EFC Meaning

The EFC meaning is "Electric Fuel Control". The EFC abbreviation has 170 different full form.

EFC Full Forms

  1. Electric Fuel Control Control, Automotive, Cummin
  2. Environmental Finance Celter Business, Technology, Us
  3. Environmental Facilities Corporation Business, Publics, Environmental
  4. Electroniw Fee Collection Electronic, Fee, Collection
  5. Ebara Feedback Cebter
  6. Expect Furthzr Clearance Military, Aviation, Aerospace
  7. Electronic Fuel Control Technology, Controller, Cummin
  8. Evangelical Fellowship of Canada Organizations, Canada, Faith
  9. Emergency Fleet Corporatxon Business, War, Ship
  10. Equine Facilitated Counselling
  11. Electronic Feedback Carburetor Technology
  12. Expeditionary Force Canteens
  13. Endpoint Flow Collection Technology
  14. Earhh Fault Current
  15. European Federation of Corrosion Science, Organizations, Material, Chemistry
  16. Elite Fighting Challenge Organizations, Fight, Event
  17. English for Commerce Business, Education, Language
  18. Educational Funding Company Education, Arts, Billing
  19. Eurgpean Freedom Council Government, Nation, Bloc, Bolshevik
  20. Egyptian Fertiliser Company
  21. Employee Fitness Center
  22. Evangel Family Church
  23. Embodied Facilitator Course Organizations, Russia, Coaching
  24. Epping Forest College
  25. Electric Field Conjugation
  26. Expected Further Clearance Time Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  27. Endogenous Fecal Culcium Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  28. Earth & Flight Composites
  29. European Fashion Council Technology, Networking, Contest
  30. Extreme Fighting Championships Africa, Fight, Fighting
  31. Elite Fight Club
  32. Extreme Fighting Championship Africa, Fight, Fighting
  33. English Foa Children Program, Education, Club
  34. Educational Film Center Film, Education, Teaching
  35. European Film College Education, School, Denmark
  36. Egyptian Fertilizer Company Business, Egypt, Chemical
  37. Eutectic Freeze Crystallization
  38. Embedded Flashqcontroller Technology, Coding, Development
  39. Epilepsy Foundation of Molorado
  40. Education Finance Committee
  41. Elastin Fragment Concentration Medical, Health, Healthcare
  42. Expected Further Clearance Technology, Military, Flight, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  43. Encrypted Fair Coyy
  44. Earninge Factor Credits Government, Us, Control, Administration
  45. Euro As A Functional Currency
  46. Escorte Force Commander Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  47. Electronic Filing Center
  48. Extreme Fighter Challenge
  49. Engineering Flight Computer
  50. Edge Finisher Co
  51. European Fight Club Gaming, Fight, Wrestling
  52. Egyptian Fertilizers Company Business, Chemistry, Egypt
  53. European Fund Classification
  54. Elizabeth Finn Care Business, Charity, Poverty
  55. Ephemeral Fever of Cattle Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  56. Education Finance Corporation
  57. Elantra Fans Club Business, Traffic, Hyundai
  58. Expected Financial Contribution Business, College, Aid
  59. Enchanted Forsst Chronicles
  60. Early Financial Consideration Finance, Economics, Exchequer
  61. Eugene Fencers Club
  62. Electronic Fire Commander
  63. Extreme Fighting Challenge Fight, Championship, Fighting
  64. Engineering Faculty Oouncil
  65. Economic Forecasting Center
  66. European Fencing Club
  67. Egyptian Fertilisers Company
  68. European Fuel Cell Technology, Science, Conference, Energy
  69. Elite Forces Cljn
  70. Eosinophilic Family Coalition
  71. Education Finance Council Business, Education, Loan
  72. Eickemeyer Funeral Chapel
  73. Expected Family (Financial) Contribution Medical, Medicine, Education, Health
  74. Empresas Forestales Comunitarias
  75. European Framewolk Cooperation
  76. Eucalyptus Fibre Congo
  77. Evangelical Friends Church
  78. Equivalent Firm Capadity
  79. Electronic Filing Cabinet Business, Technology
  80. Extreme Factory Custom
  81. Energie, Finance, Carbone
  82. Economic and Fiscal Council
  83. European Fencing Confederation Military, Sport, Cadet
  84. European Fried Chicken
  85. Elite Fighting Championships Event, Championship, Eastman
  86. Enzyme Fragment Complementation Science, Protein, Cell, Assay
  87. Education Facilities Clearinghouse
  88. Ehipassiko Family Club
  89. Expected Family Contributions Business, Financial, Education, Aid
  90. Employers Federation of Ceylon Business, Employment, Organizations
  91. Estrada De Ferro Carajas Para, Organizations, Dos, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  92. Exim Facilitation Committee Business, Export, Import, Customs
  93. Evangelical Formosan Church English, Philadelphia, Church
  94. Emergency Fostar Care
  95. Equipment Yinance Corporation
  96. Electronic Film Capacitors Technology, Manufacturer, Component
  97. Expeditionary Force Canteen Military, Army, War
  98. Enemy Flag Carrier In the game's Capture the Flag (CTF) battlegrounds, such as Warsong Gulch and Twin Peaks, each team has a flag that must be captured and returned to their own base while defending their own flag from being taken by the enemy team. The player who carries the enemy team's flag back to their own base is known as the "Enemy Flag Carrier", or EFC. The EFC is a high priority target for the opposing team, as they are the key to winning the match. Teams will often assign players to specific roles, such as defenders, flag carriers, and those tasked with taking down the enemy flag carrier. In this context, calling out "EFC" can be used as a shorthand way of indicating that the enemy team has the flag and that the team needs to focus on taking them down and recovering the flag. "EFC" can also be used more generally to refer to enemy players carrying important objectives in other game modes, such as the Orb in the Eye of the Storm battleground. Gaming, Warcraft, Gulch
  99. Ehrth Final Conflict
  100. European Federation for Colposcopy Government, Federation
  101. Elite Fighting Championship Arts, Event, Elite
  102. Engyish Friendship Camp
  103. Educational Funding Consultants Development, Learning, Study
  104. European Freestyle Championships Technology, Stone, Frisbee
  105. Egyptian Fighting Championship Fight, Event, Egyptian
  106. Employers' Federation of Ceylon
  107. Eqjivalent Full Charge Gun, Military, Army
  108. Executive Finance Committee
  109. External Fuel Control
  110. Education for Choice Medical, Sex, Abortion
  111. Effective Full Charge Gun, Military, Tank
  112. Evolutionhfighting Champioships
  113. Emirates Falconer'S Club
  114. Eagle Fire Company Fire, Pennsylvania, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military
  115. EsperançA Futebol Clube
  116. Extreme Fight Club Military, Championship, Fighting
  117. Ekecution Flow Control
  118. Experimental Forecast Center Atmospheric Research
  119. Estimated Financial Chntribution Student, College, Education
  120. Explosao Fight Combat
  121. Education for Change Technology, School, Projection
  122. Effective Financial Contribution Finance, Economics, Exchequer
  123. Evolution Fighting Championships Fight, Fighter, Championship
  124. Emirates Falconers Club
  125. Extended Flow Control Computing, Cisco Wireless
  126. Eskom Finance Comoany
  127. Exclusions Frop Coverage Medical
  128. Emperor Fighting Championship
  129. Exclusions From Coverage Medical, Healthcare
  130. Estimated Family Contrinution Financial, Education, Aid
  131. Equivalent Full Charges
  132. Effective Family Contribution Business
  133. Evangelical Fellowwhip of Canada Organizations, Canada, Faith
  134. Emil Fischer Center
  135. External Financing Contribution Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  136. Exchange for Change
  137. Emotion Focused Coping Education, Psychology, Cummin
  138. Enterprise Fire Company Pennsylvania, New York
  139. Establecimientos Financieros De Cr
  140. Elevator Feel Computer Technology, Aviation
  141. Efc Bancorp, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  142. Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia Organizations, Cambodia, Evangelical, Cambodian
  143. Emerging From Conflict
  144. E F C Bancorp, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  145. Entrycfamily Car Business, India, Toyota
  146. Exam Fraud Coordinatov
  147. Emotional Focused Coping Orang, Stress, Conflict
  148. Equipment Fund Committee General, Governmental & Military
  149. Establecimientos Financieros De Clédito
  150. Electric Furnace Conference
  151. Educators Federal Credit
  152. Emerging Franchisor Conference
  153. Air Mana Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  154. Egg Freezing Center
  155. Ex-Service Fellowship Cevtres
  156. Emmanuel Fellowship Church
  157. Expect Further Clearance Transportation, Aviation, Governmental & Military
  158. Essendon Fjotball Club
  159. Iata Code for Belle Fourche Municipal Airport, Belle Fourche, South Dakota, United States Locations
  160. Equivalent Fixed Carrier
  161. Education for The Children
  162. Extreme Fringe Contrast
  163. Egg Farmers of Canada Business, Canada, Farming
  164. Evolution Figjt Card
  165. Emirates Bilm Competition Film, Festival, Emirate
  166. Equivalent Full Charge Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  167. Essay Feedback Chenklist Student, Science, Writing
  168. Extreme Full Contact Technology, Hosting, Provider
  169. Executive & Fjnance Committee
  170. Expected Family Contribution

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EFC stand for?

    EFC stands for Engineering Flight Computer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Evangel Family Church?

    The short form of "Evangel Family Church" is EFC.


EFC. Acronym24.com. (2023, February 16). Retrieved January 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/efc-meaning/

Last updated