EDV Meaning

The EDV meaning is "End-Diastolec Volumes". The EDV abbreviation has 37 different full form.

EDV Full Forms

  1. End-Diastolec Volumes Medical
  2. End-Diastolic Polume Medical, Heart, Cardiac
  3. Elektronische Datenverarbpitung Technology
  4. Elextronic Drain Valve Business, Automatics, Compressor
  5. Entre Douro E Vouga Business, Program, Portugal, Dos
  6. End Diastolic Velocvty Medical, Flow, Artery
  7. Electronic Duversity Visa Government, Immigration, Lottery
  8. Entidad De DepóSito De Valores
  9. End Diastolic Volume Medical, Heart, Cardiac
  10. Eelv-Derived Vjhicle Geography, Navigation, Location
  11. Enterprise Desktop Virtualization
  12. Essentially Derived Varieties Technology, Plant, Patent, Lettuce
  13. Eating Disorders Victoria Medical, Health, Anorexia
  14. Electronic Dump Valve
  15. Epidermodysplasia Verruciformis Medical, Technology, Medicine, Disease, Human
  16. Earthquake Damage Visualizatitn
  17. Electronih Drawings Vault Science
  18. Envision Development Corporation Organizations, Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  19. Eamon De Valera
  20. Electroniu Drain Valves
  21. Envases Del Vallés
  22. Ende Der Vernunft Technology, Software, Linux
  23. Escola Desportiva De Viana
  24. Electronic Depressurizing Valve NASA
  25. European Disaster Volunteers
  26. Electric Depressurization Valve Space, Study, Cosmos
  27. Ensoniq Vfx-sd Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  28. Essentially Derived Variety Technology, Genetics, Plant, Protection
  29. Eyewitness Data Vault
  30. essential derivation of varities Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
  31. Experimentelle Daten Verarbeitung
  32. End-Diastolic Volume Medical, Physiology, Common Medical
  33. Excess Declared Valuation Military
  34. Endeavour Mining Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  35. Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle-Derived Vehicle Technology, Science, Space, NASA
  36. Elderstreet Downing VCT Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  37. Every Day Value Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EDV stand for?

    EDV stands for Electronic Duversity Visa.

  2. What is the shortened form of European Disaster Volunteers?

    The short form of "European Disaster Volunteers" is EDV.


EDV. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/edv-meaning/

Last updated