EDSF Meaning

The EDSF meaning is "European Database of Seismogenic Faults". The EDSF abbreviation has 13 different full form.

EDSF Full Forms

  1. European Database of Seismogenic Faults The European Database of Seismogenic Faults (EDSF) is a database of fault sources that are thought to be capable of producing earthquakes with magnitudes equal to or greater than 5.5. Its goal is to ensure a uniform input for calculating the risk of earth tremors in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
  2. EDISON Data Science Framework The EDISON Data Science Framework is a collection of documents that define the Data Science profession.
  3. European Door and Shutter Federation
  4. Movement control technique on keyboard The ESDF or (EDSF) movement control technique is used in video games that need a player to operate a character in a 3D world from a first- or third-person perspective. Due to its location on the left side of the keyboard, it is most commonly utilized with a player's left hand. It is frequently used as a faster alternative to the more popular WASD key setup. Game
  5. Electronic Design and Solution Fair The Design Automation Conference (DAC), which takes place in the USA, has a Japanese equivalent called the Electronic Design and Solution Fair (EDSF). A great opportunity to market products to SoC and system level designers in Japan and Asia is provided by the increased visitor and prospect base.
  6. Electronic Data Systems Federal
  7. Electronic Document Systems Foundation Scholarships from the Electronic Document Systems Foundation are available to students who want to work in the graphic design and document management fields. There are numerous scholarships offered by the EDS Foundation. Technology, Education, Scholarship
  8. European Dance Sport Federation
  9. Eating Disorder Support Forum EDSF web sitesi, yeme bozuklukları, travma, bağımlılık ve akıl sağlığı ile ilgili konular etrafında konuşmalar, medya ve içerik içerir.
  10. Electronic Document Scholarship Foundation Management, Industrial, Education
  11. Equity, Debt and Structured Finance
  12. Emerging Diversity Scholars Fellowship For the academic year 2023–2024, the Emerging Diversity Scholars Fellowship award has a maximum level of funding of $8,355. The fellowship aims to raise the amount of tuition benefits available to graduate students. Scholarship
  13. Expressive Doubt San Francisco


  1. Electronic Data Systems Federal Corporation's Performance as a Medicare Contractor in Illinois | U.S. GAO. (). n.d..
  2. EDISON Data Science Framework (EDSF) | Edison Project. (). (n.d.)..
  3. EFEHR | Active Faults. (). n.d..

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDSF stand for?

    EDSF stands for Electronic Design and Solution Fair.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Design and Solution Fair?

    The short form of "Electronic Design and Solution Fair" is EDSF.


EDSF. Acronym24.com. (2023, January 22). Retrieved January 20, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edsf-meaning/

Last updated