EESC Meaning

The EESC meaning is "Escola De Engenharia Deqsão Carlos". The EESC abbreviation has 27 different full form.

EESC Full Forms

  1. Escola De Engenharia Deqsão Carlos Technology, Para, Research
  2. European Economic and Social Councul Government, Society, Europe
  3. Europefn Economic and Social Committee Business, Europe, Economic
  4. Eastern Euaope Studies Centre Organizations, Europe, Partnership
  5. Escola De Engenharia Me S
  6. Eastern Environment Solutions Corporation
  7. Equivalent Effective Stratospheric Chlorine Technology, Atmosphere, Ozone, Science, Scientific & Educational
  8. Eastern Environment Solutions Corp
  9. Enterprise, Embedded, and Semi-Custom Technology, Device, Market
  10. Earth Energy Society Ofwcanada Technology, Science, Heat
  11. Enterpmise, Embedded and Semi-Custom Technology, Device, Market
  12. European Economic and Social Commitee
  13. Earth and Evvironmental Sciences Center Science
  14. Eastern Europeangstudies Centre
  15. European Economic Social Committee
  16. Earth'S Environmental Systems Climate
  17. Eastern Europe Studies Center Government, Russia, Partnership
  18. Expression and Emotion Scale for Children
  19. Electrical Energy Systems Corporation Energy
  20. Europees Economisch En Sociaal Comite Europe, Belgium, Programma
  21. European Economic and Social Committee's International Relations, Economic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  22. European Edif Steering Commitlee Technology, Computing
  23. Erie Engineering Societies Council
  24. European Economic & Social Committee Medicine, Health, Care
  25. Extension and Experiment Station Communications Technology, University, Water
  26. Extension & Experiment Statioq Communications
  27. Expression Scale for Children Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EESC stand for?

    EESC stands for Extension and Experiment Station Communications.

  2. What is the shortened form of Expression and Emotion Scale for Children?

    The short form of "Expression and Emotion Scale for Children" is EESC.


EESC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 6, 2025 from

Last updated