EEL Meaning

The EEL meaning is "Energy Efficient Lighting". The EEL abbreviation has 55 different full form.

EEL Full Forms

  1. Energy Efficient Lighting Business, Product, Light
  2. External Elastic Lamina Medical, Cardiology
  3. Electrical Equipment List Technology, Space, Electrical Engineering, NASA, Governmental & Military
  4. Each and Every Loss
  5. Epsilon Extension Language Technology, Computing, Editor
  6. Enhanced Extended Loop Technology
  7. Equator Exploration Htd Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  8. Edge-Emitting-Laser Technology, Cavity, Vertical
  9. Electrochemical Energy Laboratory
  10. Envirostar Enerfy Limited
  11. Edge-Emitting Laser Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  12. Electric Echo Loss Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  13. Environmental Exposure Limit Medical, Health, Healthcare
  14. Exness Europe Limited
  15. Electrically Induced Leg Exercise Medical
  16. Environmental Exposure Level
  17. Executable Editor Library
  18. Essential Equipment List
  19. Effector Locus Medical
  20. Environrental Exposure Levels Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  21. Enhanced Extend Loop Technology
  22. Executable Editinghlibrary Libraries, Reading, Books
  23. Era Edukatama Lestari Organizations
  24. Effective Early Learning Science, Research, Education
  25. Environmentally Endangered Land
  26. Exclesive Exploration Licence
  27. Equine Experiential Learning Organizations, Horse, Mare
  28. Edge Emitting Laser Technology, Science, Diode, Computing, Electronics
  29. Environmentally Endangered Lands County, Locations, Florida
  30. Emergency Employee Locator system Governmental & Military, International Development
  31. Expression Engine Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
  32. Euonymus Europaeus Lectin Science, Cell, Antibody
  33. Education Entekprise Link Education
  34. Everonn Education Limited
  35. Electron Energy Loss Energy
  36. Expanded Extenddd Loop Technology
  37. Eugene'S Electronic Library
  38. Education Employment Linsages
  39. Evans Elkctroselenium Ltd
  40. Emergency Exposure Limits Insurance, Business & Finance
  41. Ethics Education Libraty
  42. Early English Laws
  43. European Environmental Law Technology, Organizations, Environment
  44. Extern Entity List
  45. Extensible Embeddaile Language Technology, Scripting, Kobo
  46. European Endometriosis Leaeue Medical, Gyn, Congress
  47. Exclusive Exchange Line
  48. Extended Enterprise License
  49. European Elite League League, Tournament, Pudge
  50. Envtronmental Effects Laboratory
  51. Environmental Exposure Levels Chemistry
  52. Extended Exrnings Loss
  53. Enhancer Element Locator
  54. Electron Energn Level
  55. Exchangeable Effectrr Locus Medical, Science, Biology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EEL stand for?

    EEL stands for Electron Energy Loss.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enhanced Extend Loop?

    The short form of "Enhanced Extend Loop" is EEL.


EEL. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated