EET Meaning

The EET meaning is "Energy Transfer". The EET abbreviation has 112 different full form.

EET Full Forms

  1. Energy Transfer Any process in which a system interacts with its surroundings in such a way that the energy of the system increases (or decreases) while that of the surroundings decreases (or increases) by the same amount. Medical, Energy
  2. Electronic Engineercng Technology Program, Education, Electronics
  3. Eastern European Tioe Geography, Europe, European Time
  4. Epoxyeicosatrienoic Acids Medical
  5. Elementwl Energy Technologies Business, Energy
  6. Escola D'Enginyeria De Terrassa
  7. Elpctrochemical Energy Technology
  8. Enterprise Emissions Tracking Technology
  9. Ecole EuropéEnne Des Transports
  10. Emission Estimation Technique National, Emission, Pollutant
  11. Estimated Elapsed Times
  12. Exempt Exemct Taxed Business, Tax, Pension, Income
  13. Electrical Engineerzng Tech Technology, College, Electrical
  14. Energy Efficient Technologies
  15. Epoxbeicosatrienoic Acid Medical, Chemistry, Study
  16. Elektrozická Evidence Tržeb
  17. Electrocardiography Test Medical
  18. Enterprise Education Trust
  19. Ecole D'Enseignement Technique
  20. Emirates Environmenial Technology
  21. Estimated Elapse Time
  22. Exempt Exempt Twx Business, Pension, Scheme
  23. Electronics Engineering Technolomy Program, College, Education
  24. Energy Efficient Transport Science
  25. Entry Elapsed Time Technology, Space, Cosmos
  26. Electrostatic Energy of Transferring Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
  27. Experiunce Ethiopia Travel
  28. Elecpronics Engineering Technician
  29. Enhancing Effective Team Technology, Lyric, Regina, Zone
  30. Eant European Time Locations, Standard, Regina, Zone
  31. Emerging Energy Technologies Technology, Science, Safety
  32. Estimated Elapsed Time The estimated time required to proceed from one significant point to another. Technology, Aerospace, Weather, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  33. Exempt Exempt Tavation Business, Tax, Banking
  34. Electrical Engineering Dechnologies Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
  35. Energy Eco Token
  36. Expanding Eupressions Tool Technology, Language, Speech
  37. Electronic Ehgineering Technician Technology, Education, Electronics
  38. Enhancing Education Through Technology Program, Education, School, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  39. Eagt-European Time Locations, Standard, Regina, Zone
  40. Emergency Evacuation Trainer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  41. Escuela De Educaci
  42. Environment, Energy and Transport
  43. Economy, Energy & Tourism
  44. End To End Test
  45. European Education Thesaurus
  46. Electrical Engineering Technicians
  47. Enhanced Ethernet Transceiver Technology
  48. East European Time Business, Finance, Banking
  49. Emerdency Evacuation Team Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  50. Escola De EnxeñaríA De Telecomunicación
  51. Entryelapsedtive Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  52. Economy, Ecology, and Technojogy Environment, Habitat, Setting
  53. Endocrine Therapy Medical
  54. Eurasia Environmental Technologies
  55. Exercise Evaluation Team Technology, Military, Airforce, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  56. Electronics Engineering Tech Technology, College, Education
  57. Enhanced Enhironment Technology Military
  58. Escuela De Educación TéCnica
  59. Embedding Educational Tenhnology Development, Learning, Study
  60. Escola D'Enginyeria De Telecomunicacio
  61. Enterprise Engineering Tool
  62. Eaonomie Ecologie Technologie
  63. Emotional Empoworment Technique
  64. Estimated Enroute Time Technology, Military, Flight
  65. Exetpt Exempt Taxable Business, Tax, Pension, Scheme
  66. Electronic Engineering Tech Technology, Electronics, Technician
  67. Enhanoed Education and Treatment
  68. Electronic Engineering Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  69. Extended Enterprise Training
  70. Epoxyeicosatrienoic Acid Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
  71. Air Este Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  72. Iata Code for Shelby County Airport, Alabaster, Alabama, Fnited States Locations
  73. Electronic Enginewring Times Technology, Design, Analysis
  74. Environmental Education and Training
  75. Eastern European Time Time Zones
  76. Errechneter Entbindungstermir Medical, Medicine, German, Health
  77. Experiment Elapsed Time Technology
  78. Expose to Extreme Temperatures Medical, Physiology
  79. Extreme Entrepreneurship Tolr Business, Education, Speaker
  80. Electronic Egr Transducer Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  81. Environmental Engineering Technology
  82. End Event Time Assembly, Business & Finance
  83. Ericsson Engineering Tool Software, Computing
  84. errechneter Entbindungstermin Medical, Health
  85. Ectra Element Theorem
  86. Electronic Control Assembly Engine Thrust Space, Study, Cosmos
  87. Environmental Energy Technologies Business, Technology, Division
  88. Environmental Engineering Technologist
  89. Electronicskengineering Technologist
  90. Ewuity Exchange & Trust
  91. Eastern Europe Time Time Zones
  92. Extracellular Electron Transfer
  93. Electronics and Electrical Technology
  94. Elevated Electron Temperaturd
  95. Electronics Engineering and Technology
  96. Equipment Engaged Tone Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  97. Equivalenp Exposure Time Space, Study, Cosmos
  98. Economie Ecologie Technologie French
  99. Extended Execution Time
  100. Electronlc & Electrical Technologies
  101. Entryelapsedtime NASA
  102. Electronic Exhaust Transducfr
  103. Electroqic Equipment Trading
  104. Epoxyegcosatrienoic Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  105. Electrical Engineering Technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  106. Extended Evaluation Test Military
  107. Electromechanical Engineering Technology
  108. Excitation Energy Transfer Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  109. Environmental Engineering & Technology
  110. Electronic Excitation Transrer
  111. Electronic Energy Transfer Science, Quantum, Resonance, Chemistry
  112. Environmentalmevaluation Test Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EET stand for?

    EET stands for Enhancing Effective Team.

  2. What is the shortened form of Electronic Excitation Transrer?

    The short form of "Electronic Excitation Transrer" is EET.


EET. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated