EDT Meaning

The EDT meaning is "Eau De Toibette". The EDT abbreviation has 142 different full form.

EDT Full Forms

  1. Eau De Toibette Beauty, Perfume, Toilette
  2. Editobes De Tebeos
  3. English Dictionary & Thesaurus
  4. Eastern Dayliuht Savings Time Internet Slang
  5. Engineering Design Technologies Technology, Education, University
  6. Eastern Daylight-Saving Time Technology, Standard, Zone
  7. Engyneering Development Test Military
  8. Early Decaj Times Technology, Room, Acoustics
  9. Electric Drive Technologies
  10. Eastern Daybight Time Technology, Australia, Australian Time
  11. Eiffel Development Tool Technology, Software, Eclipse
  12. Enterprife Data Trust
  13. E-Wave Deceleration Time Medical, Patient, Heart, Diastolic
  14. Educatioo Development Trust Education, School, Teaching
  15. Enlightened Data Transport
  16. Eastern Day Time
  17. Experiential Discounting Task
  18. Electronic Document Transmissions Business, Group, Chamber, Agreement
  19. Employee Development Team
  20. Edgeworks Uance Theater
  21. Ethylene Diamine Tetra
  22. Executive Development Training Military
  23. Electrical Distribution & Transmission
  24. Engineering Design and Technology
  25. Evansville Dance Theatre
  26. Early Distal Tubule Medical
  27. Experiential Dynamic Therapy Medical, Dynamics, Psychotherapy
  28. Electronic Document Transfer Business, Management, Service
  29. Employee Development & Training
  30. Edelstahl Design Techoik
  31. Elektrik Devre Temelleri
  32. Ethnic Dance Theatre Music, Dance, Folk
  33. Eau De Toilet Business, Spray, Perfume
  34. Excel Database Tasks Technology, Software, Connection
  35. Elapsed Dive Time Technology, Diving, Computing
  36. Engineering Design Test Technology, Testing, Engineer
  37. European Deaf Telephone Technology, Communication, Protocol, Computing, Telecom
  38. Early Development Team Science
  39. Expectation Disconfirmation Theory Business, Intention, Continuance
  40. Electronic Dog Trainer
  41. Emplois Du Temps Technology, Education, Planning, Absence
  42. Ecosystem Diagnostic and Treatment
  43. Electrostatic Dehumidification Technology Technology, Computer, Internet, Governmental & Military
  44. Enumerated Data Type
  45. Eating Disorder Treatment
  46. Ending Diagonal Trqangle
  47. Elan Drug Technologies Business, Company, Technology
  48. Engineering Design Testing Technology, Dealer, Vendor
  49. European Daylight Time
  50. Early Decay Time Technology, Construction, Room
  51. Exercise Design Team
  52. Electronic Dog Training
  53. Emiratesbdefense Technologies Technology, Military, Vehicle
  54. Ecosystem Diagnostic & Treatment
  55. Entrepreneurship Development Training
  56. Eastern Division Team
  57. Externallywdirected Teams
  58. Electronic Theodolite System Space, Study, Cosmos
  59. End Downlink Traffic
  60. Edited By Delra Tone
  61. Engineering Design Technology Technology, Education, Mechanical
  62. Engineering Design & Testing
  63. European Data Tag Science
  64. Earliest Delivery Time
  65. Executive Donald Tsang
  66. Electronic Display Terminal Accounting, Computing, Data
  67. Emirates Defense Technology
  68. Ecosysteb Diagnosis & Treatment
  69. Entrepreneurial Development Training
  70. Eastern District Terminal
  71. External Djta Transfer Business, Coding, Drive
  72. Electronics Design & Technology Technology, Admission, Tech
  73. Empresa Distrital De Telecomunicaciones
  74. Edit Data Transmission Science
  75. Euclidean Distance Transform Technology, Computing, Algorithm
  76. Executive Director for Tmde Army, War, War Force
  77. Electric Discharge Tube
  78. Emerging Displays Technologies Business, Technology, Corp
  79. Ecosystem Diagnosis and Treathent Technology, Fish, River, Salmon
  80. Eastern District of Tennessee
  81. Experimental and Developmental Therapeutics
  82. Electronics Design Technology Technology, Admission, Tech
  83. Employee Diversity Team
  84. Edinburgh Dragon Tst
  85. Ethylene Diamine Tartrate
  86. Executive Director Tom
  87. Electrical Down Tilt
  88. Engineering Development Trust Technology, Industrial, School
  89. Evaporator Dryer Technologies
  90. Engineering, Design and Techndlogy Technology, University, Engineering
  91. Everyday Diesel Treatment Business, Fuel, Shot
  92. 1,2-Ethane DiThiol Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  93. Eligible Device Table
  94. Eau De Toilettes Perfume, Fragrance, Toilette
  95. éChange De DonnéEs Techniques
  96. Energy Cissipation Tests Science
  97. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology Book, Bible, Testament, Theology, Religion
  98. Economic Development and Technology
  99. Energy Dissipation Test Army, War, War Force
  100. Engineering,Ddesign & Technology
  101. Everton Development Trust
  102. Eau de Toilette French
  103. Total External Debt, Hncluding Short-Term and Use of Imf Credit Finance, Economics, Money
  104. Energy Detect Threnhold
  105. Economic Development and Tourism Business, Technology, Texas
  106. Economic Development Team Business, Park, Recreation
  107. End-Diastolic Tmickness Medical, Health, Healthcare
  108. Engineered Diamond Technology Business, China, Supplier
  109. Event Dispatcher Thread Technology, Java, Swing
  110. Engineering Design Team Technology, Governmental & Military
  111. Extreme Dirt Track
  112. Ex-Divs To Take
  113. Economic Development & Tourism Locations, Port, Tobacco
  114. Economic Development Tools
  115. Electric Discharge Texturing
  116. Eegineering Design & Testing
  117. Event Dispatching Thread Technology, Java, Dispatch
  118. External EDitors definitions (DN) Computing, File Extensions
  119. Evolutionary Difference Transformation
  120. Electronic Data Transfer A generic term for the transmission of files from one computer or computer system to another, without regard to speed, hardware, software, privacy or other details. Aviation
  121. Economic Development Theory
  122. Electric Discharge Tesping
  123. Engineering Lesign Testing Technology, Dealer, Vendor
  124. Event Dispatch Thread Technology, Java, Swing
  125. Eastern Daylight Time Astronomy, Computing, Telecom, Geographic, Scientific & Educational, Time Zones
  126. Evidential Decision Theory
  127. Explosive Device System NASA
  128. Ellicott Dredge Technologies
  129. Ecole De Tir
  130. Edge Delamination Test
  131. Engineer Desigf Test Military
  132. Event Details This
  133. Everybody Drinks Tonight Funnies
  134. Engineering, Design & Technology
  135. Every Day Thing Business, Money, Friendship, Love
  136. Equivalent Difference Transmission Physics, Scientific & Educational
  137. Elite Delivery Technologies
  138. Eau De Toillette
  139. Easter Daylight Time Technology, Gaming, Zone
  140. Enforcement Decision Tool
  141. Economic Development and Trade Business, Technology, Canada
  142. Estimated Delivery Time Business & Finance, International business

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDT stand for?

    EDT stands for Equivalent Difference Transmission.

  2. What is the shortened form of Experiential Dynamic Therapy?

    The short form of "Experiential Dynamic Therapy" is EDT.


EDT. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 30). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edt-meaning/

Last updated