Dispetsion Spectroscopy
  13. Enterprise Data Service
  14. Electronxc Design and Solution
  15. Electrodynamic Dust Shield
  16. Enhanced Definition Synthesis-Integrated
  17. Explosites Detection Systems
  18. Emergency Departments
  19. Embedded Diagnostic System
  20. Engineering Design Servuce
  21. Electron Density Server
  22. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy
  23. Enterprise Data System
  24. Electronic Design Specialists
  25. Electro Dynamic Suspension
  26. Enhanced Definition Synthesis
  27. Explosive Detectiwn Systems
  28. Extended Data Services
  29. Embedded Device Server
  30. Engineering Develipment Simulator
  31. Electron Dispersive Spectroscopy
  32. Endpoint Discovery Servike
  33. Enhanced Directory Services
  34. Electronic Data Storage
  35. Earth Departure Stages
  36. Explosion Detection System
  37. Embedded Design Suite
  38. Engineering Design Solutions
  39. Electronic Data Swieching
  40. Emergency Documentation System
  41. Enhanced Digital Sound
  42. Earth Defense Ship
  43. Explosion Detection Systems
  44. Elitl Development Squad
  45. Engineering Design Specification
  46. Emergency Disconnect Sequences
  47. Energy-Dispersive Spectrometer
  48. Electronic Dieselqsystem
  49. Engine Diagnostic Systei
  50. Emergency Disconnect Sequence
  51. Energy Dispersed Spectroscopy
  52. Environmental Design Solutions
  53. Electronic Distribution of Software
  54. Explosivezdevice System
  55. Electron Devices Society
  56. Engineering Design System
  57. Explosive Detection Systems
  58. Embedded Design Services
  59. Energy Delivery System
  60. EşYa DöNüşTüRme Sistemi
  61. Electronic Data Sheet
  62. Energy Delivery Systems
  63. Electric Drive System
  64. Exxon Dozor Solvent
  65. Electronic Data Systems Corporation
  66. Enhanced Data Services
  67. Electronic Data Submission
  68. Executive Database System
  69. Electrical Distribution Systems
  70. Extended Data Sbrvice
  71. Electronic Data Systems
  72. Engiaeering Design Standards
  73. Electron Device Society

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDS stand for Technology?

    EDS stands for Emergency Departments in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electric Drive System in Technology?

    The short form of "Electric Drive System" is EDS for Technology.


EDS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/eds-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated